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Search Medical Device Adverse Events (MAUDE)
Device Name
Manufacturer Name
510K Number
PMA Number
Narrative Text
FDA Receipt Date
Event Type
No Answer Provided
Device Problem
Aborted charge
Accessory incompatible
Accuracy rate
Adaptor, failure of
Agglutinate, failure to
Air eliminator, defective
Air leak
Alarm not visible
Alarm system, failure of check-catheter
Alarm system, failure of gas-leak/loss
Alarm system, failure of message-battery status
Alarm system, failure of message-check electrode
Alarm system, failure of message-leads off
Alarm system, failure of message-service
Alarm, audible
Alarm, error of warning
Alarm, failure of arterial pressure
Alarm, failure of fast heart rate
Alarm, failure of high inspiratory pressure
Alarm, failure of low flow
Alarm, failure of low inspiratory pressure
Alarm, failure of warning
Alarm, intermittent
Alarm, no lead
Algorithms, inconsistent
Altitude variations
Ambient noise issue
Ambient temperature issue
Antenna, failure of
Application interface becomes non-functional or program exits abnormally
Application network issue
Application program issue
Application program version or upgrade problem
Application security issue
Applicator failure
Arcing at electrodes
Arcing at paddles
Aspiration issue
Aspiration, excessive
Aspiration, incomplete
Augmentation, loss of
Automatic injection system overinfusion
Automatic injection system underinfusion
Automatic injection system, failure to infuse
Automatic injection system, incompatible
Bacterial contamination of device
Balloon asymmetrical
Balloon burst
Balloon leak(s)
Balloon mushroomed
Balloon pinhole
Balloon rupture
Battery charger, defective
Battery failure
Battery impedance issue
Battery issue
Biocompatibility issue
Biofilm coating in device
Biological environmental factor
Blank screen
Bleed back
Blockage within device or device component
Blocked connection
Blood gas measurements, erroneous
Blood in tubing
Blood pooling
Bolus mechanism failure
Bubble detector, failure of
Buckled material
Burn hole(s)
Burn of device or device component
Burrs, breakage of
Cable break
Cable, defective
Calibration error
Calibration issue
Cannula Guide Issue, No Description
Cannula Guide, Difficult to Locate
Cannula Guide, Needle Insertion Difficult
Capacitive coupling
Capturing issue
Carbon absorption
Cardiac enzyme evaluation, erroneous
Catheter withdrawal interference
Cathode ray tube (CRT) failure
Changes in ambient temperature in device environment
Charging issue
Chemical issue
Chemical reaction
Chemical spillage
Circuit breaker tripped
Circuit Failure
Clean, failure to
Clips, scissored
Close, difficult to
Clumping in device or device ingredient
Coagulation in device or device ingredient
Coefficient error
Collimator design problem
Colony forming units
Color Variation, Lens
Communication or transmission issue
Complete heart block
Component falling
Component incompatible
Component missing
Component or accessory incompatibility
Component(s), broken
Component(s), overheating of
Component(s), worn
Computer failure
Computer hardware error
Computer operating system issue
Computer software issue
Computer system security issue
Connection error
Connection issue
Connector pin failure
Contact lens, problem with trial set
Contamination during use
Contamination of device ingredient or reagent
Continuous firing
Continuous mode failure
Cool, failure to
Coolant, contraindicated
Cooling system, failure of
Counterbalance break
Couple, failure to
Cross connection
Cross reactivity
Cuff degeneration
Cut in material
Cutoff point
Cutter-torque-cable twisted or tangled
Data back-up problem
Data Issue
Date-related problem, year 2000 (Y2K)
Date-related software issue
Decrease in pressure
Decrease in suction
Decreased pump speed
Decreased sensitivity
Defective Alarm
Defective component
Defective item
Deflation due to capsulotomy
Deflation due to damage from surgical instrument
Deflation due to trauma
Deflation issue
Deflation, cause unknown
Deionizer, failure of
Delayed alarm
Delayed charge time
Delivered as unsterile product
Delivery system failure
Delivery System Issue, No Description
Dent in material
Deployment issue
Design/structure problem
Detachment of device component
Detachment of device or device component
Deterioration of prosthesis
Device abrasion from instrument or another object
Device alarm system issue
Device Cleaning Issue
Device clogged
Device Contamination with biological material
Device contamination with blood or blood product
Device damaged prior to use
Device Difficult to maintain
Device Difficult to Setup or Prepare
Device disinfection or sterilization issue
Device displays error message
Device emits odor
Device expiration issue
Device handling issue
Device ingredient or reagent issue
Device inoperable
Device Issue
Device maintenance issue
Device markings issue
Device misassembled during manufacturing or shipping
Device operates differently than expected
Device or device component damaged by another device
Device or device fragments location unknown
Device packaging compromised
Device remains activated
Device remains implanted
Device Rinsing Issue
Device sensing issue
Device stops intermittently
Device unsafe to use in environment
Device, or device fragments remain in patient
Device, removal of (non-implant)
Device-device incompatibility
Dialyzer, failure of
Difficult or delayed activation
Difficult to advance
Difficult to deploy
Difficult to flush
Difficult to fold or unfold
Difficult to insert
Difficult to interrogate
Difficult to open or close
Difficult to open or remove packaging material
Difficult to position
Difficult to Program or Calibrate
Difficult to remove
Disc, incomplete opening of
Disinfection or Sterilization Issue at User Location
Disinfection, inadequate/improper
Dislodged or dislocated
Display misread
Distilled water, contaminated
Dome collapse
Dose calculation error due to software problem
Dry, failure to
EKG/ECG analysis, failure to perform
Elective removal
Elective replacement
Electrical issue
Electrical overstress
Electrical power problem
Electrical shorting
Electrical wires, defective
Electro-magnetic interference (EMI)
Electro-magnetic interference (EMI), compatibility/incompatibility
Electro-static discharge
Electrode contact(s), problem with
Electrode(s), degeneration of
Electrode(s), failure of
Electrode(s), fracture of
Electrode(s), migration of
Electromagnetic compatibility issue
Electronic property issue
Emergency power failure
Emergency stop button or switch failure
Emergency table stop failure
End of prosthetic life
Endarterectomy suture breakage
Endoscopic accessory fire or melt
Energy output to patient tissue incorrect
Energy spectrum incorrect
Entrapment of device or device component
Environmental control or utility issue
Environmental Particulates
Erratic display
Error or warning message, failure to produce
Excess flow or overinfusion
Excessive cooling
Excessive Manipulation
Exit block
Expiration date error
External fiberoptic break
Extraneous radiofrequency wave transmission
Extrusion, impending
Fail-safe design failure
Fail-safe mechanism issue
Failure of device to self-test
Failure to Adhere or Bond
Failure to advance
Failure to align
Failure to analyze rhythm
Failure to auto stop
Failure to back-up
Failure to calibrate
Failure to capture
Failure to charge
Failure to conduct
Failure to convert rhythm
Failure to convert to back-up
Failure to cut
Failure to cycle
Failure to deliver
Failure to deliver countershock
Failure to deliver energy
Failure to deploy
Failure to discharge
Failure to disconnect
Failure to disinfect
Failure to expand
Failure to fire
Failure to flush
Failure to fold
Failure to form staple
Failure to infuse
Failure to interrogate
Failure to obtain samples
Failure to osseointegrate
Failure to pace or properly pace
Failure to power-up
Failure to prime
Failure to pump
Failure to read input signal
Failure to recalibrate
Failure to remove enzymatic cleaner
Failure to reset
Failure to run on AC/DC
Failure to run on portable mode
Failure to select signal
Failure to sense
Failure to separate
Failure to service
Failure to shock or properly shock
Failure to shut off
Failure to spike
Failure to sterilize
Failure to transmit record
Failure to unfold or unwrap
Failure to unwrap
Failure to zero
Failure, intermittent
False alarm
False claim
False device output
False negative result
False positive result
False reading from device non-compliance
Fiberguide incompatibility
Fiberoptic break/separation
Fiberoptic cladding material separation
Fiberoptic cleaver, failure of
Filling problem
Film processing, inadequate
Film processor failure
Filter break(s)
Filter leak(s)
Filter tear(s)
Filter, assembly
Filter, inadequate
Filtration issue
Fitting problem
Flare or flash
Flashpoint threshold met
Fluid leak
Fluid/volume, increased
Folding Issue
Footrest break
Footrest detachment
Footswitch failure
Foreign material
Foreign material present in device
Free or unrestricted flow
Fumes or vapors
Function indicator light(s), failure of
Fungus in device environment
Fuse, blown
Gain, inadequate
Gas delivery system failure
Gas leak
Gel leak
Glass, shattered
Gradient increase
Grounding malfunction
Growth, will not support
Handpiece break
Handpiece detachment
Handrest break
Handrest detachment
Haptic Damaged in Delivery System
Haptic Issue, No Description
Haptic Stuck in Delivery System
Haptic(s), bent
Haptic(s), broken
Haptic(s), detached
Haptic(s), dislocated
Haptic(s), fractured
Haptic, Kinked
Haptic, Missing
Haptic, Stuck to Optic
Head immobilizer failure
Heat, failure to
Hermetic seal, loss of
High battery impedance
High capture threshold
High flux rate
High impedance
High pH
High Readings
High sensing threshold
High test results
Hole in material
Hose line occlusion
Hose line rupture
Hose mismatch
Hot oil leak
Human-Device Interface Issue
Hybrid failure
Hydraulic system failure
Hydrogen peroxide sterilization, explosion during
Image display error
Image orientation incorrect
Image resolution poor
Image reversal
Immediate/early load (prior to four - six month traditional time period)
Impedance issue
Implant breakage or physical damage
Implant extrusion
Implant Mobility NOS (Not otherwise specified)
Implant overload
Implant, removal of
Implant, repositioning of
Implant, reprogramming of
Improper alarm
Improper chemical reaction
Improper device output
Improper flow or infusion
Improper gas output
Improper or incorrect procedure or method
Inability to autofill
Inability to irrigate
Inaccurate delivery
Inaccurate dispensing
Inaccurate flowrate
Inaccurate synchronization
Inadequate filtration process
Inadequate instructions for healthcare professional
Inadequate instructions for non-healthcare professional
Inadequate lighting
Inadequate service
Inadequate storage
Inadequate training
Inadequate user interface
Inappropriate or unexpected reset
Inappropriate prompts
Inappropriate shock
Inaudible voice prompts
Incompatibility problem
Incomplete coaptation
Incomplete or missing packaging
Incorrect device or component shipped
Incorrect display
Incorrect error code
Incorrect interpretation of rhythm
Incorrect measurement
Incorrect or inadequate result
Incorrect or inadequate test results
Incorrect software programming calculations
Increase in pressure
Increase in suction
Increased pump speed
Increased sensitivity
Inflation issue
Infusion or flow issue
Injector system failure, no infusion
Injector system failure, overinfusion of
Injector system failure, underinfusion of
Installation error
Installation-related problem
Instruction for use issue
Insufficient cooling
Insufficient flow or underinfusion
Insufficient heating
Insulation degradation
Insulation failure
Insulation, detached
Insulation, discolored
Insulation, hole(s) in
Insulation, none
Intended use for traditional use
Intended use for transitional use
Intended use of immediate/early load
Interference with monitoring device
Interference with pacemaker
Interlock(s), failure of
Interlumen communication
Intermittent capture
Intermittent continuity
Intermittent infusion
Intermittent shock
Internal fixation, revision of
Intra-cavity procedure, fiberoptic break or fragmentation during
Intraprocedure, fire or flash during
Invalid sensing
Issue with displayed error message
Item contaminated during manufacturing or shipping
IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device), removal of
IV catheter pull out
IV pole, detachment of parts from
Labeling, missing
Lack of maintenance documentation or guidelines
Laparoscopic sterilization
Laser nozzle separation
Laser output above specifications
Laser output, unintended
Laser pulse timing error
Laser tip separation
Lead tip breakage at implant, fragments remain in ventricle
Lead(s), breakage of
Lead(s), burn(s) from
Lead(s), electrocution from
Lead(s), fracture of
Lead(s), shock from
Leaflet disc escape
Leaflet disruption due to suture abrasion
Leaflet disruption, cause unknown
Leaflet fracture
Leak(s) from hydraulic bed system
Lens (IOL), defective, problem not specified
Lens (IOL), dislocated intraocular
Lens (IOL), line, crease on
Lens (IOL), migration of intraocular
Lens (IOL), nicked, chipped
Lens (IOL), scratch, mark on
Lens (IOL), torn, split, cracked
Lens aberration, distortion of
Lens Damaged in Delivery System
Lens implant
Lens Issue, No Description
Lens replacement
Lens Stuck in Delivery System
Lens washers, failure of
Lens, aspherical
Lens, bifocal
Lens, cloudy
Lens, damaged by cartridge
Lens, deposits on
Lens, difficulty loading into cartridge
Lens, disc
Lens, discoloration of
Lens, malposition of
Lens, multifocal
Lens, opacification of
Lens, repositioning of
Lens, stuck in cartridge
Lens, Stuck to Itself
Lens, toric
Lens, vaulting
Light interference
Locking mechanism failure
Lockout mechanism failure
Loose or intermittent connection
Loss of Data
Loss of or failure to bond
Loss of osseointegration
Loss of power
Loss of threshold
Low audible alarm
Low battery
Low battery impedance
Low impedance
Low readings
Low sensing threshold
Low test results
Magnet failure
Magnet mode discrepancy
Magnetic interference
Maintenance does not comply to manufacturers recommendations
Malposition of device
Manufacturing or shipping issue associated with device
Markings unclear
Markings, none
Material deformation
Material discolored
Material disintegration
Material Distortion
Material erosion
Material fragmentation
Material frayed
Material integrity issue
Material invagination
Material opacification
Material perforation
Material Protrusion
Material puncture
Material rigid or stiff
Material rupture
Material separation
Material torqued
Material twisted
Measurement system incompatibility
Measurements, inaccurate
Mechanical issue
Mechanical jam
Mechanics altered
Medical Gas Supply problem
Medication Error
Membrane leak(s)
Membrane tear(s)
Metal shedding debris
Meter failure
Method, improper/incorrect
Migration of device or device component
Milliamps (MA) rate, unable to increase
Misassembled by Users
Misshaped Lens (Warped, not round)
Missing test results
Moisture damage
Moisture or humidity problem
Monitor display alarm, failure of
Monitor failure
Motion detector failure
Motor drive unit (MDU) stalled or jammed
Motor failure
Naturally worn
Needle, dull
Needle, extra
Needle, separation
Needle, unsheathed
No code available
No device output
No display or display failure
No fail-safe mechanism
No flow
No Information
No Known Device Problem
No pacing
No Pressure
No telemetry
No voice prompts
Noise, Audible
Nonstandard device or device component
Not Applicable
Not audible alarm
Nozzle Tip Issue, No Description
Nozzle Tip, Rough
Nozzle Tip, Stressed, Split
Obstruction within device
Occlusion within device
Occlusion, incorrect
Operating system becomes non-functional
Operating system version or upgrade problem
Optic Edge Issue
Optical decentration
Optical discoloration
Optical distortion
Optical issue
Optical obstruction
Osseointegration issue
Other (for use when an appropriate device code cannot be identified)
Out-of-box failure
Output above specifications
Output below specifications
Output energy incorrect
Output issue
Output, high
Output, low
Overheating of device or device component
Pacer found in back-up mode
Pacing asynchronously
Pacing inadequately
Pacing intermittently
Packaging issue
Pallet break
Pallet crack(s)
Parameter calculation error due to software problem
Paravalvular leak
Paravalvular leak(s)
Patch test, abnormal results of
Patient Data Issue
Patient-device incompatibility
Perivalvular leak
pH, low
Phantom problem
Photomultiplier (PM) tube, defective
Physical resistance
Pipette, failure to aspirate
Plunger Issue, No Description
Plunger not Aligned Properly
Plunger Override
Pocket stimulation
Poor gas exchange
Poor quality image
Port leak(s)
Positioning Issue
Potentiometer readings, high
Potentiometer readings, low
Power calculation error due to software problem
Power Conditioning Issue
Power source issue
Pre or post-pumping problem
Precipitate in device or device ingredient
Premature deployment
Premature discharge of battery
Premature elective replacement indicator
Premature end-of-life indicator
Premature explantation
Premature indicator activation
Premature system activation
Prep, failure to
Pressure issue
Pressure sensor failure
Pressure, insufficient
Probe failure
Problem with software installation
Product quality issue
Program, failure to
Programming issue
Prompts will not clear
Protective measure issue
Pumping issue
Pumping stopped
R on T phenomenon
Radiation exposure, unintended
Radiation leak
Radiation overexposure
Radiation Overexposure
Radiation underexposure
Radiation Underexposure
Radio signal problem
Radiofrequency interference (RFI)
Rate modulated pacing sensor, failure of
Receiver failure
Receiver stimulator unit, failure of
Reflux within device
Reset issue
Residue after decontamination
Resistance, inadequate
Resistance, loss of
Respirator, detachment from
Restricted flowrate
Retraction problem
Reverse osmosis
Rhythm, failure to diagnose
Rupture due to capsulotomy
Rupture due to damage from surgical instrument
Rupture due to trauma
Rupture, cause unknown
Rupture, fold or crease due to
Safety interlock(s) inadequate
Saline, use of homemade
Salt tablet(s), use of
Scratched material
Screw head(s), incorrect
Screw tapper, damaged
Seal, defective
Seal, incorrect
Sediment filter problems
Sediment, precipitate or deposit in device or device ingredient
Self-activation or keying
Semiautomatic code, failure to override
Sensing intermittently
Sensor problems
Shaft break
Shaft, split
Shelf life exceeded
Shielding failure
Shielding, inadequate
Shipping damage or problem
Shock counters, resetting of
Shock, electrical
Shock, failure to advise
Short fill
Shoulder rest, detachment of
Shoulder support, detachment of
Shunts, failure of
Shutter failure
Side rails, failure of
Size incorrect for patient
Slippage of device or device component
Solder joint failure
Source, detachment from
Source, incorrect
Source, leak(s) from
Source, unretracted
Specialty beds, rips/tears in
Speech processor failure
Spillage, accidental
Spring loading mechanism problem
Steering wire problem
Stopcock valve, failure of
Structural problem
Strut fracture
Stuck in inspiratory or expiratory phase
Suction issue
Surgical graft, failure of
Suspect EMI
Suture line disruption
Suture line separation
Syringe drive problem
Syringe markings inaccurate
Syringe markings, incorrectly placed
Syringe, defective
Syringe, hole(s) in
System fails to activate
Table break
Table collapse
Table incrementation incorrect
Table top motion, unintended
Table, tilting
Tap water, use of
Tear, rip or hole in device packaging
Tears, rips, holes in device, device material
Telemetry discrepancy
Temperature issue
Temperature probe, loose
Test strips, incompatible
Therapeutic or diagnostic output failure
Therapy delivered to incorrect body area
Threader failure
Tidal volume fluctuations
Timer failure
Timer malfunction
Tip breakage
Tomographic pallet crack(s)
Torn material
Traditional use
Transducer failure
Transducer overheating
Transducer probe overheating
Transitional use
Transmitter failure
Trocar failure
Trocar/fiber incompatibility
Trocar/instrument incompatibility
Tube(s), buckling of
Tube(s), defective
Tube(s), exploding of
Tube(s), shattering of
Tube(s), splitting of
Tubing, incorrect placement of
Ultraviolet absorbing
Unable to confirm conditions of use
Unable to interrogate
Unable to obtain readings
Unauthorized access to computer system
Unexpected therapeutic results
Unfold, difficult to
Unintended arm motion
Unintended collision
Unintended ejection
Unintended energization
Unintended head motion
Unintended magnet quench
Unintended movement
Unintended system motion
Unit inactivated
Unknown (for use when the device problem is not known)
Unraveled material
Unsealed device packaging
Unstable capture threshold
Unwrap, difficult to
Use of Device Issue
Use of Incorrect Control Settings
User used incorrect product for intended use
Vacuum, loss of
Valve(s), defective
Valve(s), failure of
Valve(s), sticking
Ventilation issue in device environment
Volume accuracy issue
Warning light, incorrect
Water purification system, failure of
Water softener process, failure of
Water softener regeneration cycle, mistiming of
Water treatment
Wavelength, incorrect
Wedge filter problem
Wedge, difficult to
Wire(s), breakage of
Wireless communication issue
Year 2000 (Y2K) related problem
Device Code
1-Nitroso-2-Naphthol (Fluorometric), Free Tyrosine
11-Dehydro Thromboxane B2 Kit, Urinary
2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene (Spectroscopic), Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, Lactate Dehydrogenase
2009 H1n1 Influenza Virus (Swine Origin), Nucleic Acid Or Antigen, Detection And Identification
21-Hydroxylase Antibody (21-Ohab)
3d Laser Scanning System
5-Amp-Phosphate Release (Colorimetric Test), 5'-Nucleotidase
5-Fluorouracil Assay
Aberrometer, Ophthalmic
Ablation System, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (Hifu), Mr-Guided
Abnormal Hemoglobin Quantitation
Absorbent, Carbon-Dioxide
Absorber, Carbon-Dioxide
Absorber, Saliva, Paper
Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous
Accelerator, Linear, Medical
Accessories, A-V Shunt
Accessories, Blood Circuit, Hemodialysis
Accessories, Catheter
Accessories, Catheter, G-U
Accessories, Cleaning Brushes, For Endoscope
Accessories, Cleaning, For Endoscope
Accessories, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal
Accessories, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body
Accessories, Germicide, Cleaning, For Endoscopes
Accessories, Implant, Dental, Endosseous
Accessories, Operating-Room, Table (Kit)
Accessories, Photographic, For Endoscope (Exclude Light Sources)
Accessories, Pump, Infusion
Accessories, Retractor, Dental
Accessories, Soft Lens Products
Accessories, Solution, Ultrasonic Cleaners For Lenses
Accessories, Traction
Accessories, Wheelchair
Accessory - Film Dosimetry System
Accessory Equipment, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Accessory To Continuous Ventilator (Respirator)
Accessory, Assisted Reproduction
Accessory, Surgical Apparel
Accessory, System, External Fixator, Containing Antimicrobial Agent
Accessory,Barium Sulfate,Methyl Methacrylate For Cranioplasty
Acetylcholine Chloride, Specific Reagent For Pseudo Cholinesterase
Acid Hematin
Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic), Tartrate Inhibited
Acid Phosphatase, Beta Glycerophosphate
Acid Phosphatase, Cytochemical
Acid Phosphatase, Disodium Phenylphosphate
Acid Phosphatase, Naphthyl Phosphate
Acid Phosphatase, Nitrophenylphosphate
Acid Phosphatase, Thymol Blue Monophosphate
Acid Phosphatase, Thymolphthale Inmonophosphate
Acid, Alpha-Ketobutyric And Nadh (U.V.), Hydroxybutyric Dehydrogenase
Acid, Aniline, Fuchsin
Acid, Ascorbic, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (Spectrophotometric)
Acid, Delta-Aminolevulinic, Ion-Exchange Columns With Colorimetry
Acid, Ferric Ion-Sulfuric, Cholesterol
Acid, Folic, Radioimmunoassay
Acid, Fuchsin
Acid, Hematein
Acid, Hyaluronic, Intraarticular
Acid, Hydroxyazobenzene-Benzoic, Albumin
Acid, Lactic, Enzymatic Method
Acid, Nitrous And Nitrosonaphthol, 5-Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid/Serotonin
Acid, Osmic
Acid, Oxalacetic And Nadh Oxidation (U.V.), Malic Dehydrogenase
Acid, Periodic
Acid, Phosphoric-Tungstic (Spectrophotometric), Chloride
Acid, Pyruvic, Enzymatic (U.V.)
Acid, Trifluoroacetic, Vitamin A, Hexane Extraction
Acid, Uric, Acid Reduction Of Ferric Ion
Acid, Uric, Phosphotungstate Reduction
Acid, Uric, Uricase (Colorimetric)
Acid, Uric, Uricase (Gasometric)
Acid, Uric, Uricase (Oxygen Rate)
Acid, Uric, Uricase (U.V.)
Acid, Vanilmandelic, Diazo, P-Nitroaniline/Vanillin
Acid, Vanilmandelic, Electrophoretic Separation
Acridine Orange
Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time
Activator, Ultraviolet, For Polymerization
Actuator, Syringe, For Injector, Reprocessed
Actuator, Syringe, Injector Type
Adapter, A-V Shunt Or Fistula
Adaptometer (Biophotometer)
Adaptometer (Biophotometer), Software-Based Data Acquistion And Stimulus Generation
Adaptor To The Cord, For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
Adaptor, Bulbs, Miscellaneous, For Endoscope
Adaptor, Catheter
Adaptor, Dressing
Adaptor, Fistula
Adaptor, Grooming
Adaptor, Holder, Syringe
Adaptor, Hygiene
Adaptor, Lead Switching, Electrocardiograph
Adaptor, Recreational
Adaptor, Short Increment Sensitivity Index (Sisi)
Adaptor, Shunt
Adaptor, Stopcock, Manifold, Fitting, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Adaptor, Ureteral Catheter
Adaptor, Y
Adenine Nucleotide Quantitation
Adhesive Backed Thermal Skin Patches
Adhesive, Albumin-Based
Adhesive, Bracket And Tooth Conditioner, Resin
Adhesive, Denture, Acacia And Karaya With Sodium Borate
Adhesive, Denture, Acacia And Karaya With Sodium Borate > 12% By Weight
Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (32%) And Ethylene-Oxide Homopolymer
Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (40-100&)
Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (49%) And Ethylene-Oxide Homopolymer
Adhesive, Denture, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium And Cationic Polyacrylamide Polymer
Adhesive, Denture, Karaya
Adhesive, Denture, Karaya And Ethylene-Oxide Homopolymer
Adhesive, Denture, Karaya With Sodium Borate
Adhesive, Denture, Polyacrylamide Polymer (Modified Cationic)
Adhesive, Denture, Polyvinyl Methylether Maleic Acid Calcium-Sodium Double Salt
Adhesive, Tissue For Aneurysmorrhaphy
Adminstration Set Docking Station
Adsorbents, Ion-Exchange
Agent, Absorbable Hemostatic, Collagen Based
Agent, Absorbable Hemostatic, Non-Collagen Based
Agent, Bulking, Injectable For Gastro-Urology Use
Agent, Chelating For Decalcification
Agent, Clearing
Agent, Injectable, Embolic
Agent, Polishing, Abrasive, Oral Cavity
Agent, Tooth Bonding, Resin
Agents,Embolic,For Treatment Of Uterine Fibroids
Agglutination Method, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Aggregometer, Platelet, Photo-Optical Scanning
Aggregometer, Platelet, Thrombokinetogram
Aggregrometer, Platelet
Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Aid, Surgical, Viscoelastic
Aid, Transfer
Aid, Vision Image Intensification
Aid, Vision, Electronic, Ac-Powered
Aid, Vision, Electronic, Battery-Powered
Aid, Vision, Optical, Ac-Powered
Aid, Vision, Optical, Battery-Powered
Aid, Visual, For Nausea
Aids, Speech Training For The Hearing Impaired (Ac-Powered And Patient-Contact)
Aids, Speech Training For The Hearing Impaired (Battery-Operated Or Non-Patient)
Air Filter Portable Apparatus
Air Traffic Control
Airway Monitoring System
Airway Suction Kit
Airway, Esophageal (Obturator)
Airway, Nasopharyngeal
Airway, Oropharyngeal, Anesthesiology
Alarm, Blood-Pressure
Alarm, Conditioned Response Enuresis
Alarm, Leakage Current, Portable
Alarm, Pillow Pressure
Albumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Albumin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Albumin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alcian Blue
Alcohol Control Materials
Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Specific Reagent For Ethanol Enzyme Method
Aldehyde Fuchsin
Algesimeter, Manual
Algesimeter, Powered
Aligner, Beam, X-Ray
Aligner, Bracket, Orthodontic
Aligner, Sequential
Alignment Laser Product
Alizarin Red
Alizarin Sulfonate, Calcium
Alkaline Phosphatase
Alkaline Picrate, Colorimetry, Creatinine
Alloy, Amalgam
Alloy, Gold-Based Noble Metal
Alloy, Metal, Base
Alloy, Other Noble Metal
Alpha 2, 2n-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1 Microglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-Acid-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Kit, Qualitative Phenotype
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-B-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-Lipoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-1-T-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-2-Ap-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-2-Glycoproteins, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-2-Hs-Glycoprotein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Alpha-Naphthyl Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Amalgamator, Dental, Ac-Powered
Amikacin Serum Assay
Ammoniacal Silver Hydroxide Silver Nitrate
Ammonium Molybdate And Ammonium Vanadate, Phospholipids
Amnioscope, Transabdominal (Fetoscope) (And Accessories)
Amplifier And Signal Conditioner, Biopotential
Amplifier And Signal Conditioner, Transducer Signal
Amplifier, Physiological Signal
Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalograph
Amyloclastic, Amylase
Anaerobic Box Glove
Analytical Measuring And Detection Laser Product
Analyzer, Body Composition
Analyzer, Chemistry (Photometric, Discrete), For Clinical Use
Analyzer, Chemistry (Sequential Multiple, Continuous Flow) Clinical Use
Analyzer, Chemistry, Centrifugal, For Clinical Use
Analyzer, Chemistry, Micro, For Clinical Use
Analyzer, Chromosome, Automated
Analyzer, Data, Obstetric
Analyzer, Diagnostic, Fiber Optic (Colon)
Analyzer, Enzyme, For Clinical Use
Analyzer, Gas, Argon, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Carbon-Dioxide, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Carbon-Dioxide, Partial Pressure, Blood-Phase, Indwelling
Analyzer, Gas, Carbon-Monoxide, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Desflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
Analyzer, Gas, Enflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
Analyzer, Gas, Halothane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Conc.)
Analyzer, Gas, Helium, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Isoflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
Analyzer, Gas, Neon, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Nitrogen, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Nitrogen, Partial Pressure, Blood-Phase, Non-Indwelling
Analyzer, Gas, Nitrous-Oxide, Gaseous Phase (Anesthetic Conc.)
Analyzer, Gas, Oxygen, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Gas, Oxygen, Partial Pressure, Blood-Phase, Indwelling
Analyzer, Gas, Sevoflurane, Gaseous-Phase (Anesthetic Concentration)
Analyzer, Gas, Water Vapor, Gaseous-Phase
Analyzer, Heparin, Automated
Analyzer, Hydrogen Gas
Analyzer, Ion, Hydrogen-Ion (Ph), Blood-Phase, Indwelling
Analyzer, Nitric Oxide
Analyzer, Nitrogen Dioxide
Analyzer, Oxyhemoglobin Concentration, Blood-Phase, Indwelling
Analyzer, Pacemaker Generator Function
Analyzer, Pacemaker Generator Function, Indirect
Analyzer, Rigidity
Analyzer, Spectrum, Electroencephalogram Signal
Analyzer,Medical Image
Anchor, Fascial
Anchor, Preformed
Anchor, Suture, Bone Fixation, Metallic
Anesthesia Breathing Circuit Kit (Adult & Pediatric)
Anesthesia Conduction Kit
Anesthesia Kit
Angiography/Angioplasty Kit
Angioscopic Valvulotime Kit
Aniline Blue
Ankle Arthroplasty Implantation System
Anoscope And Accessories
Anti Fog Solution And Accessories, Endoscopy
Anti-Dna Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Control
Anti-Dna Antibody, Antigen And Control
Anti-Dna Indirect Immunofluorescent Solid Phase
Anti-Glutamate Receptor (Type Nmda) Ifa
Anti-Human Globulin, Fta-Abs Test
Anti-Jcv Antibody Detection Assay
Anti-Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin Igg
Anti-Ribosomal P Antibodies
Anti-Rnp Antibody, Antigen And Control
Anti-Sm Antibody, Antigen And Control
Anti-Ss-A 52 Autoantibodies
Anti-Theft Detector (Non-Eas)
Antibodies, Anti-Actin, Anti-Smooth Muscle
Antibodies, Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (Ccp)
Antibodies, Gliadin
Antibodies, Outer-Membrane Proteins
Antibodies,Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (S.Cerevisiae)
Antibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus
Antibody Igm,If, Cytomegalovirus Virus
Antibody To Htlv-1, Elisa
Antibody,Monoclonal Blocking,Hiv-1
Antideoxyribonuclease, Streptococcus Spp.
Antigen(Complexed),Prostate Specific,(Cpsa)
Antigen, Agglutinating, Echinococcus Spp.
Antigen, Antiserum, Control, Antithrombin Iii
Antigen, B. Parapertussis
Antigen, B. Pertussis
Antigen, Bentonite Flocculation, Trichinella Spiralis
Antigen, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, Other
Antigen, C. Difficile
Antigen, Cancer 549
Antigen, Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (Comp)
Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Cytomegalovirus
Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Epstein-Barr Virus
Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2
Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Mumps Virus
Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Rubella
Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Controls), Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Antigen, Cf And/Or Id, Coccidioides Immitis
Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Rubeola
Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Varicella-Zoster
Antigen, Cf, Aspergillus Spp.
Antigen, Cf, B. Dermatitidis
Antigen, Cf, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus
Antigen, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia Group)
Antigen, Cf, Q Fever
Antigen, Cf, Spotted Fever Group
Antigen, Cf, T. Cruzi
Antigen, Cf, Typhus Fever Group
Antigen, Ebv, Capsid
Antigen, Elisa, Cryptococcus
Antigen, Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Antigen, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
Antigen, Fluorescent Antibody Test, Schistosoma Mansoni
Antigen, Galactomannan, Aspergillus Spp.
Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Mumps Virus
Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Rubella
Antigen, Ha (Including Ha Control), Rubeola
Antigen, Id, Candida Albicans
Antigen, Id, Ha, Cep, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp.
Antigen, Iha, Cytomegalovirus
Antigen, Iha, T. Cruzi
Antigen, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test, Echinococcus Granulosus
Antigen, Inflammatory Response Marker, Sepsis
Antigen, Invasive Fungal Pathogens
Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Coccidioides Immitis
Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel. Spp.
Antigen, Latex Agglutination, T. Cruzi
Antigen, Latex Agglutination, Trichinella Spiralis
Antigen, Positive Control, Cryptococcus Neoformans
Antigen, Rubella, Other
Antigen, Treponema Pallidum For Fta-Abs Test
Antigens (Febrile), Agglutination, Brucella Spp.
Antigens, All Groups, Salmonella Spp.
Antigens, All Groups, Shigella Spp.
Antigens, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp.
Antigens, All Types, Escherichia Coli
Antigens, All, Leptospira Spp.
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Adenovirus 1-33
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Echovirus 1-34
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Equine Encephalitis Virus, Eee, Wee
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Influenza Virus A, B, C
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Poliovirus 1-3
Antigens, Cf (Including Cf Control), Reovirus 1-3
Antigens, Cf, All, Mycoplasma Spp.
Antigens, Cf, Toxoplasma Gondii
Antigens, Febrile (Weil-Felix), All Groups
Antigens, Febrile, Slide And Tube, All Groups, Salmonella Spp.
Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Adenovirus 1-33
Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Influenza Virus A, B, C
Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
Antigens, Ha (Including Ha Control), Reovirus 1-3
Antigens, Ha, Echovirus 1-34
Antigens, Ha, Treponema Pallidum
Antigens, Histoplasma Capsulatum, All
Antigens, If, Toxoplasma Gondii
Antigens, Iha, Toxoplasma Gondii
Antigens, Indirect Hemagglutination (Iha) Herpes Simplex Virus
Antigens, Nontreponemal, All
Antigens, Slide And Tube, All Types, Listeria Monocytogenes
Antigens, Slide And Tube, Francisella Tularensis
Antimicrobial Blood Pressure Cuff
Antimicrobial Keyboard
Antimicrobial Medical Glove
Antimitochondrial Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
Antinuclear Antibody (Enzyme-Labeled), Antigen, Controls
Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen, Control
Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
Antiparietal Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
Antisera, Acinetobacter Calcoaceticus, All Varieties
Antisera, Agglutinating, B. Parapertussis
Antisera, Agglutinating, B. Pertussis, All
Antisera, All Fluorescent, Leptospira Spp.
Antisera, All Groups, N. Meningitidis
Antisera, All Groups, Salmonella Spp.
Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp.
Antisera, All Leptospira Spp.
Antisera, All Mycoplasma Spp.
Antisera, All Types, Escherichia Coli
Antisera, All Types, H. Influenza
Antisera, All Types, Klebsiella Spp.
Antisera, All Types, Listeria Monocytogenes
Antisera, All Types, Shigella Spp.
Antisera, All Types, Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Antisera, All, Serratia Marcesans
Antisera, Arizona Spp., All
Antisera, Bethesda - Ballerup Polyvalent, Citrobacter Spp.
Antisera, C. Acnes
Antisera, C. Acnes (553, 605)
Antisera, Cf, Adenovirus 1-33
Antisera, Cf, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
Antisera, Cf, Echovirus 1-34
Antisera, Cf, Equine Encephalitis Virus, Eee, Wee
Antisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2
Antisera, Cf, Influenza Virus A, B, C
Antisera, Cf, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
Antisera, Cf, Poliovirus 1-3
Antisera, Cf, Reovirus 1-3
Antisera, Cf, Rubella
Antisera, Conjugated Fluorescent, Cytomegalovirus
Antisera, Control For Nontreponemal Tests
Antisera, Fluorescent Antibody For Fta-Abs Test
Antisera, Fluorescent, Adenovirus 1-33
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins, Proteus Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins, Salmonella Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Globulins, Shigella Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, N. Meningitidis
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Escherichia Coli
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Hemophilus Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Klebsiella Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Listeria Monocytogenes
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Staphylococcus Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Antisera, Fluorescent, All, Mycoplasma Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, B. Parapertussis
Antisera, Fluorescent, B. Pertussis
Antisera, Fluorescent, Brucella Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Spp.
Antisera, Fluorescent, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
Antisera, Fluorescent, Cryptococcus Neoformans
Antisera, Fluorescent, Echovirus 1-34
Antisera, Fluorescent, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2
Antisera, Fluorescent, Histoplasma Capsulatum
Antisera, Fluorescent, Human Metapneumovirus
Antisera, Fluorescent, Poliovirus 1-3
Antisera, Fluorescent, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Antisera, Fluorescent, Pseudomonas Pseudomallei
Antisera, Fluorescent, Sporothrix Schenekii
Antisera, Hai (Including Hai Control), Rubella
Antisera, Hai, Adenovirus 1-33
Antisera, Hai, Influenza Virus A, B, C
Antisera, Hai, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
Antisera, Hai, Reovirus 1-3
Antisera, If, Toxoplasma Gondii
Antisera, Immunoperoxidase, Chlamydia Spp.
Antisera, Latex Agglutination, Cryptococcus Neoformans
Antisera, Neutralization, Adenovirus 1-33
Antisera, Neutralization, All Types, Rhinovirus
Antisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6
Antisera, Neutralization, Echovirus 1-34
Antisera, Neutralization, Herpesvirus Hominis
Antisera, Neutralization, Influenza Virus A, B, C
Antisera, Neutralization, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4
Antisera, Neutralization, Poliovirus 1-3
Antisera, Neutralization, Rubella
Antisera, Neutralizion, Reovirus 1-3
Antisera, Positive Control, Echinococcus Spp.
Antiserum, Bentonite Flocculation, Trichinella Spiralis
Antiserum, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, Other
Antiserum, Cf, Cytomegalovirus
Antiserum, Cf, Epstein-Barr Virus
Antiserum, Cf, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus
Antiserum, Cf, Mumps Virus
Antiserum, Cf, Psittacosis (Chlamydia Group)
Antiserum, Cf, Q Fever
Antiserum, Cf, Rubeola
Antiserum, Cf, Varicella-Zoster
Antiserum, Coagglutination (Direct) Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Antiserum, Digitoxin
Antiserum, Digoxin
Antiserum, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
Antiserum, Flavobacterium Meningosepticum, All Groups
Antiserum, Fluorescent (Direct Test), All Groups, N. Gonorrhoeae
Antiserum, Fluorescent, C. Diphtheriae
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Campylobacter Fetus
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Trachomatis
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Epstein-Barr Virus
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Francisella Tularensis
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Q Fever
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Rabies Virus
Antiserum, Fluorescent, Rubeola
Antiserum, Francisella Tularensis
Antiserum, Gentamicin
Antiserum, Hai, Mumps Virus
Antiserum, Hai, Rubeola
Antiserum, Murine Typhus Fever
Antiserum, Neutralization, Mumps Virus
Antiserum, Neutralization, Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Antiserum, Neutralization, Rubeola
Antiserum, Positive And Negative Febrile Antigen Control Serum
Antiserum, Positive Control, Aspergillus Spp.
Antiserum, Positive Control, Blastomyces Dermatitidis
Antiserum, Positive Control, Coccidioides Immitis
Antiserum, Positive Control, Histoplasma Capsulatum
Antiserum, Pseudomonas Pseudomallei
Antiserum, Rickettsialpox
Antiserum, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Antiserum, Typhus Fever
Antiserum, Vibrio Cholerae, All Varieties
Antismooth Muscle Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
Antistreptolysin - Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent
Antithrombin Iii Quantitation
Antithrombin Iii, Two Stage Clotting Time Assay
Anvil, Skull Plate
Aortic Heart Valve, More Than Minimally Manipulated Allograft
Aortic Valve, Prosthesis, Percutaneously Delivered
Aperture, Radiographic
Apheresis For Focal Glomerulosclerosis In Pediatric Patients
Apparatus, Air Handling, Bench
Apparatus, Air Handling, Enclosure
Apparatus, Air Handling, Room
Apparatus, Automated Blood Cell Diluting
Apparatus, Autotransfusion
Apparatus, Cautery, Radiofrequency, Ac-Powered
Apparatus, Cautery, Radiofrequency, Battery-Powered
Apparatus, Cell-Freezing And Reagents
Apparatus, Cutting, Radiofrequency, Electrosurgical, Battery-Powered
Apparatus, Electronanesthesia
Apparatus, Electrophoresis, For Clinical Use
Apparatus, Electrosurgical
Apparatus, Exhaust, Surgical
Apparatus, Gas-Scavenging
Apparatus, General Use, Thin Layer Chromatography
Apparatus, Hemoperfusion, Sorbent
Apparatus, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
Apparatus, Melting Point, Paraffin
Apparatus, Nitric Oxide Delivery
Apparatus, Nitric Oxide, Backup Delivery
Apparatus, Perfusion
Apparatus, Pneumoperitoneum, Automatic
Apparatus, Roller
Apparatus, Suction, Operating-Room, Wall Vacuum Powered
Apparatus, Suction, Patient Care
Apparatus, Suction, Single Patient Use, Portable, Nonpowered
Apparatus, Suction, Ward Use, Portable, Ac-Powered
Apparatus, Suturing, Stomach And Intestinal
Apparatus, Traction, Non-Powered
Apparatus, Vestibular Analysis
Apparatus, Visual Reinforcement Audiometric
Appliance, Colostomy, Disposable
Appliance, Facial Fracture, External
Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Multiple Component
Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Multiple Component, Metal Composite
Appliance, Fixation, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Single Component
Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal
Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Intervertebral Body
Appliance, Nail/Blade/Plate Combination, Single Component
Appliances And Accessories, Fixation, Bone, Absorbable Single/Multiple Component
Applicator (Laryngo-Tracheal), Topical Anesthesia
Applicator For Rectal Suppository
Applicator, Absorbent Tipped, Non-Sterile
Applicator, Absorbent Tipped, Sterile
Applicator, Ent
Applicator, Ent Drug
Applicator, Hyperthermia, Deep Heating, Ultrasound
Applicator, Hyperthermia, Interstitial
Applicator, Hyperthermia, Superficial, Rf/Microwave
Applicator, Ocular Pressure
Applicator, Rapid Wax, Dental
Applicator, Resin
Applicator, Transurethral, Radio Frequency, For Stress Urinary Incontinence In Women
Applicator, Vaginal
Applier, Aneurysm Clip
Applier, Cerclage
Applier, Hemostatic Clip
Applier, Staple, Surgical,
Applier, Surgical, Clip
Apron, Leaded
Apron, Protective
Armboard, Wheelchair
Armrest, Wheelchair
Arterial Blood Sampling Kit
Arthrogram Tray
Artificial Heart
Artificial Pancreas Device System, Bihormonal Control
Artificial Pancreas Device System, Single Hormonal Control
Artificial Pancreas Device System, Threshold Suspend
Aspiration Tray (Kit)
Aspirator, Endocervical
Aspirator, Endometrial
Aspirator, Ultrasonic
Assay, 1,5-Anhydroglucitol (15ag)
Assay, Alpha-2-Antiplasmin
Assay, B Lymphocyte Marker
Assay, Bart'S, Hemoglobin
Assay, Carboxyhemoglobin
Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Influenza Virus
Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Parainfluenza Virus
Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Q Fever
Assay, Direct, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Assay, Endotoxin Activity, Chemiluminescent
Assay, Enterovirus Nucleic Acid
Assay, Erythrocytic Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Assay, Erythropoietin
Assay, Fetal Hemoglobin
Assay, Genotype, Hiv Drug Resistance, In Vitro
Assay, Genotyping, Hepatitis C Virus
Assay, Glutathione Reductase
Assay, Glycosylated Hemoglobin
Assay, Heparin
Assay, Interleukin
Assay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Bacillus Anthracis
Assay, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Growth Identification, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Assay, Porphyrin, Spectrophotometry, Lithium
Assay, Proliferation, In Vitro, T Lymphocyte
Assay, Sulfhemoglobin
Assay, T Lymphocyte Surface Marker
Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Hepatitis C Virus
Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Parvovirus B19 Igg
Assay,Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent,Parvovirus B19 Igm
Assay,Hybridization And/Or Nucleic Acid Amplification For Detection Of Hepatitis C Rna,Hepatitis C Virus
Assembly, Knee/Shank/Ankle/Foot, External
Assembly, Shoulder/Elbow/Forearm/Wrist/Hand, Mechanical
Assembly, Shoulder/Elbow/Forearm/Wrist/Hand, Powered
Assembly, Thigh/Knee/Shank/Ankle/Foot, External
Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic
Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Therapeutic
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, General Use
Atomic Absorption, Antimony
Atomic Absorption, Arsenic
Atomic Absorption, Calcium
Atomic Absorption, Iron (Non-Heme)
Atomic Absorption, Lithium
Atomic Absorption, Magnesium
Atomizer, Tlc
Atp And Creatine Kinase (Enzymatic), Creatine
Atp Release (Luminescence)
Atrial Defibrillator
Attachment, Binocular, For Endoscope
Attachment, Breathing, Positive End Expiratory Pressure
Attachment, Commode, Wheelchair
Attachment, Eyepiece, For Insertion Of Prescription Lens
Attachment, Intermitant Mandatory Ventilation (Imv)
Attachment, Narrowing, Wheelchair
Attachment, Precision, All
Attachment, Teaching, For Endoscope
Audio System/Radio
Auramine O
Auto Focus Camera
Auto-Antibodies; Phosphatidylserine, Prothrombin, Phosphatidylserine/Prothrombin Complex
Autoantibodies, Acetylcholine Receptor, Acetylcholine Blocking And Non-Blocking
Autoantibodies, Anti-Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase (Rnap) Iii Antibody
Autoantibodies, Anti-Soluble Liver Antigen (Sla), Autoimmune Hepatitis
Autoantibodies, Endomysial(Tissue Transglutaminase)
Autoantibodies, Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (Gad)
Autoantibodies, Nuclear Body Protein, Sp100
Autoantibodies, Nuclear Pore Glycoprotein Gp210
Autoantibodies, Skin (Bullous Pemphigoid 180 And Bullous Pemphigoid 230
Autoantibodies,Lkm-1(Liver/Kidney Microsome,Type 1)
Autoantibodies,Skin(Desmoglein 1 And Desmoglein 3)
Automated Breast Ultrasound
Automated Colony Counter
Automated Digital Image Manual Interpretation Microscope
Automated External Defibrillators (Non-Wearable)
Automated Occult Blood Analyzer
Automated Radioimmunoassay Systems, For Clinical Use
Automated Urinalysis System
Automatic Event Detection Software For Full-Montage Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automotive Accessory, Automobile Or Transport Vehicle
Autonomous Extracorporeal Blood Leak Detector/Alarm
Auxillary Power Supply (Ac Or Dc) For External Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacemaker
Auxillary Power Supply (Ac Or Dc) For Low-Energy Dc-Defibrillator
Azan Counterstain
Azo Dye, Calcium
Azo-Dyes, Colorimetric, Bilirubin & Its Conjugates (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Azocarmine B
Azocarmine G
Azure A
Azure C
Bacillus Subtlis Microbiology Assay, Tobramycin
Bacillus Subtlis, Microbiological Assay, Gentamicin
Bacteriophage And Controls, B. Anthracis Lysis
Bag, Bile Collecting
Bag, Drainage, With Adhesive, Ostomy
Bag, Hemostatic
Bag, Ice
Bag, Intestine
Bag, Polymeric Mesh, Pacemaker
Bag, Reservoir
Bag, Stomal
Bag, Urinary, Ileostomy
Bag, Urine Collecting, Ureterostomy
Bag, Urine Collection, Leg, For External Use, Non-Sterile
Bag, Urine Collection, Leg, For External Use, Sterile
Bag, Urine Collection, Newborn
Balance, Analytical
Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty
Balloon, Epistaxis
Balloon, Liver Tamponade
Balloon,Detachable,For Neurovascular Occlusion
Band Or Belt, Pelvic Support
Band, Elastic, Orthodontic
Band, Material, Orthodontic
Band, Preformed, Orthodontic
Band, Tubal Occlusion
Bandage, Cast
Bandage, Elastic
Bandage, Liquid
Bandage, Liquid, Skin Protectant
Bar, Preformed
Bariatric Bed
Barrier, Absorable, Adhesion
Barrier, Adhesion, Cardiovascular
Barrier, Animal Source, Intraoral
Barrier, Control Panel, X-Ray, Movable
Barrier, Synthetic, Intraoral
Barrier,Std,Oral Sex
Bars, Parallel, Exercise
Bars, Parallel, Powered
Basic Fuchsin
Basin, Emesis
Bassinet, Hospital
Bath, Flotation, Tissue
Bath, Hydro-Massage
Bath, Incubators/Water, All
Bath, Paraffin
Bath, Sitz, Nonpowered
Bath, Sitz, Powered
Bathophenanthroline, Colorimetry, Iron (Non-Heme)
Bathophenanthroline, Iron Binding Capacity
Batteries, Rechargeable, For Class 2 Devices
Batteries, Rechargeable, For Class 3 Devices
Battery, Replacement, Rechargeable
Bcr/Abl1 Quantitative Monitoring Test
Beads, Hydrophilic, For Wound Exudate Absorption
Bed, Ac-Powered Adjustable Hospital
Bed, Air Fluidized
Bed, Flotation Therapy, Powered
Bed, Hydraulic, Adjustable Hospital
Bed, Manual
Bed, Patient Rotation, Manual
Bed, Patient Rotation, Powered
Bed, Pediatric Open Hospital
Bed, Rocking, Breathing Assist
Bed, Scanning, Nuclear
Bed, Therapeutic, Ac-Powered, Adjustable Home-Use
Bedding, Disposable, Medical
Bell, Circumcision
Belt, Pelvic, Traction
Belt, Wheelchair
Bence-Jones Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Berthelot Indophenol, Urea Nitrogen
Best'S Carmine
Beta Glycerophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Beta-2-Glycoprotein I, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Beta-2-Glycoprotein Iii, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Beta-D-Fructose & Nadh Oxidation (U.V.), Sorbitol Dehydrogenase
Beta-Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Betatron, Medical
Betatron, Non-Medical
Biebrich Scarlet
Bilirubin (Total And Unbound) In The Neonate Test System
Binder, Abdominal
Binder, Breast
Binder, Elastic
Binder, Medical, Therapeutic
Binder, Perineal
Biologic Material, Dental
Biomicroscope, Slit-Lamp, Ac-Powered
Biopsy Needle Guide Kit
Biopsy Needle Kit
Biosensor, Immunoassay, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
Biospy Device, Percutaneous, Reprocessed
Bismarck Brown Y
Bistoury, Tracheal
Bit, Drill
Bit, Surgical
Biuret (Colorimetric), Total Protein
Black Light
Bladder System
Blade, Keratome, Reprocessed
Blade, Saw, General & Plastic Surgery, Surgical
Blade, Saw, Surgical, Cardiovascular
Blade, Scalpel
Blade-Form Endosseous Dental Implant
Blanket, Fire
Blender, Sputum
Block, Beam-Shaping, Radiation Therapy
Block, Bite
Block, Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile
Block, Cutting, Ent, Sterile
Block, Heating
Block, Test, Ultrasonic Scanner Calibration
Blood Alcohol Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Blood And Urine Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Blood Establishment Computer Software, User Developed
Blood Pressure Cuff
Blood Specimen Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Blood, Occult, Colorimetric, In Urine
Blood, Occult, Enzymatic Method, In Urine
Blower, Powder, Ent
Board, Arm (With Cover), Sterile
Board, Arm (Wtih Cover), Non-Sterile
Board, Bed
Board, Cardiopulmonary
Board, Lap, Wheelchair
Board, Scooter, Prone
Body Fluid Barrier Kit
Body Fluid Clean Up Kit
Body Fluid Disposal Kit
Bone Cement
Bone Cement, Antibiotic
Bone Fixation Cerclage, Sublaminar
Bone Grafting Material, Animal Source
Bone Grafting Material, Dental, With Biologic Component
Bone Grafting Material, For Dental Bone Repair
Bone Grafting Material, Human Source
Bone Grafting Material, Synthetic
Bone Marrow Collection/Transfusion Kit
Bone Mill
Bone Particle Collector
Bone Sonometer
Bone Void Filler, Syringe
Bone, Heterograft
Booth, Sun Tan
Bordetella Pertussis Dna Assay System
Bothrops Atrox Reagent
Bottle Fill Checker
Bottle, Blow
Bottle, Collection And Trap, Breathing System (Uncalibrated)
Bottle, Collection, Breathing System (Calibrated)
Bottle, Collection, Vacuum
Bottle, Hot/Cold Water
Bottle, Roller, Tissue Culture
Bougie, Esophageal, And Gastrointestinal, Gastro-Urology
Bougie, Esophageal, Ent
Bougie, Eustachian
Bougie, Urological
Box, Battery, Pocket
Box, Battery, Rechargeable
Boxes, View, Blood Grouping
Brace, Drill
Brachial Plexus Anesthesia Kit
Bracket, Ceramic, Orthodontic
Bracket, Metal, Orthodontic
Bracket, Metal, Orthodontic, Reprocessed
Bracket, Plastic, Orthodontic
Bracket, Plastic, Orthodontic, Reprocessed
Braf Mutation Kit
Brake, Extension, Wheelchair
Breast Milk, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Breast Milk, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Breast Milk, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Breast Milk-Alcohol Test System
Breast Pump Kit
Brilliant Cresyl Blue
Brilliant Green
Brilliant Yellow
Broach, Endodontic
Bromcresol Green Dye-Binding, Albumin
Bromcresol Purple Dye-Binding, Albumin
Bronchial Thermoplasty System
Bronchoscope (Flexible Or Rigid)
Bronchoscope Accessory
Brush, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
Brush, Biopsy, General & Plastic Surgery
Brush, Cleaning, Tracheal Tube
Brush, Dermabrasion, Manual
Brush, Dermabrasion, Powered
Brush, Endometrial
Brush, Haidinger, (Including Macular Integrity)
Brush, Scrub, Operating-Room
Bulb, Inflation, For Endoscope
Bur, Dental
Bur, Diamond Coated, Reprocessed
Bur, Ear, Nose And Throat
Bur, Ent, Diamond Coated, Single Use, Reprocessed
Bur, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Burn Kit With Drug
Burn Kit Without Drug
Burnisher, Operative
Burr, Corneal, Ac-Powered
Burr, Corneal, Ac-Powered, Rust Ring Removal
Burr, Corneal, Battery Powered, Rust Ring Removal
Burr, Corneal, Battery-Powered
Burr, Corneal, Manual
Burr, Orthopedic
Burst Suppression Detection Software For Electroencephalograph
Button, Iris, Eye, Artificial
Button, Nasal Septal
C-Arm Fluoroscopic X-Ray System
C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control
C. Difficile Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Assay
C. Trachomatis (Chlamydia Group)
C.Difficile Toxin Gene Amplification Assay
C3-Indirect Immunofluorescent Solid Phase
Cabinet X-Ray Explosive Detection Systems
Cabinet X-Ray, Industrial
Cabinet X-Ray, Security (Includes Baggage X-Ray)
Cabinet X-Ray, Vehicle And Cargo
Cabinet, Ethylene-Oxide Gas Aerator
Cabinet, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
Cabinet, Moist Steam
Cabinet, Phototherapy (Puva)
Cabinet, Table And Tray, Anesthesia
Cabinet,X-Ray System
Cable, Electrode
Cable, Transducer And Electrode, Patient, (Including Connector)
Cadriovascular Catheter Sheath Introducer Kit
Cage, Knee
Calcium Salt Bone Void Filler, Drillable, Non-Screw Augmentation
Calculator, Drug Dose
Calculator, Predicted Values, Pulmonary Function
Calculator, Pulmonary Function Data
Calculator, Pulmonary Function Interpretator (Diagnostic)
Calculator/Data Processing Module, For Clinical Use
Calibrator For Alpha-Fetoprotein In Mid-Pregnancy Maternal Serum
Calibrator For Cell Indices
Calibrator For Hemoglobin And Hematocrit Measurement
Calibrator For Platelet Counting
Calibrator For Red-Cell And White-Cell Counting
Calibrator, Dose, Radionuclide
Calibrator, Hearing Aid / Earphone And Analysis Systems
Calibrator, Multi-Analyte Mixture
Calibrator, Pressure, Gas
Calibrator, Primary
Calibrator, Secondary
Calibrator, Surrogate
Calibrator, Tonometer
Calibrator, Volume, Gas
Calibrators, Drug Mixture
Calibrators, Drug Specific
Calibrators, Ethyl Alcohol
Caliper, Fetal Head, Ultrasonic
Caliper, Ophthalmic
Calprotectin, Fecal
Camera, Cine, Endoscopic, With Audio
Camera, Cine, Endoscopic, Without Audio
Camera, Cine, Microsurgical, With Audio
Camera, Cine, Microsurgical, Without Audio
Camera, Cine, Surgical, With Audio
Camera, Cine, Surgical, Without Audio
Camera, Focal Spot, Radiographic
Camera, Multi Format, Radiological
Camera, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered
Camera, Positron
Camera, Scintillation (Gamma)
Camera, Still, Endoscopic
Camera, Still, Microsurgical
Camera, Still, Surgical
Camera, Surgical And Accessories
Camera, Television, Endoscopic, With Audio
Camera, Television, Endoscopic, Without Audio
Camera, Television, Microsurgical, With Audio
Camera, Television, Microsurgical, Without Audio
Camera, Television, Surgical, With Audio
Camera, Television, Surgical, Without Audio
Camera, X-Ray, Fluorographic, Cine Or Spot
Campimeter, Stereo, Battery-Powered
Campylobacter Spp.
Cancer Monitoring Test System, Soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptides, Epithelioid/Biphasic Mesothelioma
Cancer Monitoring Test System, Soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptides, Mesothelioma
Candida Species, Antibody Detection
Candida Spp., Direct Antigen, Id
Cane, Safety Walk
Canister, Coil
Cannula And Trocar, Suprapubic, Non-Disposable
Cannula, A-V Shunt
Cannula, Arterial, Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Cpb), Embolism Protection
Cannula, Catheter
Cannula, Ear
Cannula, Injection
Cannula, Intrauterine Insemination
Cannula, Manipulator/Injector, Uterine
Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen
Cannula, Ophthalmic
Cannula, Sinus
Cannula, Suction, Uterine
Cannula, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Cannula, Trocar, Ophthalmic
Cannula, Ventricular
Cannula,Ophthalmic,Posterior Capsular Polishing,Polyvinyl Acetal
Cannulae, Bronchial
Cap, Bone
Cap, Cervical
Cap, Cervical, Contraceptive
Cap, Surgical
Cap,Cooling (Infants)
Capsule, Dental, Amalgam
Carbol Fuchsin
Carbol Night Blue
Carbonic Anhydrase B, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Carbonic Anhydrase C, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Or Polyvinyl Methylether Maleic Acid Calcium-Sodium
Cardiac Ablation Percutaneous Catheter
Cardiac Allograft Gene Expression Profiling Test System
Cardiac C-Reactive Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, And Control
Cardiac Catheterization Kit
Cardiac Support Mesh Wrap
Cardiograph, Apex (Vibrocardiograph)
Cardioplegia Solution Administration Kit
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Catheter Kit
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Aid Kit
Cardiovascular Procedure Kit
Cardiovascular Surgical Instruments Tray (Kit)
Caries Detector, Laser Light, Transmission
Carrier, Amalgam, Operative
Carrier, Ligature
Carrier, Sponge, Endoscopic
Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment)
Carver, Dental Amalgam, Operative
Carver, Wax, Dental
Case, Contact Lens
Cassette, Audio Tape
Cassette, Measurement, Ardran-Crooks
Cassette, Radiographic Film
Cassettes, Tissue
Catalytic Methods, Amylase
Catheter (Gastric, Colonic, Etc.), Irrigation And Aspiration
Catheter And Tip, Suction
Catheter And Tube, Suprapubic
Catheter Care Tray (Kit)
Catheter Guide Wire Kit
Catheter Introducer Kit
Catheter Introducer Kit
Catheter, Angiography, Reprocessed
Catheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Transluminal
Catheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Transluminal, Dual-Balloon
Catheter, Angioplasty, Peripheral, Transluminal, Reprocessed
Catheter, Assisted Reproduction
Catheter, Balloon For Retinal Reattachment
Catheter, Balloon Type
Catheter, Balloon, Transcervical
Catheter, Biliary, Diagnostic
Catheter, Biliary, Reprocessed
Catheter, Biliary, Surgical
Catheter, Cannula And Tubing, Vascular, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Catheter, Cholangiography
Catheter, Conduction, Anesthetic
Catheter, Continuous Flush
Catheter, Continuous Irrigation
Catheter, Coronary, Atherectomy
Catheter, Coude
Catheter, Double Lumen Female Urethrographic
Catheter, Drainage, Intraoral/Extraoral
Catheter, Electrode Recording, Or Probe, Electrode Recording
Catheter, Embolectomy
Catheter, Eustachian, General & Plastic Surgery
Catheter, Femoral
Catheter, Flow Directed
Catheter, Hemodialysis, Implanted
Catheter, Hemodialysis, Implanted, Coated
Catheter, Hemodialysis, Non-Implanted
Catheter, Hemodialysis, Non-Implanted, Ultrafiltration, For Peripheral Use
Catheter, Hemodialysis, Triple Lumen, Implanted
Catheter, Hemodialysis, Triple Lumen, Non-Implanted
Catheter, Infusion
Catheter, Intrauterine And Introducer
Catheter, Intravascular Occluding
Catheter, Intravascular Occluding, Temporary
Catheter, Intravascular, Diagnostic
Catheter, Intravascular, Plaque Morphology Evaluation
Catheter, Irrigation
Catheter, Malecot
Catheter, Mapping, Intracardiac, Reprocessed
Catheter, Multiple Lumen
Catheter, Nasal, Oxygen
Catheter, Nasopharyngeal
Catheter, Nephrostomy
Catheter, Nephrostomy, General & Plastic Surgery
Catheter, Neuro-Vasculature, Occluding Ballon
Catheter, Neuro-Vasculature, Occluding Balloon
Catheter, Oximeter, Fiber Optic, Reprocessed
Catheter, Oximeter, Fiberoptic
Catheter, Pediatric, General & Plastic Surgery
Catheter, Percutaneous
Catheter, Percutaneous (Valvuloplasty)
Catheter, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (Ptca), Cutting/Scoring
Catheter, Percutaneous, Cardiac Ablation, For Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation
Catheter, Percutaneous, Cardiac Ablation, For Treatment Of Atrial Flutter
Catheter, Percutaneous, Intraspinal, Short Term
Catheter, Percutaneous, Long Term, Intraspinal
Catheter, Peripheral, Atherectomy
Catheter, Peritoneal
Catheter, Peritoneal Dialysis, Single Use
Catheter, Peritoneal, Long-Term Indwelling
Catheter, Pressure Monitoring, Cardiac
Catheter, Recording, Electrode, Reprocessed
Catheter, Rectal
Catheter, Rectal For Continent Ileostomy
Catheter, Retention Type
Catheter, Retention Type, Balloon
Catheter, Retention, Barium Enema With Bag
Catheter, Sampling, Chorionic Villus
Catheter, Septostomy
Catheter, Steerable
Catheter, Steerable, Reprocessed
Catheter, Straight
Catheter, Subclavian
Catheter, Suction, Trachbronchial, Reprocessed
Catheter, Suprapubic (And Accessories)
Catheter, Thrombus Retriever
Catheter, Ultrasound, Intravascular
Catheter, Umbilical Artery
Catheter, Upper Urinary Tract
Catheter, Ureteral Disposable (X-Ray)
Catheter, Ureteral, Gastro-Urology
Catheter, Ureteral, General & Plastic Surgery
Catheter, Urethral
Catheter, Urethrographic, Male
Catheter, Urological
Catheter, Urological (Antimicrobial) And Accessories
Catheter, Ventricular
Catheter, Ventricular (Containing Antibiotic Or Antimicrobial Agents)
Catheter, Ventricular, General & Plastic Surgery
Catheter,Intracardiac Mapping,High-Density Array
Catheter,Intravascular,Therapeutic,Long-Term Greater Than 30 Days
Catheter,Intravascular,Therapeutic,Short-Term Less Than 30 Days
Catheters, Salpingography
Catheters, Suction, Tracheobronchial
Catheters, Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty, Percutaneous
Cathode Ray Tubes
Caudal Anesthesia Kit
Cb Amateur Radio
Cd, Cd-Rom Player
Cd-R, Cd-Rw Recorder
Cell Enzymes (Erythrocytic And Leukocytic)
Cells, Animal And Human, Cultured
Cement Obturator
Cement, Bone, Pre-Formed, Modular, Polymeric, Vertebroplasty
Cement, Bone, Vertebroplasty
Cement, Bone, Vertebroplasty, Pre-Formed, Modular
Cement, Dental
Cement, Ear, Nose And Throat
Cement, Stomal Appliance, Ostomy
Central Venous Blood Pressure Kit
Central Venous Catheter Tray (Kit)
Centrifuge, Blood-Bank For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Centrifuge, Cell-Washing, Automated For Immuno-Hematology
Centrifuge, Hematocrit
Centrifuge, Microsedimentation
Centrifuges (Micro, Ultra, Refrigerated) For Clinical Use
Cephalometric Devices
Ceramics, Calcium Triphosphate/Hydroxypatite, Non-Load Bearing Uses
Cerclage, Fixation
Cerclage, Fixation, Metallic
Ceruloplasmin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ceruloplasmin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ceruloplasmin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Cesarean Section Kit
Chair And Table, Medical
Chair, Adjustable, Mechanical
Chair, Blood Donor
Chair, Dental, With Operative Unit
Chair, Dental, Without Operative Unit
Chair, Dialysis, Powered, Without Scales
Chair, Dialysis, Unpowered, Without Scales
Chair, Examination And Treatment
Chair, Geriatric
Chair, Neurosurgical
Chair, Ophthalmic, Ac-Powered
Chair, Ophthalmic, Manual
Chair, Pneumoencephalographic
Chair, Positioning, Electric
Chair, Posture, For Cardiac And Pulmonary Treatment
Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered
Chair, Surgical, Non-Electrical
Chair, With Casters
Chamber, Acoustic (For Audiometric Testing)
Chamber, Decompression, Abdominal
Chamber, Environmental For The Storage Of Platelet Concentrate
Chamber, Hyperbaric
Chamber, Oxygen, Topical, Extremity
Chamber, Patient Isolation
Chamber, Patient Transport Isolation
Chamber, Reverse Isolation, Patient Care
Chamber, Slide Culture
Changer, Radiographic Film/Cassette
Changer, Tube, Endotracheal
Charger, Pacemaker
Chart, Visual Acuity
Check Valve, Retrograde Flow (In-Line)
Chest Drainage Kit
Chest X-Ray Computer Aided Detection
Chisel (Osteotome)
Chisel, Bone, Surgical
Chisel, Mastoid
Chisel, Middle-Ear
Chisel, Nasal
Chisel, Osteotome, Surgical
Chisel, Surgical, Manual
Chlamydophila Pneumoniae Dna Assay System
Chlorazol Black E
Choledochoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Cholinesterase Test Paper
Chromatographic Derivative, Total Lipids
Chromatographic Separation, Cpk Isoenzymes
Chromatographic Separation, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes
Chromatographic Separation, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
Chromatographic Separation/Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone
Chromatographic Separation/Zimmerman, 17-Ketosteroids
Chromatographic, Cystine
Chromatographic, Glutathione
Chromatographic, Histidine
Chromatographic, Phospholipids
Chromatographic/Fluorometric Method, Catecholamines
Chromatography (Liquid, Gel), Clinical Use
Chromatography (Thin Layer), Clinical Use
Chromatography For Bacterial Identification
Chromatography Separation/Zimmerman 17-Ketogenic Steroids
Chromatography(Gas), Clinical Use
Chromium-51, Blood Volume
Chromogenesis, Phenylketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Chromogenic In Situ Hybridisation, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Her2/Neu Gene, Breast Cancer
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Fish Probe Kit
Circuit, Breathing (W Connector, Adaptor, Y Piece)
Circulator, Breathing-Circuit
Circumcision Tray
Citrulline, Arsenate, Nessler (Colorimetry), Ornithine Carbamyl Transferase
Clamp And Cutter, Umbilical
Clamp, Cannula
Clamp, Carotid Artery
Clamp, Circumcision
Clamp, Dialysis Arm
Clamp, Electrical
Clamp, Eyelid, Ophthalmic
Clamp, Line
Clamp, Muscle, Ophthalmic
Clamp, Non-Electrical
Clamp, Ossicle Holding
Clamp, Penile
Clamp, Rubber Dam
Clamp, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Clamp, Tubing, Blood, Automatic
Clamp, Umbilical
Clamp, Uterine
Clamp, Vascular
Clamp, Vascular, Reprocessed
Clamp, Wire, Orthodontic
Clasp, Preformed
Clasp, Wire
Classifier, Prognostic, Recurrence Risk Assessment, Rna Gene Expression, Breast Cancer
Claw, Foreign Body, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
Cleaner, Air, Medical Recirculating
Cleaner, Denture, Mechanical
Cleaner, Ultrasonic, Medical Instrument
Cleaners, Medical Devices
Cleanser, Denture, Over The Counter
Cleanser, Denture, Prescription
Cleanser, Root Canal
Climber, Curb, Wheelchair
Clinical Sample Concentrator
Clip, Aneurysm
Clip, Drape, Lithotomy
Clip, Hemostatic
Clip, Implantable
Clip, Implantable, For Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Cabg)
Clip, Implantable, Reprocessed
Clip, Implanted Malleable
Clip, Iris Retractor
Clip, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic
Clip, Nose
Clip, Removable (Skin)
Clip, Scalp
Clip, Tantalum, Ophthalmic
Clip, Tubal Occlusion
Clip, Vas Deferens
Clip, Vascular
Clip, Vena-Cava
Closed Antineoplastic And Hazardous Drug Reconstitution And Transfer System
Closure, Wound, Adhesive
Clothes Dryer
Clothing, Protective, Sun
Coagulator, Culdoscopic (And Accessories)
Coagulator, Hysteroscopic (And Accessories)
Coagulator, Laparoscopic, Unipolar (And Accessories)
Coagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Bipolar (And Accessories)
Coagulator-Cutter, Endoscopic, Unipolar (And Accessories)
Coating, Denture Hydrophilic, Resin
Coating, Filling Material, Resin
Coating, Liquid, Glc
Cohn Fraction Ii, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Coil, Magnetic Resonance, Specialty
Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes
Collagen Corneal Shield
Collagen, Injectable For Vocal Cord Augmentation
Collector, Ostomy
Collector, Urine, (And Accessories) For Indwelling Catheter
Collector, Urine, Pediatric, For Indwelling Catheter
Collector, Urine, Powered, Non Indwelling Catheter
Collimator, Automatic, Radiographic
Collimator, Dermatological, Therapeutic X-Ray
Collimator, High Voltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
Collimator, Low Voltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
Collimator, Manual, Radiographic
Collimator, Orthovoltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
Collimator, X-Ray
Collision-Avoidance Laser System
Colon Computed Tomography System, Computer Aided Detection
Colonic Irrigation System
Colonic Irrigation System, General Well Being
Colonoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Colonoscope, General & Plastic Surgery
Colorimeter, Photometer, Spectrophotometer For Clinical Use
Colorimetric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
Colorimetric Method, Galactose
Colorimetric Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase
Colorimetric Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
Colorimetric Method, Lipoproteins
Colorimetric Method, Triglycerides
Colorimetric, Mucopolysaccharides
Colorimetric, Xylose
Colorimetry, Acetaminophen
Colorimetry, Cholinesterase
Colorimetry, Salicylate
Colostrum, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Colposcope (And Colpomicroscope)
Column Chromatography & Color Development, Hydroxyproline
Column Or Paper Chromatography Plus Ninhydrin, Phenylalanine
Column Supports, Glc
Column, Adsorption, Low Density, Lipoprotein
Columns, Glc
Columns, Immunoadsorption In Extracorporeal Systems
Columns, Liquid Chromatography
Comparison Of Freezing Points & Stds. Of Known Osmotic Pressure, Osmolality
Complement 4d (C4d) And Complement Receptor 1 (Cr1)
Complement C1 Inhibitor (Inactivator), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C1q, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C1r, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C1s, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C3, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C3b Activator Immunoassay Reagents
Complement C3b Activator, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C4, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C5, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C8, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complement C9, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Complete Gene Expression Profiling Accessory Reagents
Component, Cast
Component, External, Limb, Ankle/Foot
Component, Traction, Invasive
Component, Traction, Non-Invasive
Components, Exercise
Components, Wheelchair
Composite Cultured Skin
Compressor, Air, Portable
Compressor, Cardiac, External
Compressor, Orbital
Computer Assisted Hair Harvesting System
Computer, Blood-Pressure
Computer, Diagnostic, Pre-Programmed, Single-Function
Computer, Diagnostic, Programmable
Computer, Oxygen-Uptake
Condenser, Amalgam And Foil, Operative
Condenser, Heat And Moisture (Artificial Nose)
Condensers, Microscope
Conditioner, Signal, Physiological
Condom With Nonoxynol-9
Condom, Female, Animal Tissue
Condom, Female, Single-Use
Condom, Synthetic
Conductivity Rate, Urea Nitrogen
Condylar Plate Fixation Implant
Cone, Radiographic
Cone, Radiographic, Lead-Lined
Confocal Optical Imaging
Conformal Brachytherapy Source
Conformer, Ophthalmic
Conformer, Ophthalmic, Biological Tissue
Congo Red
Connector, Airway (Extension)
Connector, Blood Tubing, Infusion T
Connector, Catheter
Connector, Shunt
Connector, Tubing, Dialysate
Connector, Ureteral Catheter
Conserver, Oxygen
Console, Heart-Lung Machine, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Container, Embedding
Container, Empty, For Collection & Processing Of Blood & Blood Components
Container, Frozen Donor Tissue Storage
Container, I.V.
Container, Liquid Medication, Graduated
Container, Sharps
Container, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Non-Sterile
Container, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Sterile
Container, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Temperature Controlled, Non-Sterile
Container, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Temperature Controlled, Sterile
Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile
Container, Specimen, Sterile
Container, Specimen, Urine, Drugs Of Abuse, Over The Counter
Container, Supplementary Nitroglycerin
Container, Transport, Kidney
Continuous Brachial Plexus Block Tray (Kit)
Continuous, Ventilator, Home Use
Contraception Calculator
Contractor, Surgical
Contrast Media, Ultrasound
Control Material, Blood Circulating Epithelial Cancer Cell
Control Material, Her-2/Neu, Immunohistochemistry
Control, Cell Counter, Normal And Abnormal
Control, Fecal Occult Blood
Control, Foot Driving, Automobile, Mechanical[Regulated By Dept. Of Transportation]
Control, Hand Driving, Automobile, Mechanical[Regulated By Dept. Of Transportation]
Control, Hematocrit
Control, Hemoglobin
Control, Hemoglobin, Abnormal
Control, Plasma, Abnormal
Control, Platelet
Control, Pump Speed, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Control, Red-Cell
Control, White-Cell
Controller, Abortion Unit, Vacuum
Controller, Closed-Loop Blood Glucose
Controller, Closed-Loop, Blood-Pressure
Controller, Foot, Handpiece And Cord
Controller, Infusion, Intravascular, Electronic
Controller, Temperature, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Controller, Temperature, Radiographic
Controls For Blood-Gases, (Assayed And Unassayed)
Conversion To Creatinine, Creatine
Conversion To Ferric Hydroxymates (Colorimetric), Fatty Acids
Cooler, Esophageal And Gastric
Cooler, Prostatic
Copper Reduction, Glucose
Cord Blood Processing System And Storage Container
Cord, Electric For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
Cord, Electric, For Endoscope
Cord, Retraction
Coronary Covered Stent
Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent
Cosmetology Uv Lamp
Cotton, Roll
Couch, Radiation Therapy, Powered
Coulometric Method, Carbon-Dioxide
Coulometric, Chloride
Counter (Beta, Gamma) For Clinical Use
Counter, Cell, Automated (Particle Counter)
Counter, Differential Cell
Counter, Sponge, Surgical
Counter, Urine Particle
Counter, Whole Body, Nuclear
Counterfeit Detection
Countertop Sanitizer
Cover, Barrier, Protective
Cover, Biopsy Forceps
Cover, Burr Hole
Cover, Cast
Cover, Limb
Cover, Mattress (Medical Purposes)
Cover, Shoe, Operating-Room
Coverslips, Microscope Slide
Cpb Check Valve, Retrograde Flow, In-Line
Cradle, Patient, Radiologic
Cranial Distraction System
Cream, Gloving, Surgeon'S
Cream, Nasal, Topical, Mechanical Allergen Particle Barrier
Cresol Red Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide
Cresolphthalein Complexone, Calcium
Cresyl Violet Acetate
Cricothyrotomy Kit
Crimper, Pin
Crimper, Wire, Ent, Non-Sterile
Crimper, Wire, Ent, Sterile
Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin
Crown, Preformed
Crusher, Spur, Colostomy
Crutch, Ptosis
Cryogenic Cord Blood Storage Container
Cryogenic, Skin Tag Removal, Otc
Cryptosporidium Spp.
Crystal Violet For Histology
Ct Biopsy Tray (Kit)
Cuff, Nerve
Cuff, Pusher, Wheelchair
Cuff, Tracheal Tube, Inflatable
Culdocentesis Kit
Culdoscope (And Accessories)
Culture Media, Anaerobic Transport
Culture Media, Antibiotic Assay
Culture Media, Antifungal, Susceptibility Test
Culture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test
Culture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Excluding Mueller Hinton Agar
Culture Media, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Mueller Hinton Agar/Broth
Culture Media, Antimycobacteria, Susceptibility Test
Culture Media, Enriched
Culture Media, For Isolation Of Pathogenic Neisseria
Culture Media, General Nutrient Broth
Culture Media, Multiple Biochemical Test
Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport
Culture Media, Non-Selective And Differential
Culture Media, Non-Selective And Non-Differential
Culture Media, Propagating Transport
Culture Media, Selective And Differential
Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential
Culture Media, Selective Broth
Culture Media, Single Biochemical Test
Culture Media, Vitamin Assay
Cultured Epithelial Autograft
Cup, Eye
Cup, Menstrual
Cup, Prophylaxis
Curette, Adenoid
Curette, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Rigid)
Curette, Ear
Curette, Endodontic
Curette, Ethmoid
Curette, Nasal
Curette, Operative
Curette, Ophthalmic
Curette, Periodontic
Curette, Salpingeal
Curette, Suction, Endometrial (And Accessories)
Curette, Surgical, Dental
Curette, Surgical, General Use
Curette, Uterine
Currette, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
Curtain, Protective, Radiographic
Curvette, Thermostated
Cushion, Denture, Over The Counter
Cushion, Earphone (For Audiometric Testing)
Cushion, Flotation
Cushion, Flotation, Therapeutic
Cushion, Hemorrhoid
Cushion, Pad, Denture, Wax Impregnated Cotton, Over The Counter
Cushion, Wheelchair
Cusp, Gold And Stainless Steel
Cusp, Preformed
Custom Anesthesia Kit
Cutaneous Tissue Adhesive With Mesh
Cutter, Surgical
Cutter, Wire
Cyanomethemoglobin Reagent And Standard Solution
Cyclosporine And Metabolites Serum Assay
Cyclosporine Radioimmunoassay
Cyclotron, Medical
Cylinder, Compressed Gas, And Valve
Cylinder, Gas (Empty)
Cystometer, Electrical Recording
Cystometric Gas (Carbon-Dioxide) On Hydraulic Device
Cystoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Cytochrome P450 2c9 (Cyp450 2c9) Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping System
Cytokeratin Fragments 21-1 Eia Kit
Cytology Kit
Cytomegalovirus (Cmv) Dna Quantitative Assay
D/Km-1, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Dam, Rubber
Darrow Red
Dc-Defibrillator, High Energy, (Including Paddles)
Dc-Defibrillator, Low-Energy, (Including Paddles)
Declotting Tray, Kit (Including Contents)
Deep Brain Stimulator For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Ocd)
Defibrillator, Automatic Implantable Cardioverter, With Cardiac Resynchronization (Crt-D)
Defibrillator, Implantable, Dual-Chamber
Defoamer, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Degreaser, Skin, Surgical
Delayed Analysis, Alcohol
Dengue Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay (Naat)
Dengue Serological Reagents
Densitometer, Bone
Densitometer/Scanner (Integrating, Reflectance, Tlc, Radiochromat.) Clinica
Densitometeric, Protein Fractionation
Dental Amalgam
Dental Cement W/Out Zinc-Oxide Eugenol As An Ulcer Covering For Pain Relief
Dental Fixture Mount Kit
Dental Hygiene Kit
Dental Implant Surgical Tray (Kit)
Dental Lapping Tool Kit
Dental Prophylaxis Kit
Denture Preformed (Partially Prefabricated Denture)
Denture, Cosmetic Only
Denture, Plastic, Teeth
Dentures, Full
Dentures, Partial
Depressor, Metal Tongue, Surgical
Depressor, Orbital
Depressor, Tongue, Non-Surgical
Dermal Cooling Pack/Vacuum/Massager
Des-Gamma-Carboxy-Prothrombin (Dcp), Risk Assessment, Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Desiccator, Transurethral
Detector And Alarm, Arrhythmia
Detector, Air Bubble
Detector, Air Or Foam
Detector, Blood Level
Detector, Bubble, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Detector, Dialysate Level
Detector, Leak, Blood
Detector, Ultraviolet
Detectors And Removers, Lice, (Including Combs)
Detectors, Electrochemical, Liquid Chromatography
Device For Sealing Microsections
Device, Ablation, Varicose Vein
Device, Accessory, Cooling Plate For Tissue Embedding Station
Device, Acupressure
Device, Anastomosis For Gastro-Urology Use
Device, Angioplasty, Laser, Coronary
Device, Anti-Snoring
Device, Anti-Stammering
Device, Anti-Tip, Wheelchair
Device, Antichoke, Suction
Device, Antichoke, Tongs
Device, Antimicrobial Drug Removal
Device, Assistive Listening
Device, Automated Cell-Locating
Device, Automated Sedimentation Rate
Device, Aversive Conditioning
Device, Beam Limiting, Teletherapy, Radionuclide
Device, Beam Limiting, X-Ray, Diagnostic
Device, Beam Limiting, X-Ray, Therapeutic
Device, Biofeedback
Device, Biopsy, Endomyocardial
Device, Bleeding Time
Device, Blood Mixing And Blood Weighing
Device, Blood Volume Measuring
Device, Caries Detection
Device, Communications, Images, Ophthalmic
Device, Counter-Pulsating, External
Device, Cpr Assist
Device, Cystometric, Air
Device, Cystometric, Hydraulic
Device, Decalcifier, Electrolytic
Device, Dental Sonography, For Diagnosis Of Tmj/Mpd Disorders
Device, Dental Sonography, For Monitoring Jaw Sounds
Device, Dermal Replacement
Device, Detection, Sulfide
Device, Digital Image Storage, Radiological
Device, Discharge, Electrostatic (For Pain Relief)
Device, Electrical Dental Anesthesia
Device, Electroconvulsive Therapy
Device, Endoscopic Suturing
Device, Engorgement, Clitoral
Device, Erectile Dysfunction
Device, External Penile Rigidity
Device, Fertility Diagnostic, Proceptive
Device, Finger-Sucking
Device, Fixation, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
Device, Fixation, Proximal Femoral, Implant
Device, Fixation, Tracheal Tube
Device, Fluidized Therapy, Dry Heat
Device, Galvanic Skin Response Measurement
Device, Gas Generating
Device, General Purpose, Hematology
Device, General Purpose, Microbiology, Diagnostic
Device, Germicidal, Ultraviolet
Device, Hardcopy, Images, Ophthalmic
Device, Heat-Sealing
Device, Hematocrit Measuring
Device, Hemostasis, Vascular
Device, Impotence, Mechanical/Hydraulic
Device, Incontinence, Mechanical/Hydraulic
Device, Incontinence, Urosheath Type, Non-Sterile
Device, Incontinence, Urosheath Type, Sterile
Device, Inflation, Middle Ear
Device, Intrauterine, Contraceptive And Introducer
Device, Intravascular Catheter Securement
Device, Iontophoresis, Other Uses
Device, Iontophoresis, Specific Uses
Device, Irrigation, Ocular Surgery
Device, Jaw Repositioning
Device, Jaw Tracking, For Diagnosis Of Tmj/Mpd Disorders
Device, Jaw Tracking, For Monitoring Jaw Positions
Device, Locking, For Intestinal Clamp
Device, Measuring, For Panendoscope
Device, Measuring, Lens Radius, Ophthalmic
Device, Media Dispensing/Stacking
Device, Medical Examination, Ac Powered
Device, Microtiter Diluting/Dispensing
Device, Monitoring, Intracranial Pressure
Device, Muscle Monitoring
Device, Needle Destruction
Device, Nerve Conduction Velocity Measurement
Device, Neurosurgical Fragmentation And Aspiration
Device, Neurovascular Embolization
Device, Occlusion, Tubal, Contraceptive
Device, Occlusion, Umbilical
Device, Oxidase Test For Gonorrhea
Device, Parasite Concentration
Device, Paste-On For Incontinence, Non-Sterile
Device, Paste-On For Incontinence, Sterile
Device, Pasteurization, Hot Water
Device, Patient Transfer, Powered
Device, Percutaneous Retrieval
Device, Percutaneous, Biopsy
Device, Peritoneal Access, Subcutaneous, Implanted
Device, Positive Pressure Breathing, Intermittent
Device, Pressure Applying
Device, Prosthesis Alignment
Device, Rebreathing
Device, Removal, Pacemaker Electrode, Percutaneous
Device, Semen Analysis
Device, Sensing, Optical Contour
Device, Skin Potential Measurement
Device, Sleep Assessment
Device, Specimen Collection
Device, Spot-Film
Device, Storage, Images, Ophthalmic
Device, Surgical, Cryogenic
Device, Telemedicine, Robotic
Device, Temperature Measurement, Direct Contact, Powered
Device, Testicular Hypothermia
Device, Thermal Ablation, Endometrial
Device, Thermal, Hemorrhoids
Device, Transfer, Patient, Manual
Device, Ultrasonic, Thermal Ablation
Device, Urine Flow Rate Measuring, Non-Electrical, Disposable
Device, Vascular, For Promoting Embolization
Device, Vein Location, Liquid Crystal
Device, Vein Stabilization
Device, Vibration Threshold Measurement
Device, Voice Amplification
Device, Warming. Blood And Plasma
Device, Warning, Overload, External Limb, Powered
Device,Ahf,Automated Cryoprecipitation
Device,Analysis,Anterior Segment
Device,Heimlich Maneuver Assist
Device,Mixing And Weighing,Semi-Automated
Device,Preparation,Fibrin Sealant
Device. Laser Peripheral Angioplasty
Devices, Breath Trapping, Alcohol
Devices, Measure, Antibodies To Glomerular Basement Membrane (Gbm)
Di (O-Hydroxyphenylimine) Ethane, Calcium
Diabetes Take Home Kit
Diacetyl-Monoxime, Urea Nitrogen
Diagnostic Light, Soft Tissue Detector
Diagnostic Software, K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, Autoimmune Disease
Diagnostic Ultrasonic Transducer, Robotic
Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment (Noncertified)
Dialysate Concentrate For Hemodialysis (Liquid Or Powder)
Dialyzer Reprocessing System
Dialyzer, Capillary, Hollow Fiber
Dialyzer, Disposable
Dialyzer, High Permeability With Or Without Sealed Dialysate System
Dialyzer, Parallel Flow
Dialyzer, Single Coil
Dialyzer, Twin Coil
Diaphragm, Contraceptive (And Accessories)
Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Laparoscopically-Implanted Stimulator
Diathermy, Microwave, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Diathermy, Microwave, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Diathermy, Shortwave, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Diathermy, Shortwave, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Diathermy, Ultrasonic, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Diathermy, Ultrasonic, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Diazo (Colorimetric), Nitrite (Urinary, Non-Quant)
Diazo Colorimetry, Bilirubin
Diazo, Alt/Sgpt
Diazo, Ast/Sgot
Diazonium Colorimetry, Urobilinogen (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Die, Wire Bending, Ent, Non-Sterile
Die, Wire Bending, Ent, Sterile
Dielectric Heaters, Induction Heaters, Rf Sealers
Diethyldithiocarbamate (Colorimetric), Copper
Differential Rate Kinetic Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
Differential Rate Kinetic Method, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes
Digital Angiography Tray (Kit)
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Digital Display Monitor
Digital Image, Storage And Communications, Non-Diagnostic, Laboratory Information System
Digitizer, Image, Radiological
Digitizer, Images, Ophthalmic
Digitoxin Control Serum, Ria
Digoxin Control Serum, Ria
Dilator, Catheter
Dilator, Catheter, Ureteral
Dilator, Cervical, Expandable
Dilator, Cervical, Fixed Size
Dilator, Cervical, Hygroscopic-Laminaria
Dilator, Cervical, Synthetic Osmotic
Dilator, Cervical, Vibratory
Dilator, Esophageal
Dilator, Esophageal (Metal Olive) Gastro-Urology
Dilator, Esophageal, Ent
Dilator, Expansive Iris (Accessory)
Dilator, Lachrymal
Dilator, Nasal
Dilator, Rectal
Dilator, Tracheal
Dilator, Urethral
Dilator, Urethral, Mechanical
Dilator, Vaginal
Dilator, Vessel
Dilator, Vessel, For Percutaneous Catheterization
Dilator, Vessel, Surgical
Diluent, Blood Cell
Dinitrophenyl Hydrazone Measurement (Colorimetric), Hydroxybutyric Dehydroge
Direct Agglutination Test, Toxoplasma Gondii
Discography Kit
Discs, Elution
Discs, Strips And Reagents, Microorganism Differentiation
Dish, Tissue Culture
Disinfectant, Dialysate Delivery System
Disinfectant, Medical Devices
Disinfectant, Subsystem, Water Purification
Disinfector, Medical Devices
Disk, Abrasive
Dislodger, Stone, Basket, Ureteral, Metal
Dislodger, Stone, Basket, Ureteral, Metal, Reprocessed
Dislodger, Stone, Biliary
Dislodger, Stone, Flexible
Dislodger, Stone, Flexible, Ureteral, Reprocessed
Disodium Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Dispenser, Cement
Dispenser, Liquid Medication
Dispenser, Mercury And/Or Alloy
Dispenser, Solid Medication
Dispensers, Paraffin
Display, Cathode-Ray Tube, Medical
Dissector, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Dissector, Tonsil
Dissolvable Gel For Preventing Ureteral Stone Migration
Dna Genetic Analyzer
Dna Probe, Gardnerella Vaginalis
Dna Probe, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Chlamydia
Dna Probe, Trichomonas Vaginalis
Dna Probe, Yeast
Dna Specimen Collection, Saliva
Dna-Probe - Blastomyces Dermatitidis
Dna-Probe Kit, Human Chromosome
Dna-Probe Kit, Human Chromosome X And Y, Bmt Engraftment
Dna-Probe, Agent, Listeria
Dna-Probe, B And T Lymphocyte
Dna-Probe, Haemophilus Spp.
Dna-Probe, Human Chromosome
Dna-Probe, Reagent, Histoplasma Capsulatum
Dna-Probe, Reagents, Coccidioides Immitis
Dna-Probe, Reagents, Cryptococcal
Dna-Probe, Reagents, Streptococcal
Dna-Probe, Staphylococcus Aureus
Dna-Probe, Strep Pneumoniae
Dna-Reagents, Campylobacter Spp.
Dna-Reagents, Chlamydia
Dna-Reagents, Cytomegalovirus
Dna-Reagents, Epstein-Barr Virus
Dna-Reagents, Legionella
Dna-Reagents, Mycobacterium Spp.
Dna-Reagents, Mycoplasma Spp.
Dna-Reagents, Neisseria
Dna-Reagents, Salmonella Spp.
Dna-Reagents, Shigella Spp.
Doppler, Fetal, Ultrasound
Dosimeter, Ionizing Radiation, Implanted
Douche Apparatus, Vaginal, Therapeutic
Drain, Cervical
Drain, Tee (Water Trap)
Drainage Catheter With Antibiotic
Drape, Adhesive, Aerosol
Drape, Microscope, Ophthalmic
Drape, Patient, Ophthalmic
Drape, Pure Latex Sheet, With Self-Retaining Finger Cot
Drape, Surgical
Drape, Surgical, Ent
Drape, Urological, Disposable
Dress, Surgical
Dressing Change Tray
Dressing, Compression
Dressing, Wound And Burn, Hydrogel W/Drug And/Or Biologic
Dressing, Wound And Burn, Interactive
Dressing, Wound And Burn, Occlusive
Dressing, Wound, Collagen
Dressing, Wound, Drug
Dressing,Wound And Burn,Occlusive,Heated
Dressing,Wound,Hydrogel W/Out Drug And/Or Biologic
Drill, Battery Powered, Subungual Hematoma
Drill, Bone, Powered
Drill, Dental, Intraoral
Drill, Surgical, Ent (Electric Or Pneumatic) Including Handpiece
Drills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Compound, Powered)
Drills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Manual)
Drills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Simple, Powered)
Drills, Burrs, Trephines And Accessories (Manual), Reprocessed
Drills, Burrs, Trephines And Accessories (Simple Powered), Reprocessed
Drills, Burrs, Trephines, And Accessories (Powered Compound), Reprocessed
Drink, Glucose Tolerance
Driver, Band, Orthodontic
Driver, Prosthesis
Driver, Surgical, Pin
Driver, Wire, And Bone Drill, Manual
Dropper, Ent
Dropper, Ether
Drug Eluting Permanent Left Ventricular (Lv) Pacemaker Electrode
Drug Eluting Permanent Right Ventricular (Rv) Or Right Atrial (Ra) Pacemaker Electrodes
Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping Systems
Drug Mixture Control Materials
Drug Specific Control Materials
Drug-Eluting Sinus Stent
Drum, Eye Knife Test
Drum, Opticokinetic
Dry Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine
Dryer, Film, Radiographic
Ductoscope, Breast
Duodenoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Dura Substitute
Dvd, Bluray, Or Hd Recorder
Dvd, Dvd-Rom, Bluray, Hd Player
Dye-Indicator, Ph (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Dynamometer, Ac-Powered
Dynamometer, Nonpowered
Ear Irrigation Kit
Ear Wick
Ear, Nose, And Throat Surgical Tray (Kit)
Early Growth Response 1 (Egr) Fish Probe Kit
Eas Chromatography, Quinine
Eating Disorder Conditioning Tool
Ecarin Clotting Time
Eia, Blastomyces Dermatitidis
Elastomer, Silicone Block
Elastomer, Silicone, For Scar Management
Electric Blanket
Electrical Stimulation Bladder System
Electrocardiograph, Ambulatory, With Analysis Algorithm
Electrocardiograph,Ambulatory(Without Analysis)
Electrocautery, Endoscopic And Accessories
Electrocautery, Gynecologic (And Accessories)
Electrode Measurement, Blood-Gases (Pco2, Po2) And Blood Ph
Electrode, Circular (Spiral), Scalp And Applicator
Electrode, Clip, Fetal Scalp (And Applicator)
Electrode, Corneal
Electrode, Cortical
Electrode, Cutaneous
Electrode, Depth
Electrode, Electrocardiograph
Electrode, Electrodcardiograph, Multi-Function
Electrode, Electrosurgical
Electrode, Electrosurgical, Active, Urological
Electrode, Electrosurgical, Active, Urological, Reprocessed
Electrode, Flexible Suction Coagulator
Electrode, Flexible Suction Coagulator, Reprocessed
Electrode, Gel, Electrosurgical
Electrode, In Vivo Calcium Ion Selective
Electrode, Ion Based, Enzymatic, Creatinine
Electrode, Ion Selective (Non-Specified)
Electrode, Ion Specific, Calcium
Electrode, Ion Specific, Magnesium
Electrode, Ion Specific, Potassium
Electrode, Ion Specific, Sodium
Electrode, Ion Specific, Urea Nitrogen
Electrode, Ion-Specific Method, Ammonia
Electrode, Ion-Specific, Chloride
Electrode, Nasopharyngeal
Electrode, Needle
Electrode, Needle, Diagnostic Electromyograph
Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary
Electrode, Pacing And Cardioversion, Temporary, Epicardial
Electrode, Ph, Stomach
Electrode, Spinal Epidural
Electrode, Stabilized Epidural Spinal
Electrolyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
Electrometry, Cholinesterase
Electromyograph, Diagnostic
Electronic Article Surveillance (Eas)
Electronic Depth Gauge
Electronic Media, Hyperacusis
Electronic Media, Nausea
Electrophoresis Instrumentation
Electrophoresis, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase, Hdl
Electrophoretic Method, Catecholamines
Electrophoretic Method, Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio
Electrophoretic Separation, Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes
Electrophoretic Separation, Lipoproteins
Electrophoretic, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase Isoenzymes
Electrophoretic, Globulin
Electrophoretic, Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes
Electrophoretic, Protein Fractionation
Electrosurgical Coagulation For Aesthetic
Electrosurgical Device
Electrosurgical Patient Return Electrode
Electrosurgical Radiofrequency System, Stress Urinary Incontinence, Female, Transvaginal Or Laparoscopic, Pelvic Tissue
Electrosurgical, Cutting & Coagulation & Accessories
Electrosurgical, Cutting & Coagulation Accessories, Laparoscopic & Endoscopic, Reprocessed
Electrosurgical, Electrode Kit
Electrosurgical,Radio Frequency,Refractive Correction
Elevator, Ent
Elevator, Surgical, Dental
Elevator, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Elevator, Uterine
Elevator, Wheelchair, Portable
Elisa, Antibody, West Nile Virus
Elisa, Trichinella Spiralis
Emergency Obstetrical Kit
Emergency Response Safety Kit
Encephalogram Telemetry System
Endodontic Kit
Endoilluminator, Reprocessed
Endometrial Sampling Kit
Endoscope And/Or Accessories
Endoscope Channel Accessory
Endoscope Holder
Endoscope, Ac-Powered And Accessories
Endoscope, Accessories, Narrow Band Spectrum
Endoscope, Battery-Powered And Accessories
Endoscope, Fetal Blood Sampling (And Accessories)
Endoscope, Fiber Optic
Endoscope, Flexible
Endoscope, Mirror
Endoscope, Neurological
Endoscope, Ophthalmic
Endoscope, Prism
Endoscope, Rigid
Endoscope, Transcervical (Amnioscope)(And Accessories)
Endoscopic Access Overtube, Gastroenterology-Urology
Endoscopic Bite Block
Endoscopic Central Control Unit
Endoscopic Contamination Prevention Sheath
Endoscopic Cytology Brush
Endoscopic Grasping/Cutting Instrument, Non-Powered
Endoscopic Guidewire, Gastroenterology-Urology
Endoscopic Injection Needle, Gastroenterology-Urology
Endoscopic Irrigation/Suction System
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (Ercp) Cannula
Endoscopic Storage Cover
Endoscopic Suture/Plication System, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Gerd)
Endoscopic Tissue Approximation Device
Endoscopic Ultrasound System, Gastroenterology-Urology
Endoscopic Video Imaging System/Component, Gastroenterology-Urology
Endovascular Suturing System
Endscopic Magnetic Retriever
Enema Kit, (For Cleaning Purpose)
Engine, Trephine, Accessories, Ac-Powered
Engine, Trephine, Accessories, Battery-Powered
Engine, Trephine, Accessories, Gas-Powered
Enteroscope And Accessories
Enzymatic (Glutathione Reductase), Glutathione
Enzymatic Esterase--Oxidase, Cholesterol
Enzymatic Method, Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Ultraviolet
Enzymatic Method, Ammonia
Enzymatic Method, Bilirubin
Enzymatic Method, Creatinine
Enzymatic Methods, Galactose
Enzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Amikacin
Enzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Gentamicin
Enzymatic Radiochemical Assay, Tobramycin
Enzymatic, Carbon-Dioxide
Enzyme Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
Enzyme Immunoassasy, Nocotine And Nicotine Metabolites
Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Antiparietal Cell Antibody, Antigen, Control
Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate
Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazipine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids
Enzyme Immunoassay, Carbamazepine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites
Enzyme Immunoassay, Cortisol, Salivary
Enzyme Immunoassay, Digitoxin
Enzyme Immunoassay, Digoxin
Enzyme Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
Enzyme Immunoassay, Ethosuximide
Enzyme Immunoassay, Fetal Fibronectin
Enzyme Immunoassay, Gentamicin
Enzyme Immunoassay, Inhibin-A
Enzyme Immunoassay, Lidocaine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone
Enzyme Immunoassay, Methotrexate
Enzyme Immunoassay, N-Acetylprocainamide
Enzyme Immunoassay, Non-Radiolabeled, Total Thyroxine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates
Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
Enzyme Immunoassay, Primidone
Enzyme Immunoassay, Procainamide
Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene
Enzyme Immunoassay, Quinidine
Enzyme Immunoassay, Theophylline
Enzyme Immunoassay, Tracrolimus
Enzyme Immunoassay, Valproic Acid
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, (Chlamydiae Group)
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Antibody, B. Anthracis
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Cytomegalovirus
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Non-Specific
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Histoplasma Capsulatum
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Mumps Virus
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Mycoplasma Spp.
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rotavirus
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubella
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubeola Igg
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Rubeola Igm
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Toxoplasma Gondii
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay, Varicella-Zoster
Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorption Assay, Treponema Pallidum
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay For The Detection Of Lipoarabinomannan Antigen Of Mycobacteria
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Coccidioides Immitis
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Hsv-1
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Herpes Simplex Virus, Hsv-2
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, T. Cruzi
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Thrombus Precursor Protein
Eosin B
Eosin Y
Epidural Anesthesia Kit
Epilator, High Frequency, Needle-Type
Epilator, High Frequency, Tweezer-Type
Epstein-Barr Virus, Other
Equipment, Laboratory, General Purpose, Labeled Or Promoted For A Specific Medical Use
Equipment, Photographic, For Physiologic Function Monitor
Equipment, Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis
Equipment, Traction, Powered
Eraser, Dental Stain
Erythrocyte Suspension, Multi Species, Serological Reagent And Equipment
Erythrosin B
Esophagoscope (Flexible Or Rigid)
Esophagoscope, General & Plastic Surgery
Esophagoscope, Rigid, Gastro-Urology
Esthesiometer, Ocular
Ethyl Eosin
Euthyscope, Ac-Powered
Euthyscope, Battery-Powered
Evacuator, Bladder, Manually Operated
Evacuator, Gastro-Urology
Evacuator, Oral Cavity
Evacuator, Vapor, Cement Monomer
Everolimus Immunoassay
Evoked Potential Stimulator, Thermal
Excavator, Dental, Operative
Excavator, Ear
Excimer Laser System
Exercise Equipment, Powered, Emg-Triggered
Exerciser, Finger, Powered
Exerciser, Measuring
Exerciser, Non-Measuring
Exerciser, Powered
Exoenzymes, Multiple, Streptococcal
Expander, Skin, Inflatable
Expander, Surgical, Skin Graft
Expander, Tissue, Orbital
Expiratory Resistance Valve, Intranasal, For Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Explorer, Operative
External Mandibular Fixator And/Or Distractor
External Urethral Occluder, Urinary Incontinence-Control, Female
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment
Extractable Antinuclear Antibody, Antigen And Control
Extraction Plus Chromatography With Color By Ninhydrin, Hydroxyproline
Extractor, Vacuum, Fetal
Extractor, Vein
Eye Tray
Eye, Artificial, Non-Custom
Eyelid Thermal Pulsation System
Fab, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fab, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fab, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Face Plate Hearing Aid
Facial Implant
Factor B, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Factor Xiii A, S, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fast Green
Fast Red Salt B
Fastener, Fixation, Biodegradable, Hard Tissue
Fastener, Fixation, Biodegradable, Soft Tissue
Fastener, Fixation, Nondegradable, Soft Tissue
Fastener, Plate, Cranioplasty
Fat Reducing Low Level Laser
Fc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fc, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fc, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ferric Chloride, Phenylketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Ferricyanide, Glucose
Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ferrozine (Colorimetric) Iron Binding Capacity
Fiber Optic Communication And Data Transfer
Fiber Optic Instrument For Testing Optical Fibers
Fiber, Medical, Absorbent
Fibrillator, Ac
Fibrin Monomer Paracoagulation
Fibrin Split Products
Fibrinogen And Fibrin Split Products, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fibrinogen And Split Products, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fibrinogen And Split Products, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fibrinogen And Split Products, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fibrinogen And Split Products, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fibrinogen Determination Standards And Controls
Fibrinogen Standard
Fibrinopeptide A, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
File, Bone, Surgical
File, Margin Finishing, Operative
File, Periodontic
File, Pulp Canal, Endodontic
File, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Filiform And Filiform Follower
Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound
Filler, Bone Void, Non-Osteoinduction
Filler, Bone Void, Osteoinduction (W/O Human Growth Factor)
Filler, Bone Void, Recombinant Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold With Metal Prosthesis, Osteoinduction
Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold, Osteoinduction
Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold, Osteoinduction - Hde
Filler, Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Collagen Scaffold, Osteoinduction - Hde, Long Bone Nonunion
Film, Camera, Surgical
Film, Radiographic
Filter, Bacterial, Breathing-Circuit
Filter, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Arterial Line
Filter, Blood, Cardiotomy Suction Line, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Filter, Blood, Dialysis
Filter, Conduction, Anesthetic
Filter, Infusion Line
Filter, Intravascular, Cardiovascular
Filter, Prebypass, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Filters, Cell Collection, Tissue Processing
Finger Cot
Finger Semi-Constrained Pyrolytic Carbon Uncemented Prosthesis
First Aid Kit With Drug
First Aid Kit Without Drug
Fish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Protein Nucleic Acid, Enterococcus Faecalis
Fish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Protein Nucleic Acid, Rna, Staphylococcus Aureus
Fish (Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization) Kit, Protein Nucleic Acid, Rna, Yeast
Fixation Accessory
Fixation, Non-Absorbable, For Pelvic Use
Fixation, Vision Training, Binocular
Fixative, Acid Containing
Fixative, Alcohol Containing
Fixative, Formalin-Containing
Fixative, Metallic Containing
Fixative, Richardson Glycol
Flame Emission Photometer For Clinical Use
Flame Photometry, Lithium
Flame Photometry, Potassium
Flame Photometry, Sodium
Flasher, Afterimage, Ophthalmic
Flask, Tissue Culture
Floss, Dental
Flow Cytometric Reagents And Accessories.
Flowmeter, Blood, Cardiovascular
Flowmeter, Calibration, Gas
Flowmeter, Dialysate
Flowmeter, Nonback-Pressure Compensated, Bourdon Gauge
Flowmeter, Tube, Thorpe, Back-Pressure Compensated
Fluid, Bouin'S
Fluid, Cytological Collection
Fluid, Diluting, Manual Cell
Fluid, Diluting, Red-Cell
Fluid, Diluting, White-Cell
Fluid, Hysteroscopy
Fluid, Intraocular
Fluidic, Phacoemulsification/Phacofragmentation
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase, Gene Rearrangement
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Topoisomerase Ii Alpha, Gene Amplification And Deletion
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Amibacin
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Carbamazepine
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin (Free)
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin (Total)
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Theophylline
Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay, Tobramycin
Fluorescence, Visual Observation (Qual., U.V.), Glutathione Reductase
Fluorescent Immunoassay Gentamicin
Fluorescent Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
Fluorescent Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
Fluorescent Immunoassay, Primidone
Fluorescent Immunoassay, Theophylline
Fluorescent Immunoassay, Tobramycin
Fluorescent Lamp
Fluorescent Proc. (Qual.), Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase
Fluorometer, For Clinical Use
Fluorometer, Lead (Dedicated Instruments)
Fluorometric Measurement, Porphyrins
Fluorometric Method, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
Fluorometric Method, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
Fluorometric Method, Triglycerides
Fluorometric, Calcium
Fluorometric, Cortisol
Fluorometric, Uroporphyrin
Fluorometry, Morphine
Fluroesence Polorization Immunoassay For Cyclosporine
Focused Ultrasound For Tissue Heat Or Mechanical Cellular Disruption
Folders And Injectors, Intraocular Lens (Iol)
Food Processing
Foot Examination Tool For Inflammatory Changes
Footrest, Wheelchair
For Export Only - Antigen, Anti-Cardiac, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test System
For Export Only - Antigen, Anti-Skeletal, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test System
Forceps, Articulation Paper
Forceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid)
Forceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Non-Rigid), Reprocessed
Forceps, Biopsy, Bronchoscope (Rigid)
Forceps, Biopsy, Electric
Forceps, Biopsy, Electric, Reprocessed
Forceps, Biopsy, Gynecological
Forceps, Biopsy, Gynecological, Reprocessed
Forceps, Biopsy, Non-Electric
Forceps, Biopsy, Non-Electric, Reprocessed
Forceps, Disconnect
Forceps, Dressing, Dental
Forceps, Ent
Forceps, General & Plastic Surgery
Forceps, Obstetrical
Forceps, Ophthalmic
Forceps, Rongeur, Surgical
Forceps, Rubber Dam Clamp
Forceps, Surgical, Gynecological
Forceps, Tooth Extractor, Surgical
Forceps, Tube Introduction
Forceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Non-Sterile
Forceps, Wire Closure, Ent, Sterile
Forceps, Wire Holding
Forensic Evidence Sexual Assault Kit
Forensics Laser
Fork, Tuning
Formaldehyde (Formalin, Formol)
Formalin, Neutral Buffered
Formulations, Balanced Salt Solutions
Formulations, Mercuric Chloride For Tissue
Formulations, Paraffin, All
Fraction Iv-5, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fraction V, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Frame, Camera, Surgical
Frame, Rubber Dam
Frame, Spectacle
Frame, Trial, Ophthalmic
Free Radical Assay, Amphetamine
Free Radical Assay, Cocaine
Free Radical Assay, Lsd
Free Radical Assay, Methadone
Free Radical Assay, Morphine
Free Radical Assay, Opiates
Free Radical, Benzoylecgnonine
Free Secretory Component, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Fructose-1, 6-Diphosphate And Nadh (U.V.), Aldolase
Full Field Digital,System,X-Ray,Mammographic
Full-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph
Gabapentin Assay
Gag, Mouth
Galectin-3 In Vitro Diagnostic Assay
Gamma Globulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Gamma Globulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Garment, Protective, For Incontinence
Garment, Storage, Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter
Gas Chromatograph, Alcohol (Dedicated Instruments)
Gas Chromatograph, Carbon-Monoxide
Gas Chromatography, Alcohol
Gas Chromatography, Amphetamine
Gas Chromatography, Bacillus Anthracis Membrane Fatty Acids
Gas Chromatography, Benzodiazipine
Gas Chromatography, Cocaine
Gas Chromatography, Codeine
Gas Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin
Gas Chromatography, Ethosuximide
Gas Chromatography, Methadone
Gas Chromatography, Methamphetamine
Gas Chromatography, Morphine
Gas Chromatography, Opiates
Gas Chromatography, Phenobarbital
Gas Chromatography, Pregnanetriol
Gas Chromatography, Primidone
Gas Chromatography, Propoxyphene
Gas Chromatography, Salicylate
Gas Control Unit, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Gas Liquid Chromatography, Barbiturate
Gas, Calibration (Specified Concentration)
Gas, Collecting Vessel
Gas, Laser Generating
Gas-Machine, Anesthesia
Gases Used Within Eye To Place Pressure On Detached Retina
Gases, Glc
Gastrointestinal Motility System, Capsule
Gastroscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Gastroscope, General & Plastic Surgery
Gauge, Depth
Gauge, Depth, Instrument, Dental
Gauge, Gas Pressure, Cylinder/Pipeline
Gauge, Lens, Ophthalmic
Gauge, Mastoid
Gauge, Measuring
Gauge, Pressure, Coronary, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Gauze, External (With Drug/Biologic/Animal Source Material)
Gauze/Sponge, Internal
Gauze/Sponge, Internal, With Drug/Biologic, Animal Source Material
Gauze/Sponge, Internal, X-Ray Detectable
Gauze/Sponge,Nonresorbable For External Use
Gel, Electrode, For Pulp Tester
Gelatin For Specimen Adhesion
General Purpose Dental Tray (Kit)
General Purpose Laser Products
General Surgery Tray (Kit)
Generator, Dermatological (Grenz Ray), Therapeutic X-Ray
Generator, Electroencephalograph Test Signal
Generator, Electronic Noise (For Audiometric Testing)
Generator, High Voltage, X-Ray, Therapeutic
Generator, High-Voltage, X-Ray, Diagnostic
Generator, Lesion, Radiofrequency
Generator, Low Voltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
Generator, Orthovoltage, Therapeutic X-Ray
Generator, Oxygen, Portable
Generator, Pulsatile Flow, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Generator, Pulse, Pacemaker, External Programmable
Generator, Radionuclide
Generator, Shock-Wave, For Pain Relief
Giardia Spp.
Giemsa Stain
Gingival Retraction Kit
Glenner'S Stain
Glenoid Fossa Prosthesis
Glossopharyngeal Anesthesia Kit
Glove, Patient Examination, Powder-Free
Glucose Dehydrogenase, Glucose
Glucose Oxidase, Glucose
Glucose-6-Phosphate (Colorimetric), Phosphohexose Isomerase
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Catalase Inhibition
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Electrophoresis
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Methemoglobin Reduction
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Micromethod
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Quantitative
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Screening
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), Spot
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Erythrocytic), U.V. Kinetic
Glutathione, Red-Cell
Glyceralde-3-Phosphate, Nadh (Enzymatic), Triose Phosphate Isomerase
Gold Chloride
Gold Chloride (Colorimetric), Bromide
Goniometer With Electrodes
Goniometer, Ac-Powered
Goniometer, Nonpowered
Gonococcal Antibody Tests
Gouge, Nasal, Ent
Gouge, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Gown, Examination
Gown, Isolation, Surgical
Gown, Patient
Gown, Surgical
Graft Insertion Instrument For Endothelial Keratoplasty
Graft, Sclera, Reinforcement
Graft, Vascular, Hemodialysis Access, Synthetic/Biological Composite
Graft, Vascular, Synthetic/Biologic Composite
Graft,Bypass,Coronary Artery
Graft,Vascular,Stainless Steel Tunneler
Gram Negative Identification Panel
Gram Positive Identification Panel
Gram-Positive Bacteria And Their Resistance Markers
Grid, Amsler
Grid, Radiographic
Grinder, Tissue
Group A Streptococcus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay System
Guaiac Reagent
Guard, Disk
Guard, Instrument
Guard, Shunt
Guard, Skin Graft
Guide, Drill, Ligament
Guide, Needle, Surgical
Guide, Surgical, Instrument
Guide, Wire, Catheter, Neurovasculature
Guide-Star Laser System
Guidewire, Catheter, Reprocessed
Guillotine, Tonsil
Gun, Tie, Dialysis
Gustometer, Non-Sterile
Gustometer, Sterile
Gynecological Laparoscopic Kit
Hair Dryer
Halter, Head, Traction
Hammer, Reflex, Powered
Hammer, Surgical
Hand Washing Sanitizer
Hand, External Limb Component, Mechanical
Hand, External Limb Component, Powered
Hand-Tally, Differential
Handle, Instrument, Dental
Handle, Scalpel
Handpiece (Brace), Drill
Handpiece, Air-Powered, Dental
Handpiece, Air-Powered, Root Canal Irrigation
Handpiece, Belt And/Or Gear Driven, Dental
Handpiece, Contra- And Right-Angle Attachment, Dental
Handpiece, Direct Drive, Ac-Powered
Handpiece, Rotary Bone Cutting
Handpiece, Water-Powered
Handrim, Wheelchair
Haptoglobin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Haptoglobin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Haptoglobin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Head Halter, Traction
Head, Surgical, Hammer
Headgear, Extraoral, Orthodontic
Headlamp, Operating, Ac-Powered
Headlamp, Operating, Battery-Operated
Headlight, Fiberoptic Focusing
Headrest, Neurosurgical
Hearing Aid, Air Conduction
Hearing Aid, Air Conduction With Wireless Technology
Hearing Aid, Air Conduction, Transcutaneous System
Hearing Aid, Bone Conduction
Hearing Aid, Bone Conduction, Implanted
Hearing Aid, Group And Auditory Trainer
Hearing Aid, Master
Hearing Aid, Tactile
Heart Valve, More Than Minimally Manipulated Allograft
Heart-Valve, Allograft
Heart-Valve, Mechanical
Heart-Valve, Non-Allograft Tissue
Heat Source For Bleaching Teeth
Heat Treatment For Cold Sores Herpes Simplex Virus-1
Heat-Exchanger, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Heater, Breathing System W/Wo Controller (Not Humidifier Or Nebulizer
Heater, Perineal
Heater, Perineal, Direct Contact
Heater, Perineal, Radiant, Non-Contact
Heavy Metals Control Materials
Helicobacter Pylori
Helmet, Cranial, For Protective Use
Helmet, Surgical
Hemagglutination Inhibition, Barbiturate
Hemagglutination Inhibition, Gentamicin
Hemagglutination Inhibition, Methadone
Hemagglutination Inhibition, Morphine
Hemagglutination, Cocaine Metabolites (Benzoylecgnonine)
Hemagglutination, Opiates
Hematocrit, Tube, Rack, Sealer, Holder
Hematoxylin Harris'S
Hematoxylin Mayer'S
Hematoxylin Weigert'S
Hematoxylin, Acid, Phosphotungstic
Hematoxylin, Chrome Alum
Hematoxylin, Ehrlich'S
Hematoxylin, Iron, Weigert'S
Hemodialysis System For Home Use
Hemodialyzer, High Cut-Off
Hemodialyzer, Re-Use, High Flux
Hemodialyzer, Re-Use, Low Flux
Hemoglobin A2 Quantitation
Hemoglobin C (Abnormal Hemoglobin Variant)
Hemoglobin F Quantitation
Hemoglobin M
Hemoglobin S
Hemoglobin, Alkali Resistant
Hemoglobin, Chain Specific, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Hemopexin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Hemopexin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Hemopexin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Hemorrhoid Prevention Pressure Wedge
Hemostat, Surgical
Heparin Coating Chemicals
Heparin, Vascular Access Flush
Hepatitis A Test (Antibody And Igm Antibody)
Hepatitis Delta Serological Reagents
Hepatitis Viral B Dna Detection
Herpes Simplex Virus Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay
Hexane Extraction, Fluorescence, Vitamin E
Hexokinase, Glucose
High Demand, Revision, Semi-Constrained, Pyrolytic Carbon, Uncemented Finger Prosthesis
High Intensity Lamp
High Level Disinfection Reprocessing Instrument For Ultrasonic Transducers
High Performance Liquid Chromatography For Cyclosporine
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Barbiturate
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Benzodiazipine
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Codeine
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Methamphetamine
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Opiates
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Propoxyphene
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Quinine
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
High Pressure Mercury, Metal Halide, And Mercury Xenon Lamp (Not For General Purpose Illumination)
High Voltage Tubes
High Voltage Vacuum Switches
High-Power Laser Light Show
High-Power Laser Light Show Projector
Hill Holder, Wheelchair
Hip Prosthesis, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer, + Additive, Porous, Uncemented
Hip, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Ceramic/Polymer + Additive, Porous Uncemented
Hip, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer + Additive, Cemented
Hoe, Periodontic
Holder, Camera, Surgical
Holder, Crutch And Cane, Wheelchair
Holder, Ear Speculum
Holder, Film, X-Ray
Holder, Head, Neurosurgical (Skull Clamp)
Holder, Head, Radiographic
Holder, Heart-Valve, Prosthesis
Holder, Infant Position
Holder, Needle, Gastroenterologic
Holder, Needle; Orthopedic
Holder, Radiographic Cassette, Wall-Mounted
Holder, Speculum, Ent
Holder, Syringe, Lead
Holder, Ureteral Catheter
Holding Chambers, Direct Patient Interface
Holograph, Fetal, Acoustical
Holographic Displaying Or Creating Laser Product.
Home Uterine Activity Monitor
Hood, Oxygen, Infant
Hood, Surgical
Hook, Bone
Hook, Destructive, Obstetrical
Hook, Ether
Hook, External Limb Component, Mechanical
Hook, External Limb Component, Powered
Hook, Fibroid, Gynecological
Hook, Gastro-Urology
Hook, Microsurgical Ear
Hook, Ophthalmic
Hook, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Hook, Tonsil Suturing
Hook, Tracheal
Human Lyophilized Dura Mater
Human Metapneumovirus (Hmpv) Rna Assay System
Humidifier Nebulizer Kit
Humidifier, Non-Direct Patient Interface (Home-Use)
Humidifier, Respiratory Gas, (Direct Patient Interface)
Humidifier, Respiratory, Mask (Direct Patient Interface)
Hyaline Membrane Disease Assay
Hydrazone Colorimetry, Aldolase
Hydrazone Colorimetry, Alt/Sgpt
Hydrazone Colorimetry, Ast/Sgot
Hydrazone Deriv. Of Alpha-Ketogluterate (Colorimetry), Isocitric Dehydrogen
Hydrogel Spacer
Hyperthermia Monitor
Hyperthermia System, Bladder Cancer Treatment, With Chemotherapy
Hysterectomy Kit
Hysteroscope (And Accessories)
Hysteroscope Accessories
Iga, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Iga, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Iga, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Iga, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Iga, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igal Heavy & Light Chain Combined
Igd, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igd, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igd, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igd, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ige, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ige, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ige, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ige, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ige, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg (Fab Fragment Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg (Fc Fragment Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg (Fd Fragment Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg (Gamma Chain Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igg, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igm (Mu Chain Specific), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igm, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igm, Ferritin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igm, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igm, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Igm, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Illuminator, Color Vision Plate
Illuminator, Fiberoptic, Surgical Field
Illuminator, Non-Remote
Illuminator, Radiographic-Film
Illuminator, Radiographic-Film, Explosion-Proof
Illuminator, Remote
Image Digitizer
Image, Illumination, Fiberoptic, For Endoscope
Image-Intensified Fluoroscopic X-Ray System, Mobile
Imager, Breast, Electrical Impedance
Imager, Ultrasonic Obstetric-Gynecologic
Immunoassay For Blood Tacrolimus
Immunoassay Method, Troponin Subunit
Immunoassay, Anti-Seizure Drug
Immunoassay, Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1
Immunoassay, Placental Alpha-1 Microglobulin (Pamg-1)
Immunochemical, Bence-Jones Protein
Immunochemical, Ceruloplasmin
Immunochemical, Lysozyme (Muramidase)
Immunochemical, Thyroglobulin Autoantibody
Immunochemical, Transferrin
Immunodiffusion, Protein Fractionation
Immunoelectrophoretic, Immunoglobulins, (G, A, M)
Immunofluorescent Assay, T. Cruzi
Immunoglobulin A Kappa Heavy & Light Chain Combined
Immunoglobulin G Kappa Heavy And Light Chain Combined
Immunoglobulin G Lambda Heavy And Light Chain Combined
Immunohistochemical Assay, Helicobacter Pylori
Immunohistochemical Reagent, Antibody (Monoclonal Or Polyclonal) To P63 Protein In Nucleus Of Prostatic Basal Cells
Immunohistochemistry Antibody Assay, C-Kit
Immunohistochemistry Antibody Assay, Estrogen Receptor
Immunohistochemistry Assay, Antibody, Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
Immunohistochemistry Assay,Antibody,Progesterone Receptor
Immunohistochemistry Reagents And Kits
Implant, Absorbable, (Scleral Buckling Methods)
Implant, Anti-Gastroesophageal Reflux
Implant, Cartilage, For Articular Cartilage Repair
Implant, Cochlear
Implant, Collagen For Non-Aesthetic Use
Implant, Corneal, Refractive
Implant, Dermal, For Aesthetic Use
Implant, Endosseous, Orthodontic
Implant, Endosseous, Root-Form
Implant, Eye Sphere
Implant, Eye Valve
Implant, Fixation Device, Spinal
Implant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear, Partially Implanted
Implant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear, Totally Implanted
Implant, Intragastric For Morbid Obesity
Implant, Malar
Implant, Muscle, Pectoralis
Implant, Orbital, Extra-Ocular
Implant, Subperiosteal
Implant, Temporal
Implant, Transmandibular
Implantable Bladder-Evacuation Electrical Stimulation System
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (Non-Crt)
Implantable Pacemaker Pulse-Generator
Implantable Pulse Generator, Pacemaker (Non-Crt)
Implantable Radio Frequency Transponder System
Implanted Cerebellar Stimulator
Implanted Diaphragmatic/Phrenic Nerve Stimulator
Implanted Fecal Incontinence Device
Implanted Subcortical Electrical Stimulator (Motor Disorders)
Implanted Subcutaneous Securement Catheter
Incubator, Neonatal
Incubator, Neonatal Transport
Index-Generating Electroencephalograph Software
Indicator Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Indicator, Alumina Fluorescent, Tlc
Indicator, Biological Sterilization Process
Indicator, Biological, Liquid Chemical Sterilization Process
Indicator, Cellulose Fluorescent, Tlc
Indicator, Physical/Chemical Sterilization Process
Indicator, Physical/Chemical, Storage Temperature
Indicator, Silica Gel Fluorescent, Tlc
Indicator, Sterilization
Indicator,Chemical,Enzymatic,Sterilization Process
Indirect Copper Assay, Ceruloplasmin
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test, Entamoeba Histolytica & Rel Sp
Industrial Accelerator
Industrial X-Ray
Infant Heel Warmer (Chemical Heat Pack)
Infant Positioner, Rx, Use In Highly Monitored Setting
Influenza A And Influenza B Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay
Influenza A Virus Subtype Differentiation Nucleic Acid Assay
Infrared Hematoma Detector
Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement, Urinary Calculi (Stone)
Infusor, Pressure, For I.V. Bags
Ingestible Event Marker
Inhaler, Nasal
Inhibitor, Peridural Fibrosis (Adhesion Barrier)
Inhibitor, Postoperative Fibrosis (Adhesion Barrier)
Injector And Syringe, Angiographic
Injector And Syringe, Angiographic, Balloon Inflation, Reprocessed
Injector And Syringe, Angiographic, Reprocessed
Injector, Capsular Tension Ring
Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic
Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic, Reprocessed
Injector, Fluid, Non-Electrically Powered
Injector, Indicator
Injector, Jet, Gas-Powered
Injector, Jet, Mechanical-Powered
Injector, Pen
Injector, Vertebroplasty (Does Not Contain Cement)
Ink, Arch Tracing
Insert, Pump, Blood
Insert, Tubal Occlusion
Inserter, Myringotomy Tube
Inserter, Sacculotomy Tack
Inserter/Remover Contact Lens
Insoles, Medical
Instrument For Auto Reader & Interpretation Of Overnight Suscept. Systems
Instrument For Auto Reader Of Overnight Microorganism Identification System
Instrument For Treatment Of Hyperhidrosis
Instrument, Automated Platelet Counting
Instrument, Bending Or Contouring
Instrument, Biopsy
Instrument, Biopsy, Mechanical, Gastrointestinal
Instrument, Biopsy, Reprocessed
Instrument, Biopsy, Suction
Instrument, Cast Application/Removal, Manual
Instrument, Cast Removal, Ac-Powered
Instrument, Catheter, Punch
Instrument, Clip Forming/Cutting
Instrument, Clip Removal
Instrument, Clip, Forming/Cutting, Reprocessed
Instrument, Coagulation
Instrument, Coagulation, Automated
Instrument, Compression
Instrument, Contouring, Matrix, Operative
Instrument, Cranioplasty Material Forming
Instrument, Cutting, Operative
Instrument, Cutting, Orthopedic
Instrument, Destructive, Fetal, Obstetric
Instrument, Diamond, Dental
Instrument, Diamond, Dental, Reprocessed
Instrument, Dowel Cutting
Instrument, Ent Manual Surgical
Instrument, Filling, Plastic, Dental
Instrument, Glucose, Noninvasive Technology
Instrument, Hand, Calculus Removal
Instrument, Hematocrit, Automated
Instrument, Ligature Passing And Knot Tying
Instrument, Ligature Tucking, Orthodontic
Instrument, Manual, General Obstetric-Gynecologic
Instrument, Manual, Specialized Obstetric-Gynecologic
Instrument, Manual, Surgical, General Use
Instrument, Measuring, Corneal Radius
Instrument, Measuring, Lens, Ac-Powered
Instrument, Measuring, Stereopsis
Instrument, Microsurgical
Instrument, Prosthesis Modification For Ossicular Replacement Surgery, Non-Sterile
Instrument, Prosthesis Modification For Ossicular Replacement Surgery, Sterile
Instrument, Quality-Assurance, Radiologic
Instrument, Shunt System Implantation
Instrument, Special Lens, For Endoscope
Instrument, Surgical, Disposable
Instrument, Surgical, Non-Powered
Instrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Ac-Powered Motor And Accessory/Attachment
Instrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Dc-Powered Motor And Accessory/Attachment
Instrument, Surgical, Orthopedic, Pneumatic Powered & Accessory/Attachment
Instrument, Surgical, Sonic And Accessory/Attachment
Instrument, Ultrasonic Surgical
Instrument, Visual Field, Laser
Instrument, Vitreous Aspiration And Cutting, Ac-Powered
Instrument, Vitreous Aspiration And Cutting, Battery-Powered
Instrumentation For Clinical Multiplex Test Systems
Instrumentation, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
Instruments, Dental Hand
Instruments, Surgical, Cardiovascular
Insufflator, Automatic Carbon-Dioxide For Endoscope
Insufflator, Carbon-Dioxide, Uterotubal (And Accessories)
Insufflator, Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting
Insufflator, Hysteroscopic
Insufflator, Laparoscopic
Insufflator, Vaginal
Insulin Autoantibody Kit
Insulin Vial Protector/Holder
Inter-Alpha Trypsin Inhibitor, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Inter-Alpha Trypsin Inhibitor, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Interarticular Disc Prosthesis (Interpositional Implant)
Interferential Current Therapy
Interferometric Position Measuring Product
Internal Polymerase Chain Reaction Control, Not Assay Specific
Interventional Fluoroscopic X-Ray System
Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Cervical
Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar
Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Solid-Sphere, Lumbar
Intervertebral Fusion Device With Integrated Fixation, Cervical
Intervertebral Fusion Device With Integrated Fixation, Lumbar
Intestinal Splinting Tubes
Intestinal Stimulator
Intracatheter, Dialysis
Intracranial Aneurysm Flow Diverter
Intracranial Neurovascular Stent
Intraocular Lens
Intraocular Pressure Lowering Implant
Intraocular, Pressure Measuring Device
Intraoperative Orthopedic Joint Assessment Aid
Intraoral Pressure Gradient Device
Intrauterine Tamponade Balloon
Intravascular Radiation Delivery System
Intravenous Extension Tubing Set
Introducer, Catheter
Introducer, Sphere
Introducer, Syringe Needle
Intrusion Alarm/Security
Iodine (Tincture)
Iodine, Grams
Ion Beam Implanter
Ion-Exchange Chromatography
Ion-Exchange Resin, Ehrlich'S Reagent, Porphobilinogen
Ir Data Transmit/Control
Ir Free-Space Data Transmit/Control Laser
Ir Intrusion Detector
Ir Laser Illuminator Only/Night Vision System
Ir Laser Illuminator With Alignment Aid/Night Vision System
Ir Laser Intrusion Detection/Security System
Ir Remote Controller
Ir Security
Iron Chloride-Weigert
Iron Stains
Irradiation,Blood Indicators
Irradiator, Blood To Prevent Graft Versus Host Disease
Irrigator, Ostomy
Irrigator, Powered Nasal
Irrigator, Sinus
Isoenzymes, Electrophoretic, Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Janus Green B
Jelly, Contact, For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
Jelly, Lubricating, For Transurethral Surgical Instrument
Jenner Stain
Jewelry Cleaner
Jig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile
Jig, Piston Cutting, Ent, Sterile
Joint Biological Agent Identification And Diagnostic System (Jbaids) Tularemia Detection Kit
Joint, Ankle, External Brace
Joint, Elbow, External Limb Component, Mechanical
Joint, Elbow, External Limb Component, Powered
Joint, Hip, External Brace
Joint, Hip, External Limb Component
Joint, Knee, External Brace
Joint, Knee, External Limb Component
Joint, Shoulder, External Limb Component
Joint, Temporomandibular, Implant
Kappa, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Kappa, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Kappa, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Kappa, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Keratome, Ac-Powered
Keratome, Battery-Powered
Keratome,Water Jet
Keratoprosthesis, Permanent Implant
Keratoprosthesis, Temporary Implant, Surgical Use
Keratoscope, Ac-Powered
Keratoscope, Battery-Powered
Kinetic Method, Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase
Kit, Anaerobic Identification
Kit, Assay, Estrogen Receptor
Kit, Assay, Progesterone Receptor
Kit, Balloon Repair, Catheter
Kit, Barium Enema, Disposable
Kit, Catheter, Cystostomy, Suprapubic
Kit, Catheter, External, Male (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Kit, Catheter, Foley (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Kit, Catheter, Urinary (Exludes Hiv Testing)
Kit, Cell Harvasting, Endothelial
Kit, Cell Screening, Fetal
Kit, Chemical Snake-Bite
Kit, Cholangiogram, Endoscopic
Kit, Choledochoscope, Flexible And Rigid
Kit, Conception-Assist, Home Use
Kit, Culture, Chromosome
Kit, Decontamination
Kit, Direct Antigen, Negative Control
Kit, Direct Antigen, Positive Control
Kit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determine Serum Levels Of Gentamicin
Kit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determine Serum Levels Of Kanamycin
Kit, Disc, Agar Gel Diffusion, Determine Serum Levels Of Tobramycin
Kit, Dna Detection, Human Papillomavirus
Kit, Earmold, Impression
Kit, Fastidious Organisms
Kit, First Aid, Talking
Kit, I.V. Start
Kit, Identification, Dermatophyte
Kit, Identification, Enterobacteriaceae
Kit, Identification, Glucose Nonfermenter
Kit, Identification, Mycobacteria
Kit, Identification, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Kit, Identification, Pseudomonas
Kit, Identification, Yeast
Kit, Igg, Platelet Associated
Kit, Immunochromatographic, Bacillus Anthracis Differential Antibody
Kit, Introducer, Endoscope
Kit, Laparoscopic, Bone Anchor, Urethropexy
Kit, Mycoplasma Detection
Kit, Nephroscope
Kit, Pelvic Exam
Kit, Plastic Surgery And Accessories
Kit, Quality Control For Blood Banking Reagents
Kit, Quality Control For Culture Media
Kit, Repair, Catheter, Hemodialysis
Kit, Rna Detection, Human Papillomavirus
Kit, Sample Collection, Hiv
Kit, Screening, Staphylococcus Aureus
Kit, Screening, Trichomonas
Kit, Screening, Urine
Kit, Screening, Yeast
Kit, Serological, Negative Control
Kit, Serological, Positive Control
Kit, Suction, Snake-Bite
Kit, Surgical Instrument, Disposable
Kit, Test, Alpha-Fetoprotein For Neural Tube Defects
Kit, Test, In Vitro Periodontal
Kit, Test, Multiple, Drugs Of Abuse, Over The Counter
Kit, Test, Olfactory
Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter
Kit, Test,Alpha-Fetoprotein For Testicular Cancer
Kit, Tracheostomy And Nasal Suctioning
Kit, Tracheotomy Care
Kit, Wound Dressing
Kit,Cord Blood Collection
Kit,Test For Nuclear Matrix(Numa)Protein(For Monitoring And Management Of Colorectal Cancer
Kit,Test(Donors),For Bloodborne Pathogen
Kit,Test,Quality Control For Endotoxin
Kit,Western Blot,Hiv-1
Knee Arthroplasty Implantation System
Knife, Amputation
Knife, Cervical Cone
Knife, Ear
Knife, Ent
Knife, Laryngeal
Knife, Margin Finishing, Operative
Knife, Myringotomy
Knife, Nasal
Knife, Ophthalmic
Knife, Ophthalmic, Reprocessed
Knife, Orthopedic
Knife, Periodontic
Knife, Surgical
Knife, Tonsil
L-Isocitrate And Nadp (U.V.), Isocitric Dehydrogenase
L-Leucine-4-Nitroanilide (Colorimetric), Leucine Arylamidase
L-Leucyl B-Naphthylamide, Leucine Aminopeptidase
L.E.D. Mouse, Trackball, Or Similar
Label Or Tag, Sterile
Labor And Delivery Kit
Laboratory Developed Test
Labware, Assisted Reproduction
Lacrimal Stents And Intubation Sets
Lactic Dehydrogenase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lactoferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lambda, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lambda, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lambda, Peroxidase, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lambda, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lamotrigine Assay
Lamp, Endoscope, Incandescent
Lamp, Fluorescein, Ac-Powered
Lamp, Infrared, Non Heating
Lamp, Infrared, Therapeutic Heating
Lamp, Operating-Room
Lamp, Surgical
Lamp, Surgical, Incandescent
Lamp,Uvc,(For Treating Skin And Wounds)
Lamps, Microscope
Lamps, Slide Warming
Lancet, Blood
Laparoscope And Accessories, Gynecologic, Reprocessed
Laparoscope, General & Plastic Surgery
Laparoscope, General & Plastic Surgery, Reprocessed
Laparoscope, Gynecologic (And Accessories)
Laparoscopic Accessories, Gynecologic
Laparoscopic Bladder-Neck Suspension Instrument, Stress Urinary Incontinence
Laparoscopic Insufflator And Accessories, Reprocessed
Laparoscopic Single Port Access Device
Laparoscopy Kit
Laryngoscope Kit
Laryngoscope, Endoscope
Laryngoscope, Nasopharyngoscope
Laryngoscope, Non-Rigid
Laryngoscope, Rigid
Larynx, Artificial (Battery-Powered)
Laser Advertising Display System
Laser Aiming Product, Non-Visible
Laser Aiming Product, Visible
Laser Assisted Lipolysis
Laser Automotive Lighting & Signals
Laser Blood Flow Kit
Laser Cutter
Laser Fax Machine
Laser For Gastro-Urology Use
Laser Holographic System
Laser Holographic System For Experiments, Research, Or Prototype Development
Laser Marker Or Engraver
Laser Micrometer
Laser Mouse, Trackball, Or Similar
Laser Pointer
Laser Printer
Laser Products (Pre-Standard)
Laser Radar (Lidar) Or Speed Measurement
Laser Science Education Products
Laser Sensing System
Laser Target Designator
Laser Therapy Product
Laser Toy/Novelty Product
Laser Traffic Signal
Laser Video Projector
Laser Vision
Laser Visual Display - Display Retinal Image, Non-Medical
Laser Weapon (Military Or Police)
Laser Welder
Laser, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Laser, Cellulite Appearance
Laser, Comb, Hair
Laser, Dental
Laser, Dental, Soft Tissue
Laser, Ent Microsurgical Carbon-Dioxide
Laser, Microsurgical Argon, For Use In Otology
Laser, Microsurgical Argon, For Uses Other Than Otology, Including Laryngology & General Use In Otolarngology
Laser, Neodymium:Yag For Gynecologic Use
Laser, Neodymium:Yag, Ophthalmic For Posterior Capsulotomy And Cutting Pupilla
Laser, Neodymium:Yag, Ophthalmic For Uses Other Than Posterior Capsulotomy & Cutting Pupillary
Laser, Neodymium:Yag, Pulmonary Surgery
Laser, Neurosurgical
Laser, Neurosurgical, Argon
Laser, Ophthalmic
Laser, Surgical, Gynecologic
Laser,Fluorescence Caries Detection
Laser-Based Material Positioning System
Latex Agglutination Assay, Rubella
Latex Patient Examination Glove
Lavage, Jet
Lcd, General Purpose Illumination
Ldl & Vldl Precipitation, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase, Hdl
Ldl & Vldl Precipitation, Hdl
Lead Introducer Kit
Lead, Atomic Absorption
Lead, Delta Amino Levulinic Acid
Lead, Protoporphyrin Zinc Method, Fluorometric
Lead, Protoporphyrin, Fluorometric
Lectins And Protectins
Led Light Source
Led, General Purpose Illumination
Leeches, Medicinal
Legging, Compression, Non-Inflatable
Legionella, Spp., Elisa
Lens, Bagolini
Lens, Camera, Surgical
Lens, Condensing, Diagnostic
Lens, Contact (Orthokeratology)
Lens, Contact (Other Material) - Daily
Lens, Contact (Polymethylmethacrylate)
Lens, Contact, (Disposable)
Lens, Contact, For Color Vision Deficiency
Lens, Contact, For Reading Discomfort
Lens, Contact, Orthokeratology, Overnight
Lens, Contact, Polymethylmethacrylate, Diagnostic
Lens, Fresnel, Flexible, Diagnostic
Lens, Fundus, Hruby, Diagnostic
Lens, Guide, Intraocular
Lens, Intraocular, Phakic
Lens, Intraocular, Toric Optics
Lens, Iris Reconstruction
Lens, Maddox
Lens, Multifocal Intraocular
Lens, Spectacle (Prescription), For Reading Discomfort
Lens, Spectacle, Non-Custom (Prescription)
Lens, Surgical, Laser, Accesssory, Ophthalmic Laser
Lens,Contact(Rigid Gas Permeable)-Extended Wear
Lens,Prescription,Color Deficiency
Lenses, Soft Contact, Daily Wear
Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Leuco-Patent Blue
Leukemia Translocation Panel Multiplex Test
Levetiracetam Assay
Lidocaine Control Materials
Lieberman-Burchard/Abell-Kendall, Colorimetric, Cholesterol
Lift, Patient, Ac-Powered
Lift, Patient, Non-Ac-Powered
Ligaments And Tendons, Synthetic
Ligator, Esophageal
Ligator, Hemorrhoidal
Light Based Over The Counter Wrinkle Reduction
Light Based Over-The-Counter Hair Removal
Light Green
Light Source System, Diagnostic Endoscopic
Light Source, Endoscope, Xenon Arc
Light Source, Fiberoptic, Routine
Light Source, Incandescent, Diagnostic
Light Source, Photographic, Fiberoptic
Light, Catheter, Fiberoptic, Glass, Ureteral
Light, Examination, Medical, Battery Powered
Light, Fiber Optic, Dental
Light, Headband, Surgical
Light, Lymphedema Reduction, Low Energy
Light, Microscope
Light, Operating, Dental
Light, Spectrum, Broad (Non-Medical)
Light, Surgical Headlight
Light, Surgical, Accessories
Light, Surgical, Carrier
Light, Surgical, Ceiling Mounted
Light, Surgical, Connector
Light, Surgical, Endoscopic
Light, Surgical, Fiberoptic
Light, Surgical, Floor Standing
Light, Surgical, Instrument
Light, Ultraviolet, Dermatological
Light, Wood'S, Fluorescence
Liner, Cavity, Calcium Hydroxide
Lipase Hydrolysis/Glycerol Kinase Enzyme, Triglycerides
Lipase-Esterase, Enzymatic, Photometric, Lipase
Lipoprotein X, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Lipoprotein, High Density, Hdl, Over The Counter
Lipoprotein, Low Density, Removal
Lipoprotein, Low-Density, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Liquid Chemical Processing System
Liquid Chromatography, Adsorbent
Liquid Chromatography, Amphetamine
Liquid Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin
Liquid Chromatography, Ethosuximide
Liquid Chromatography, Methadone
Liquid Chromatography, Morphine
Liquid Chromatography, Phenobarbital
Liquid Chromatography, Primidone
Liquid Chromatography, Salicylate
Lithotripter, Shockwave (For Treating Gallbladder Stones)
Lithotriptor, Biliary Mechanical
Lithotriptor, Electro-Hydraulic
Lithotriptor, Extracorporeal Shock-Wave,Urological
Lithotriptor, Ultrasonic
Locator, Acupuncture Point
Locator, Intracorporeal Device, Ultrasonic, Obstetric-Gynecologic
Locator, Magnetic
Locator, Metal, Electronic
Locator, Root Apex
Lock, Wire, And Ligature, Intraoral
Loop, Wire
Loupe, Binocular, Low Power
Loupe, Diagnostic/Surgical
Low Energy Direct Current Thermal Ablation System
Low-Power Laser Light Show Projector
Lowry (Colorimetric), Total Protein
Lubricant, Patient
Lubricant, Patient, Vaginal, Latex Compatible
Lubricant, Vaginal, Patient
Lung Computed Tomography System, Computer-Aided Detection
Lung Sound Monitor
Luxol Fast Blue
Lymphocyte Separation Medium
M. Lysodeikticus Cells (Spectrophotometric), Lysozyme (Muramidase)
Maggots, Medical
Magnet, Ac-Powered
Magnet, Continent Colostomy
Magnet, Permanent
Magnet, Test, Pacemaker
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Disposable Kit
Magnetotherapy Device For Pain Relief
Magnifier, Hand-Held, Low-Vision
Maintainer, Space Preformed, Orthodontic
Malachite Green
Mallet, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Mandibular Condyle Prosthesis
Manipulator, Plunger-Like Joint
Manometer, Blood-Pressure, Venous
Manometer, Spinal-Fluid
Manometer, Water
Manual Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems
Manual Blood Grouping And Antibody Test Systems
Manual Colony Counter
Marker, Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Vein Marker)
Marker, Ocular
Marker, Ostia, Aorto-Saphenous Vein
Marker, Periodontic
Marker, Radiographic, Implantable
Marker, Sclera
Marker, Skin
Marker, Suture Identification
Martius Yellow
Mask, Gas, Anesthetic
Mask, Oxygen
Mask, Oxygen, Low Concentration, Venturi
Mask, Oxygen, Non-Rebreathing
Mask, Scavenging
Mask, Surgical
Mask, Ventilator, Non-Continuous, Reprocessed
Masker, Tinnitus
Mass Spectrometer For Clinical Multiplex Test Systems
Mass Spectrometer, Clinical Use
Massager, Powered Inflatable Tube
Massager, Therapeutic, Electric
Massager, Therapeutic, Manual
Massager, Therapeutic, To Internally Massage Trigger Points In The Pelvic Floor Musculature
Massager, Vacuum, Light Induced Heating
Massager, Vacuum, Radio Frequency Induced Heat
Material, Dressing, Surgical, Polylactic Acid
Material, Embolization, Neurovascular, Polymerizing Or Precipitating
Material, External Aesthetic Restoration, No Adhesive
Material, External Aesthetic Restoration, Used With Adhesive
Material, Implant, Uterine, For Adhesiogenic Effect
Material, Impression
Material, Impression Tray, Resin
Material, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vitreous Carbon, For Maxillofacial Reconstruction
Material, Quality Control, Semen Analysis
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Materials Processing
Materials Processing, Laboratories
Materials, Polytetrafluoroethylene Vitreous Carbon, For Maxillofacial Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
Materials, Repair Or Replacement, Pacemaker
Mattress, Air Flotation, Alternating Pressure
Mattress, Flotation Therapy, Non-Powered
Mattress, Water, Temperature Regulated
Maxwell Spot, Ac-Powered
Measurer, Gingival Fluid
Mechanical Ventilator
Medevac Use Oxygen Generator
Media And Components, Mycoplasma Detection
Media And Components, Synthetic Cell And Tissue Culture
Media, Corneal Storage
Media, Culture, Amino Acid Assay
Media, Culture, Ex Vivo, Tissue And Cell
Media, Electroconductive
Media, Mounting, Oil Soluble
Media, Mounting, Water Soluble
Media, Mycoplasma Detection
Media, Potentiating For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Media, Reproductive
Media, Reusable Image
Mediastinoscope, Diagnostic
Mediastinoscope, Surgical
Medical Computers And Software
Medical Computers And Software For Ophthalmic Use
Medical Device Data System
Medical Gloves With Chemotherapy Labeling Claims - Test For Use With Chemotherapy Drugs
Medical Waste/Sterilizer
Medication Management System, Remote
Medium, Contrast, Radiologic
Melting Pot, Paraffin
Membrane Osmometry, Plasma Oncometry
Membrane, Lung, (For Long-Term Respiratory Support)
Mercuric Nitrate And Diphenyl Carbazone (Titrimetric), Chloride
Mercuric Thiocyanate, Colorimetry, Chloride
Mercury Dithiazone, Colorimetry, Barbiturate
Mercury Vapor Lamp
Mercury Vapor Lamp, Not Self-Extinguishing, R-Type
Mercury, Atomic Absorption
Mesh, Surgical
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Abdominal Hernia
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Fistula
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Large Abdominal Wall Defects
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Organ Support
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Staple Line Reinforcement
Mesh, Surgical, Absorbable, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction
Mesh, Surgical, Acetabular, Hip, Prosthesis
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Diaphragmatic Hernia
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Fistula
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Large Abdominal Wall Defects
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Plastics, Facial Implants
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Staple Line Reinforcement
Mesh, Surgical, Collagen, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction
Mesh, Surgical, Deployer
Mesh, Surgical, Deployment Balloon
Mesh, Surgical, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Male
Mesh, Surgical, Metal
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Diaphragmatic Hernia
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Facial Implants For Plastic Surgery
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Large Abdominal Wall Defects
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Orthopaedics, Reinforcement Of Tendon
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Staple Line Reinforcement
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Absorbable, Thoracic, Chest Wall Reconstruction
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Apical Vaginal And Uterine Prolapse, Transabdominally Placed
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Transvaginally Placed
Mesh, Surgical, Non-Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Female, Multi-Incision
Mesh, Surgical, Polymeric
Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Apical Vaginal And Uterine Prolapse, Transabdominally Placed
Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Transvaginally Placed
Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Female, Multi-Incision
Mesh, Surgical, Synthetic, Urogynecologic, For Stress Urinary Incontinence, Female, Single-Incision Mini-Sling
Metal Cemented Constrained Femorotibial Knee Prosthesis
Metal Deposition Laser Product
Metal Halide Lamp
Metallic Cemented Glenoid Hemi-Shoulder Prosthesis
Metanil Yellow
Meter, Airway Pressure (Inspiratory Force)
Meter, Conductivity, Induction, Remote Type
Meter, Conductivity, Non-Remote
Meter, Jaundice
Meter, Peak Flow, Spirometry
Methenamine Silver
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus/Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus Blood Culture Test Bt
Method, Enzymatic, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)
Method, Immunodiffusion, Immunoglobulins (G, A, M)
Method, Ion-Exchange, Ammonia
Method, Metallic Reduction, Glucose (Urinary, Non-Quantitative)
Method, Nephelometric, Immunoglobulins (G, A, M)
Methotrexate Control Materials
Methyl Green
Methyl Methacrylate For Aneurysmorrhaphy
Methyl Methacrylate For Cranioplasty
Methyl Orange
Methyl Violet 2b
Methylene Blue Thiocyanate
Methylene Blue, Tissue Stain
Methylene Violet
Methylthymol Blue, Calcium
Micro Mixer
Micro Pipette
Micro Total Analysis Instrument System
Microbiological, Histidine
Microdebrider, Ent, High Speed, Single Use, Reprocessed
Microdensitometry Method, Lipoproteins
Microelectronic Mask Or Chip Checking/Repair
Microfilter, Blood Transfusion
Micromanipulators And Microinjectors, Assisted Reproduction
Micrometers, Microscope
Microrule, Ent
Microscope (Electron Beam), Non-Medical
Microscope And Microscope Accessories,Reproduction,Assisted
Microscope, Automated, Image Analysis, Operator Intervention
Microscope, Fluorescence/U.V.
Microscope, Inverted Stage, Tissue Culture
Microscope, Operating & Accessories, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
Microscope, Operating, Non-Electric, Ophthalmic
Microscope, Phase Contrast
Microscope, Specular
Microscope, Surgical
Microscope, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Microscope,Automated,Image Analysis,Immunohistochemistry,Operator Intervention,Nuclear Intensity & Percent Positivity
Microscopy Laser Instrument Or Accessory Products
Microsphere, Trace
Microspheres Radionuclide
Microtitrator, For Clinical Use
Microtome, Accessories
Microtome, Cryostat
Microtome, Freezing Attachment
Microtome, Rotary
Microtome, Sliding
Microtome, Ultra
Microtool Fabrication, Assisted Reproduction
Microtools, Assisted Reproduction (Pipettes)
Microtron, Medical
Microtron, Non-Medical
Microwave Lan
Microwave Oven, Commercial
Microwave Oven, Consumer
Mini Endoscope, Gastroenterology-Urology
Mirror, Ent
Mirror, General & Plastic Surgery
Mirror, Headband, Ophthalmic
Mirror, Mouth
Mixer, Blood Tube
Mixer, Breathing Gases, Anesthesia Inhalation
Mixer, Cement, For Clinical Use
Mixture, Control, White-Cell And Red-Cell Indices
Mixture, Hematology Quality Control
Mobilizer, Ent
Mold, Middle-Ear
Mold, Vaginal
Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (Mars)
Molybdenum Blue Method, Phospholipids
Monitor And/Or Control, Level Sensing, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Monitor, Air Embolism, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Airway Pressure (Includes Gauge And/Or Alarm)
Monitor, Alpha
Monitor, Apnea, Facility Use
Monitor, Apnea, Home Use
Monitor, Bed Patient
Monitor, Blood-Flow, Cerebral, Thermal Diffusion
Monitor, Blood-Flow, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Blood-Gas, On-Line, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Monitor, Breathing Frequency
Monitor, Carbon-Dioxide, Cutaneous
Monitor, Cardiac (Incl. Cardiotachometer & Rate Alarm)
Monitor, Cardiac, Fetal
Monitor, Electric For Gravity Flow Infusion Systems
Monitor, Electroencephalographic, Fetal (And Accessories)
Monitor, Esophageal Motility, And Tube
Monitor, Extracellular Fluid, Lymphedema, Extremity
Monitor, Eye Movement
Monitor, Eye Movement, Diagnostic
Monitor, Fetal Doppler Ultrasound
Monitor, Fetal Ph
Monitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Non-Stress Test (Home Use)
Monitor, Heart Rate, Fetal, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Heart Sound, Fetal, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Heart-Valve Movement, Fetal, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Hemic Sound, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Intracranial Pressure, Implanted
Monitor, Lesion Temperature
Monitor, Line Isolation
Monitor, Lung Water Measurement
Monitor, Microbial Growth
Monitor, Orthotic/Prosthetic
Monitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Infant Not Under Gas Anesthesia
Monitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Uses Other Than For Infant Not Under Gas Anesthesia
Monitor, Patient Position, Light-Beam
Monitor, Penile Tumescence
Monitor, Phonocardiographic, Fetal
Monitor, Physiological, Patient(With Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms)
Monitor, Pressure, Arterial, Fetal, Ultrasonic
Monitor, Pressure, Intracompartmental
Monitor, Pressure, Intrauterine
Monitor, Skin Resistance/Skin Temperature, For Insulin Reactions
Monitor, Spinal-Fluid Pressure, Electrically Powered
Monitor, Spine Curvature
Monitor, St Segment
Monitor, St Segment With Alarm
Monitor, Temperature, Dialysis
Monitor, U.V., Glc
Monitor, Ultrasonic, Fetal
Monitor, Ultrasonic, Nonfetal
Monitor, Uterine Contraction, External (For Use In Clinic)
Monitor,Physiological,Patient(Without Arrhythmia Detection Or Alarms)
Motion Detector/Occupancy
Motor, Drill, Electric
Motor, Drill, Pneumatic
Motor, Surgical Instrument, Ac-Powered
Motor, Surgical Instrument, Pneumatic Powered
Mounting Media
Mouthguard, Migraine/Tension Headache
Mouthguard, Over-The-Counter
Mouthguard, Prescription
Mouthpiece, Breathing
Mouthpiece, Saliva Ejector
Muller'S Colloidal Iron
Multi-Analyte Controls Unassayed
Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed)
Multiple Autoantibodies, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control
Multiplex Flow Immunoassay, T.Gondii, Rubella And Cmv.
Multiplex Immunoassay For Measles Virus, Mumps Virus, Rubella And Varicella Zoster Virus
Multiplex Immunoassay For T. Gondii, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus And Herpes Simplex Virus 1 And 2
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Cell Mediated Immune Response, Enzyme-Linked Immunospot Test
Mycophenolic Acid Test System
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Dna Assay System
Myeloperoxidase, Immunoassay, System, Test
Myoglobin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Myoglobin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Myoglobin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Myringotomy Procedure Kit
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Chymotrypsin
N-Acetylprocainamide Control Materials
N-Benzoyl-L-Arginine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Trypsin
N-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester (U.V.), Chymotrypsin
N95 Respirator With Antimicrobial/Antiviral Agent
N95 Respirator With Antimicrobial/Antiviral Agent For Use By The General Public In Public Health Medical Emergencies
Nad Reduction (U.V.), Phosphohexose Isomerase
Nad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Cpk Or Isoenzymes
Nad Reduction/Nadh Oxidation, Lactate Dehydrogenase
Nad-Nadh, Specific Reagent For Alcohol Enzyme Method
Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Alt/Sgpt
Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction, Ast/Sgot
Nadh, Phosphoglycerate Mutase, Atp (U.V.) 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric Acid
Nadp Reduction (U.V.), Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Nadp Reduction, 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase
Nail, Fixation, Bone
Nail, Fixation, Bone, Metallic
Nasal Endotracheal Tube Holder Kit
Nasal Flowmeter
Nasopharyngoscope (Flexible Or Rigid)
Nebulizer (Direct Patient Interface)
Nebulizer, Medicinal, Non-Ventilatory (Atomizer)
Needle And Needle Set, Gastro-Urology, Reprocessed
Needle, Acupuncture, Single Use
Needle, Aspiration And Injection, Disposable
Needle, Aspiration And Injection, Reusable
Needle, Aspiration And Needle, Reprocessed
Needle, Aspiration, Oocyte, Reprocessed
Needle, Assisted Reproduction
Needle, Biopsy, Cardiovascular
Needle, Biopsy, Cardiovascular, Reprocessed
Needle, Catheter
Needle, Catheter, Reprocessed
Needle, Cerclage, Gynecological
Needle, Conduction, Anesthesia, Reprocessed
Needle, Conduction, Anesthetic (W/Wo Introducer)
Needle, Dental
Needle, Dental, Reprocessed
Needle, Emergency Airway
Needle, Endoscopic, Reprocessed
Needle, Fistula
Needle, Fistula, Reprocessed
Needle, Gastro-Urology
Needle, Gastro-Urology, Reprocessed
Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen
Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen, Reprocessed
Needle, Isotope, Gold, Titanium, Platinum
Needle, Isotope, Reprocessed
Needle, Neurosurgical Suture
Needle, Ophthalmic Suturing
Needle, Phacoemulsification, Reprocessed
Needle, Pneumoperitoneum, Simple
Needle, Pneumoperitoneum, Spring Loaded, Reprocessed
Needle, Reproduction, Assisted, Reprocessed
Needle, Spinal, Short Term
Needle, Spinal, Short Term, Reprocessed
Needle, Suturing, Disposable
Needle, Suturing, Reusable
Needle, Tonsil Suturing
Needle, Tumor Localization
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Non-Powered Suction Apparatus
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Powered Suction Pump
Neisseria Controls
Neonatal Blood Collection Kit And Screening Form (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Nephelometer, For Clinical Use
Nephelometric Inhibition Immunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
Nephelometric Inhibition Immunoassay, Phenobarbital
Nephelometric Method, Globulin
Nephelometric Method, Lipoproteins
Nephelometric, Amylase
Nerve Block Tray (Kit)
Neuramininase (Sialidase)
Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument
Neurological Stereotaxic Instrument, Real-Time Intraoperative Mri
Neurological Tray
Neurosurgical Laser With Mr Thermography
Neurosurgical Paddie
Neutral Red
Ng1m(A), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ng3m(Bo), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ng3m(G), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Ng4m(A), Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Night Vision Scope
Nile Blue
Ninhydrin And L-Leucyl-L-Alanine (Fluorimetric), Phenylalanine
Ninhydrin, Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)
Nipper, Malleus
Nipple, Lambs Feeding
Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Nitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, Urine), Cystine
Nitroprusside, Ketones (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Nitrosalicylate Reduction, Amylase
Non-Bronchoscopic Bronchoalveolar Lavage Catheter
Non-Normalizing Quantitative Electroencephalograph Software
Non-Sars Coronavirus Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay
Non-Surgical Isolation Gown
Nonabsorbable Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Surgical Suture For Chordae Tendinae Repair Or Replacement
Nondestructive Tests
Normalizing Quantitative Electroencephalograph Software
Norovirus Serological Reagent
Novel Influenza A Virus, A/H5 Ns1 Protein
Nuclear Fast Red
Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay System, Group B Streptococcus, Direct Specimen Test
Nucleic Acid Amplification, Novel Influenza A Virus, A/H5 (Asian Lineage) Rna
Nucleic Amplification Assays For The Detection Of Leishmania Nucleic Acids
Nursing Pad, Cohesive Gel
Nursing Pad, Hydrogel
Nursing Pad, Polyurethane Pad With Starch Copolymer, Glycerin, And Surfactant (F-68)
O-Phthalaldehyde, Urea Nitrogen
Obstetrical Kit
Obstetrical Vacuum Delivery Kit
Obstetrics And Gynecology Trocar Kit
Obturator, For Endoscope
Occluder, Balloon, Vena-Cava
Occluder, Catheter Tip
Occluder, Internal Vessel, Temporary
Occluder, Patent Ductus, Arteriosus
Ocular Peg
Oil Emulsion/Thymolphthalein (Titrimetric), Lipase
Oil Red O
Oil, Clearing
Olive Oil Emulsion (Turbidimetric), Lipase
Oncometer, Plasma, For Clinical Use
One-Way Air-Leak Valve
Ophthalmic Femtosecond Laser
Ophthalmodynamometer, Diagnostic Contact Lens, Polymethylmethacrylate (Pmma)
Ophthalmoscope, Ac-Powered
Ophthalmoscope, Battery-Powered
Ophthalmoscopes,Replacement Batteries,Hand-Held
Optical Coherence Tomography, Intravascular Catheter
Optical Diagnostic Device For Melanoma Detection
Oral Irrigation Kit
Oral Lubricant
Oral Removable Retainer For Weight Loss
Oral Wound Dressing
Oral Wound Dressing W/Drug And/Or Biologic
Orange G
Orange Ii
Orcel-Composite Cultured Skin
Orotrachael Intubation Guide Kit
Orthodontic Vibratory Accessory
Orthopaedic Surgical Planning And Instrument Guides
Orthopedic Computer Controlled Surgical System
Orthopedic Implant Material
Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument
Orthopedic Stereotaxic Instrument
Orthopedic Tray
Orthosis, Abdominal
Orthosis, Cervical
Orthosis, Cervical Pedicle Screw Spinal Fixation
Orthosis, Cervical-Thoracic, Rigid
Orthosis, Corrective Shoe
Orthosis, Cranial
Orthosis, Cranial, Laser Scan
Orthosis, Foot Drop
Orthosis, Limb Brace
Orthosis, Lumbar
Orthosis, Lumbo-Sacral
Orthosis, Moldable, Supportive, Skin Protective
Orthosis, Pneumatic Structure, Rigid
Orthosis, Rib Fracture, Soft
Orthosis, Sacroiliac, Soft
Orthosis, Spinal Pedicle Fixation
Orthosis, Spinal Pedicle Fixation, For Degenerative Disc Disease
Orthosis, Spine, Plate, Laminoplasty, Metal
Orthosis, Spondylolisthesis Spinal Fixation
Orthosis, Thoracic
Orthosis, Truncal, For Dysmenorrhea
Orthosis, Truncal/Orthosis, Limb
Orthotoluidine, Glucose
Oscilloscope (Exempted)
Osmium Tetroxide
Osmolality Of Tears
Osmometer For Clinical Use
Osmotic Fragility Testing
Osteotome, Manual
Ovarian Adnexal Mass Assessment Score Test System
Ovens, Paraffin
Over The Counter Denture Repair Kit
Over The Counter Thermal Treatment For Acne.
Over-The-Counter Automated External Defibrillator
Over-The-Counter Powered Light Based Laser For Acne
Oxalydihydrazide (Spectroscopic), Copper
Oximeter To Measure Hemoglobin
Oximeter, Ear
Oximeter, Fetal Pulse
Oximeter, Infrared, Sporting, Aviation
Oximeter, Reprocessed
Oximeter, Tissue Saturation
Oximeter, Tissue Saturation, Reprocessed
Oxygen Administration Kit
Oxygenator, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
P-Bromoaniline, Xylose
P-Phenyl-Enediamine/Edta (Spectrophotometric), Ceruloplasmin
P-Toluenesulphonyl-L-Arginine Methyl Ester (U.V.), Trypsin
Pacemaker Battery
Pacemaker Lead Adaptor
Pacemaker, Bladder
Pacemaker, Cardiac, External Transcutaneous (Non-Invasive)
Pacemaker/Icd/Crt Non-Implanted Components
Pack, Heat, Moist
Pack, Hot Or Cold, Disposable
Pack, Hot Or Cold, Reuseable
Pack, Hot Or Cold, Water Circulating
Packer, Uterine
Pad, Alcohol, Device Disinfectant
Pad, Denture, Over The Counter
Pad, Eye
Pad, Heating, Powered
Pad, Interlabial
Pad, Kelly
Pad, Medicated, Adhesive, Non-Electric
Pad, Menstrual, Reusable
Pad, Menstrual, Scented
Pad, Menstrual, Unscented
Pad, Neonatal Eye
Pads, Menstrual, Scented-Deodorized
Pancreatoscope, Biliary
Panels, Test, Susceptibility, Antimicrobial
Panendoscope (Gastroduodenoscope)
Panendoscope (Urethroscope)
Pap Smear Kit
Paper, Articulation
Paper, Obstetric Ph
Papers, Ion
Parainfluenza Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay
Paraquat Assay
Particle-Size Measuring Instrument
Passer, Wire, Orthopedic
Paste, Injectable For Vocal Cord Augmentation
Patch, Pledget And Intracardiac, Petp, Ptfe, Polypropylene
Patient Bed With Canopy/Restraints
Patient Examination Glove
Patient Examination Glove, Specialty
Patient Personal Hygiene Kit
Patient Specific Manual Navigation System
Patient Specific Manual Orthopedic Stereotaxic System
Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device
Pediatric/Child Facemask
Pedicle Screw Spinal System, Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Pelvimeter, External
Pelvimeter, Internal
Pen, Marking, Surgical
Percussor, Powered-Electric
Percutaneous Atrial Catheter Kit
Percutaneous Sheath Introducer Kit
Percutaneous Surgical Set With Attachments
Percutaneous, Implanted, Long-Term Intravascular Catheter Accessory For Catheter Position
Perforator, Antrum
Perforator, Ear-Lobe
Pericardial Patch To Facilitate Revision Surgeries
Perimeter, Ac-Powered
Perimeter, Automatic, Ac-Powered
Perimeter, Manual
Peripheral Catheter Insertion Kit
Peripheral Electromagnetic Field (Pemf) To Aid Wound Healing
Peritoneal Dialysate Filter
Permanent Defibrillator Electrodes
Permanent Pacemaker Electrode
Permanently Mounted Wheelchair Platform Lift
Peroxidase Anti-Peroxidase Immunohistochemical Stain
Personnel Security Backscatter X-Ray System
Personnel Security Transmission X-Ray System
Pessary, Vaginal
Pest Controller
Pest Repeller
Ph Buffer
Ph Meter
Ph Meter For Dialysis Hydrogen Ion Concentration
Ph Rate Measurement, Carbon-Dioxide
Phages, Staphylococcal Typing, All Types
Phantom, Anthropomorphic, Nuclear
Phantom, Anthropomorphic, Radiographic
Phantom, Flood Source, Nuclear
Phantom, Test-Pattern, Radionuclide
Phenolphthalein Colorimetry, Carbon-Dioxide
Phenolphthalein Phosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Phenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Phlebograph, Impedance
Phlebotomy Blood Collection Kit
Phloxine B
Phosphoenol Pyruvate, Adp, Nadh, Pyruvate Kinase
Phosphoglycerate Mutase (Colorimetric), 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric Acid
Phosphomolybdate (Colorimetric), Inorganic Phosphorus
Photochemical Curing And Adhesive
Photochemical Curing And Adhesive Laser
Photocoagulator And Accessories
Photokeratoscope, Battery Powered
Photometric Method, Ammonia
Photometric Method, Iron (Non-Heme)
Photometric Method, Magnesium
Photostimulator, Ac-Powered
Phytohemaglutinin M
Pick, Massaging
Pick, Microsurgical Ear
Picro Methyl Blue
Pierced Ear/Entry Cleaning Tray
Pill Crusher/Cutter
Pill, Radio
Pillow,Cervical(For Mild Sleep Apnea)
Pin, Fixation, Resorbable, Hard Tissue
Pin, Fixation, Smooth
Pin, Fixation, Smooth, Metallic
Pin, Fixation, Threaded
Pin, Fixation, Threaded, Metallic
Pin, Retentive And Splinting, And Accessory Instruments
Pipette, Diluting
Pipette, Pasteur
Pipette, Quantitative, Hematology
Pipette, Sahli
Plaque Disclosing Kit
Plasma Viscometer For Clinical Use
Plasma, Coagulase, Human, Horse And Rabbit
Plasma, Coagulation Control
Plasma, Coagulation Factor Deficient
Plasma, Control, Normal
Plasma, Fibrinogen Control
Plasminogen, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Plasmodium Spp. Detection Reagents
Plate, Alumina, Tlc
Plate, Base, Shellac
Plate, Bone
Plate, Bone, Growth Control, Pediatric, Epiphysiodesis
Plate, Cellulose, Tlc
Plate, Cranioplasty, Preformed, Alterable
Plate, Cranioplasty, Preformed, Non-Alterable
Plate, Fixation, Bone
Plate, Fixation, Bone, Non-Spinal, Metallic
Plate, Patient
Plate, Silica Gel, Tlc
Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
Platelet Counting, Manual
Platelet Factor 4 Radioimmunoassay
Platelets, Photochemical Treatment System
Plates And Equipment, Radial Immunodiffusion
Plates, Ouchterlony Agar
Platform, Force-Measuring
Plethysmograph, Air Displacement For Body Composition Analysis
Plethysmograph, Impedance
Plethysmograph, Ocular
Plethysmograph, Photoelectric, Pneumatic Or Hydraulic
Plethysmograph, Pressure
Plethysmograph, Volume
Plier, Crimp
Plier, Orthodontic
Plier, Tube
Pliers, Operative
Pliers, Surgical
Plug, Punctum
Plug, Scleral
Plugger, Root Canal, Endodontic
Pneumocystis Carinii
Pneumoperitoneum Needle
Point, Abrasive
Point, Paper, Endodontic
Point, Silver, Endodontic
Police Radar
Polyethylene Glycol (Carbowax)
Polyethylene Glycol Preservative
Polymer Patient Examination Glove
Polymer, Composite Synthetic Ptfe With Carbon-Fiber, Ent
Polymer, Ear, Nose And Throat, Synthetic, Absorbable
Polymer, Ent Natural-Collagen Material
Polymer, Ent Synthetic, Porous Polyethylene
Polymer, Ent Synthetic-Pife, Silicon Elastomer, Polyethylene, Polyurethane
Polymer, Ent Synthetic-Polyamide (Mesh Or Foil Material)
Polymer, Natural-Absorbable Gelatin Material
Polymeric Neurovascular Embolization
Polymerizing, Neurovascular Embolization Material
Polyvinyl Methylether Maleic Anhydride &/Or Acid Copolymer & Carboxymethylce
Porous Polyethylene Ossicular Replacement
Port & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutaneous, Intraperitoneal
Port & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutaneous, Intravascular
Port & Catheter, Implanted, Subcutaneous, Intraventricular
Port Introducer Kit
Port, Intraosseous, Implanted
Port, Protector/Cushion
Portable Liquid Oxygen Unit Stand
Porter Silber Hydrazone, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
Positioner, Socket
Positioner, Tooth, Preformed
Post, Root Canal
Posterior Metal/Polymer Spinal System, Fusion
Potassium Dichromate Specific Reagent For Alcohol
Potassium Dichromate, Alcohol
Potassium Periodate
Pouch, Colostomy
Powder, Dusting, Surgical
Powder, Porcelain
Powder-Free Guayle Rubber Examination Glove
Powder-Free Non-Natural Rubber Latex Surgeon'S Gloves
Powder-Free Polychloroprene Patient Examination Glove
Powdered Latex Patient Examination Glove
Powdered Nitrile Patient Examination Glove
Powdered Non-Natural Rubber Latex Surgeon'S Gloves
Powdered Polychloroprene Patient Examination Glove
Powdered Vinyl Patient Examination Glove
Powered Laser Non-Thermal Instrument With Non-Heating Effect For Adjunctive Use In Pain Therapy
Powered Laser Surgical Instrument
Powered Laser Surgical Instrument With Microbeam\Fractional Output
Powered Light Based Non-Laser Non-Thermal Instrument With Non-Heating Effect For Adjunctive Use In Pain Therapy
Powered Light Based Non-Laser Surgical Instrument
Powered Light Based Non-Laser Surgical Instrument With Thermal Effect
Powered Stairway Chair Lift
Prealbumin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Prealbumin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Preamplifier, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
Preamplifier, Battery-Powered, Ophthalmic
Prelude Tongue Suspension System
Preparer, Root Canal Endodontic
Preservative, Cytological
Press, Vein
Print Industry Plate Maker
Prism, Bar, Ophthalmic
Prism, Fresnel, Ophthalmic
Prism, Gonioscopic
Prism, Rotary, Ophthalmic
Probe And Counter, Isotope, For Phosphorus 32
Probe And Director, Gastro-Urology
Probe, Blood-Flow, Extravascular
Probe, Ent
Probe, Lachrymal
Probe, Periodontic
Probe, Radiofrequency Lesion
Probe, Rectal, Non-Powered
Probe, Test, Heart-Valve
Probe, Thermodilution
Probe, Trabeculotomy
Probe, Uptake, Nuclear
Procainamide Control Materials
Process Control
Processor, Cervical Cytology Slide, Automated
Processor, Cine Film
Processor, Radiographic-Film, Automatic
Processor, Radiographic-Film, Automatic, Dental
Processor, Tissue, Automated
Product Incorporating Certified Class 1 Data Utility/Peripheral Laser Product
Product Incorporating Certified Class 1 Laser Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Product
Products, Contact Lens Care, Rigid Gas Permeable
Products, Red-Cell Lysing Products
Progenitor Cell Enumeration
Programmer, Changer, Film/Cassette, Radiographic
Programmer, Pacemaker
Projector, Ophthalmic
Prostate Lesion, Documentation, System
Prostate Seeding Kit
Prostate-Specific Antigen (Psa) For Management Of Prostate Cancers
Prostate-Specific Antigen (Psa) For Prognostic, Recurrence Risk Assessment Of Prostate Cancers
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Polymer, Cemented Or Non-Porous Cemented, Osteophilic Finish
Prosthesis, Adhesive, External
Prosthesis, Ankle, Cemented, Non-Constrained
Prosthesis, Ankle, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Composite
Prosthesis, Ankle, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Ankle, Uncemented, Non-Constrained
Prosthesis, Arterial Graft, Bovine Carotid Artery
Prosthesis, Breast, External, No Adhesive
Prosthesis, Breast, External, Used With Adhesive
Prosthesis, Breast, Inflatable, Internal, Saline
Prosthesis, Breast, Noninflatable, Internal, Silicone Gel-Filled
Prosthesis, Chin, Internal
Prosthesis, Condyle, Mandibular, Temporary
Prosthesis, Ear, Internal
Prosthesis, Elbow, Constrained, Cemented
Prosthesis, Elbow, Hemi-, Humeral, Metal
Prosthesis, Elbow, Hemi-, Radial, Polymer
Prosthesis, Elbow, Semi-Constrained, Cemented
Prosthesis, Esophageal
Prosthesis, Esophagus
Prosthesis, Eyelid Spacer/Graft, Biologic
Prosthesis, Facial, Mandibular Implant
Prosthesis, Fallopian Tube
Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Metal, Cemented
Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Metal, Uncemented
Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Finger, Constrained, Polymer
Prosthesis, Finger, Polymer
Prosthesis, Hip, Cement Restrictor
Prosthesis, Hip, Constrained, Cemented Or Uncemented, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Hip, Constrained, Cemented Or Uncemented, Metal/Polymer, + Additive
Prosthesis, Hip, Constrained, Metal
Prosthesis, Hip, Femoral Component, Cemented, Metal
Prosthesis, Hip, Femoral, Resurfacing
Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Acetabular, Cemented, Metal
Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal
Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal Ball
Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Femoral, Metal/Polymer, Cemented Or Uncemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Hemi-, Trunnion-Bearing, Femoral, Metal/Polyacetal
Prosthesis, Hip, Pelvifemoral Resurfacing, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Hip, Pelvifemoral Resurfacing, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained (Metal Cemented Acetabular Component)
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained (Metal Uncemented Acetabular Component)
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Composite/Metal
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Ceramic-On-Metal Articulation
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Ceramic, Cemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Ceramic/Metal, Cemented Or Uncemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Ceramic/Polymer, Cemented Or Non-Porous, Uncemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Metal, Resurfacing
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Cemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Porous Uncemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Metal/Polymer, Non-Porous, Calicum-Phosphate
Prosthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Metal/Polymer, Porous
Prosthesis, Intervertebral Disc
Prosthesis, Knee Patellofemorotibial, Partial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Non-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Non-Constrained, Metal/Composite Cemented
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Composite
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Trunnion-Bearing
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Unicompartmental/Unicondylar, Uncemented, Porous-Coated, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Femorotibial, Unicompartmental, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Mobile Bearing
Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Femoral
Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Femoral (Uncemented)
Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Patellar Resurfacing, Uncemented
Prosthesis, Knee, Hemi-, Tibial, Resurfacing (Uncemented)
Prosthesis, Knee, Hinged (Metal-Metal)
Prosthesis, Knee, Non-Constrained (Metal-Carbon Reinforced Polyethylene) Cemented
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femoral, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Metal
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Uhmwpe, Pegged, Uncemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Uncemented, Porous, Coated, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patello/Femorotibial, Unconstrained, Uncemented, Porous, Coated, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Polymer + Additive/Metal/Polymer + Additive
Prosthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Cemented, Polymer/Metal/Polymer
Prosthesis, Knee, Patellofemorotibial, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Mobile Bearing
Prosthesis, Laryngeal (Taub)
Prosthesis, Larynx (Stents And Keels)
Prosthesis, Ligament
Prosthesis, Ligament, Ptfe
Prosthesis, Maxilla
Prosthesis, Nail
Prosthesis, Nose, Internal
Prosthesis, Orthodontic
Prosthesis, Otoplasty
Prosthesis, Partial Ossicular Replacement
Prosthesis, Penile
Prosthesis, Penis, Inflatable
Prosthesis, Penis, Rigid Rod
Prosthesis, Ptfe/Carbon-Fiber
Prosthesis, Rib Replacement
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Constrained, Metal/Metal Or Metal/Polymer Cemented
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Hemi-, Humeral, Metallic Uncemented
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Humeral (Bipolar Hemi-Shoulder) Metal/Polymer, Cemented Or Uncemented
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Non-Constrained, Metal/Polymer Cemented
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer + Additive, Cemented
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer Cemented
Prosthesis, Shoulder, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented
Prosthesis, Spinous Process Spacer/Plate
Prosthesis, Subtalar, Plug, Polymer
Prosthesis, Suture, Cerclage
Prosthesis, Tendon, Passive
Prosthesis, Testicle
Prosthesis, Testicular
Prosthesis, Thigh Socket, External Component
Prosthesis, Toe (Metatarsophalangeal), Joint, Metal/Polymer, Semi-Constrained
Prosthesis, Toe, Constrained, Polymer
Prosthesis, Toe, Hemi-, Phalangeal
Prosthesis, Tracheal, Expandable
Prosthesis, Tracheal, Expandable, Polymeric
Prosthesis, Tracheal, Preformed/Molded
Prosthesis, Upper Femoral
Prosthesis, Urethral Sphincter
Prosthesis, Vas Deferans
Prosthesis, Vascular Graft, Of 6mm And Greater Diameter
Prosthesis, Vascular Graft, Of Less Then 6mm Diameter
Prosthesis, Wrist, 2 Part Metal-Plastic Articulation, Semi-Constrained
Prosthesis, Wrist, 3 Part Metal-Plastic-Metal Articulation, Semi-Constrained
Prosthesis, Wrist, Carpal Lunate
Prosthesis, Wrist, Carpal Scaphoid
Prosthesis, Wrist, Carpal Trapezium
Prosthesis, Wrist, Constrained, Metal
Prosthesis, Wrist, Constrained, Polymer
Prosthesis, Wrist, Hemi-, Ulnar
Prosthesis, Wrist, Semi-Constrained
Prosthestic Disc Nucleus Device
Prostrate Cancer Genes Nucleic Acid Amplification Test System
Protamine Sulphate
Protargol S
Protector, Dental
Protector, Hearing (Circumaural)
Protector, Hearing (Insert)
Protector, Ostomy
Protector, Silicate
Protector, Skin Pressure
Protector, Transducer, Dialysis
Protector, Wound, Plastic
Protein, Complement, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Prothrombin Fragment 1.2
Prothrombin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Prothrombin-Proconvertin And Thrombotest
Pulmonary (Pulmonic) Valvuloplasty Catheters/Percutaneous Valvuloplasty Catheter
Pulmonary Valve Prosthesis Percutaneously Delivered
Pulmonic Replacement Heart Valve
Pulmonic Valved Conduit
Pulse Generator, External Pacemaker, Dual-Chamber
Pulse Generator, Pacemaker, Implantable, With Cardiac Resynchronization (Crt-P)
Pulse Generator, Permanent, Implantable
Pulse-Generator, Pacemaker, External
Pulse-Generator, Program Module
Pulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Sensor Driven, Implantable
Pulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Single
Pump, Air, Non-Manual, For Endoscope
Pump, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Non-Roller Type
Pump, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Roller Type
Pump, Blood, Extra-Luminal
Pump, Breast, Non-Powered
Pump, Breast, Powered
Pump, Drug Administration, Closed Loop
Pump, Infusion
Pump, Infusion Or Syringe, Extra-Luminal
Pump, Infusion, Analytical Sampling
Pump, Infusion, Elastomeric
Pump, Infusion, Enteral
Pump, Infusion, Gallstone Dissolution
Pump, Infusion, Implanted, Programmable
Pump, Infusion, Insulin
Pump, Infusion, Insulin Bolus
Pump, Infusion, Insulin, To Be Used With Invasive Glucose Sensor
Pump, Infusion, Ophthalmic
Pump, Infusion, Pca
Pump, Nebulizer, Electrically Powered
Pump, Nebulizer, Manual
Pump, Portable, Aspiration (Manual Or Powered)
Pump, Vacuum, Electric, Suction-Type Electrode
Punch, Adenoid
Punch, Antrum
Punch, Attic
Punch, Biopsy
Punch, Biopsy, Surgical
Punch, Corneo-Scleral
Punch, Ent
Punch, Ethmoid
Punch, Femoral Neck
Punch, Gelfoam, Sterile
Punch, Nasal
Punch, Skull
Punch, Surgical
Punch, Tonsil
Punch,Gelfoam, Non-Sterile
Pupillometer, Ac-Powered
Pupillometer, Manual
Purifier, Air, Ultraviolet, Medical
Purifier, Water (Absorption, Deionization, Membrane Filter, Reverse Osmosis)
Purifier, Water, Ultraviolet, Medical
Pusher, Band, Orthodontic
Pusher, Socket
Pylon, Post Surgical
Qualitative Chemical Reactions, Urinary Calculi (Stone)
Quality Control Material, Genetics, Dna
Quality Control Slides
Rack, Clip
Rack, Skiascopic
Radial Diffusion, Amylase
Radial Immunodiffusion, Albumin
Radial Immunodiffusion, Lipoproteins
Radiant Infant Warmer Cabinet
Radiation Attenuating Medical Glove
Radio-Labeled Iron Method, Iron (Non-Heme)
Radioassay, 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids
Radioassay, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Radioassay, Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody
Radioassay, Methotrexate, Enzyme
Radioassay, Triiodothyronine Uptake
Radioassay, Vitamin B12
Radioceptor Assay, Neuroleptic Drugs
Radiographic Contrast Tray
Radiographic Protective Glove
Radioimmunoassay (Two-Site Solid Phase), Ferritin
Radioimmunoassay For Cyclosporine
Radioimmunoassay, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
Radioimmunoassay, Acth
Radioimmunoassay, Aldosterone
Radioimmunoassay, Amikacin
Radioimmunoassay, Amphetamine
Radioimmunoassay, Amphetamine (125-I), Goat Antibody, Ammonium Sulfate Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Androstenedione
Radioimmunoassay, Androsterone
Radioimmunoassay, Angiotensin I And Renin
Radioimmunoassay, Barbiturate
Radioimmunoassay, C-Peptides Of Proinsulin
Radioimmunoassay, Calcitonin
Radioimmunoassay, Cannabinoid(S)
Radioimmunoassay, Cholyglycine, Bile Acids
Radioimmunoassay, Cocaine Metabolite
Radioimmunoassay, Compound S (11-Deoxycortisol)
Radioimmunoassay, Conjugated Sulfalithocholic (Slcg) Acid, Bile Acids
Radioimmunoassay, Corticoids
Radioimmunoassay, Corticosterone
Radioimmunoassay, Cortisol
Radioimmunoassay, Cyclic Amp
Radioimmunoassay, Cyclic Gmp
Radioimmunoassay, Dehydroepiandrosterone (Free And Sulfate)
Radioimmunoassay, Desoxycorticosterone
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I)
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), Bovine Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tube Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Solid Phase Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H)
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digitoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tube
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I)
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Bovine Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Goat Antibody, 2nd Antibody Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Goat Antibody, Anion Exchange, Resin Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tube Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Double Label Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Polyethylene Glycol
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Second Antibody Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (125-I), Rabbit Antibody, Solid Phase Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H)
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Bovine Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Goat Antibody, 2nd Antibody Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Charcoal Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Digoxin (3-H), Rabbit Antibody, Coated Tubes Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Diphenylhydantoin
Radioimmunoassay, Estradiol
Radioimmunoassay, Estriol
Radioimmunoassay, Estrone
Radioimmunoassay, Ethosuximide
Radioimmunoassay, Etiocholanolone
Radioimmunoassay, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
Radioimmunoassay, Free Thyroxine
Radioimmunoassay, Gastrin
Radioimmunoassay, Gentamicin (125-I), Second Antibody Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Glucagon
Radioimmunoassay, Human Growth Hormone
Radioimmunoassay, Human Placental Lactogen
Radioimmunoassay, Immunoglobulins (D, E)
Radioimmunoassay, Immunoglobulins (G, A, M)
Radioimmunoassay, Immunoreactive Insulin
Radioimmunoassay, Kanamycin
Radioimmunoassay, Lsd (125-I)
Radioimmunoassay, Luteinizing Hormone
Radioimmunoassay, Methaqualone
Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (125-I), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Morphine (3-H), Goat Antibody Ammonium Sulfate Sep.
Radioimmunoassay, Morphine-Barbiturate (125-I), Goat Antibody
Radioimmunoassay, Netilmicin (I-125)
Radioimmunoassay, Parathyroid Hormone
Radioimmunoassay, Phencyclidine
Radioimmunoassay, Phenobarbital
Radioimmunoassay, Pregnenolone
Radioimmunoassay, Primidone
Radioimmunoassay, Progesterone
Radioimmunoassay, Prolactin (Lactogen)
Radioimmunoassay, Sisomicin
Radioimmunoassay, Testosterones And Dihydrotestosterone
Radioimmunoassay, Theophylline
Radioimmunoassay, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
Radioimmunoassay, Thyroxine-Binding Globulin
Radioimmunoassay, Tobramycin
Radioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens In Pregnancy
Radioimmunoassay, Total Estrogens, Nonpregnancy
Radioimmunoassay, Total Thyroxine
Radioimmunoassay, Total Triiodothyronine
Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
Radioimmunoassay, Vancomycin
Radiology Dental Tray
Radiology Diagnostic Kit
Radiometric, Fe59, Iron Binding Capacity
Radioreceptor Assay, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Ranging (Geodimeter) Laser Products
Rasp, Ear
Rasp, Frontal-Sinus
Rasp, Nasal
Rasp, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Razor, Surgical
Reader, Bar, Ophthalmic
Reader, Cervical Cytology Slide, Automated
Reader, Prism, Ophthalmic
Reader, Zone, Automated
Reagent & Control, Partial Thromboplastin Time
Reagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent
Reagent, Complement
Reagent, General Purpose
Reagent, Immunoassay, Carbonic Anhydrase B And C
Reagent, Immunoassay, Igg
Reagent, Leishmanii Serological
Reagent, Occult Blood
Reagent, Platelet Aggregation
Reagent, Rickettsia Serological
Reagent, Russel Viper Venom
Reagent, Schiff
Reagent, Thromboplastin And Control
Reagent,Blood Bank,Quality Control
Reagent/Device, Inoculum Calibration
Reagents, 2009 H1n1 Influenza Virus (Swine Origin), Nucleic Acid Or Antigen, Detection And Identification
Reagents, Antibody, Legionella, Direct & Indirect Fluorescent
Reagents, Clostridium Difficile Toxin
Reagents, Cysticercosis
Reagents, Test, Bromides
Reagents, Test, Tetrahydrocannabinol
Real Time Nucleic Acid Amplification System
Reamer, Pulp Canal, Endodontic
Recorder, Attention Task Performance
Recorder, External, Pressure, Amplifier & Transducer
Recorder, Magnetic Tape, Medical
Recorder, Paper Chart
Recorder, Pressure, Intrauterine
Recorder,Event,Implantable Cardiac,(With Arrhythmia Detection)
Recorder,Event,Implantable Cardiac,(Without Arrhythmia Detection)
Rectal Insert
Red-Cell Count By Photometry
Red-Cell Indices
Red-Cell Indices, Calculated
Red-Cell Indices, Measured
Red-Violet Lb
Reduced- Montage Standard Electroencephalograph
Refractive Corneal Implant
Refractometer For Clinical Use
Refractometer, Ophthalmic
Refractometric, Total Protein
Refractor, Manual, Non-Powered, Including Phoropter
Refrigerant, Topical (Vapocoolant)
Refrigerator, Freezer, Blood Storage
Regional Anesthesia Kit
Regulator, Pressure, Gas Cylinder
Regulator, Temperature
Regulator, Vacuum
Reliner, Denture, Over The Counter
Reminder, Medication
Remote Controller
Remover, Crown
Remover, Intrauterine Device, Contraceptive, Hook-Type
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator For Treatment Of Major Depressive Disorder
Replacement Heart-Valve
Replacement, Ossicular (Stapes) Using Absorbable Gelatin Material
Replacement, Ossicular Prosthesis, Total
Replacement, Total Ossicular, Prosthesis, Porous, Polyethylene
Replacer, Ureteral
Replacer, Urethral
Reprocessed Blood Pressure Cuff
Reprocessed Intravascular Ultrasound Catheter
Research Laser
Research Use Only/Clinical Chemistry Devices
Research Use Only/Clinical Toxicology
Research Use Only/Hematology Devices
Research Use Only/Immunology Devices
Research Use Only/Microbiology
Research Use Only/Pathology
Resectoscope, Working Element
Reservoir, Blood, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Resin, Denture, Relining, Repairing, Rebasing
Resin, Ion-Exchange, Ascorbic Acid, Colorimetry, Iron Binding Capacity
Resin, Ion-Exchange, Thioglycolic Acid, Colorimetry, Iron Binding Capacity
Resin, Root Canal Filling
Resin, Root Canal Filling Containing Chloroform
Resins, Ion-Exchange
Resins, Ion-Exchange, Liquid Chromatography
Resorbable Spinal Intervertebral Body Fixation Orthosis - Mesh
Resorbable Spinal Intervertebral Body Fixation Orthosis - Plate
Resorcin Fuchsin
Respirator, N95, For Use By The General Public In Public Health Medical Emergencies
Respiratory Syncytial Virus - Elisa
Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Antigen, Antibody, Ifa
Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System
Restoration, Base Metal
Restoration, Noble Metal
Restoration, Porcelain
Restoration, Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal
Restoration, Resin
Restoration, Resin, Crown And Bridge
Restorative Instrument And Component Tray (Kit)
Restraint, Patient, Conductive
Restraint, Protective
Restraint, Wheelchair, Non-Protective
Resuscitator,Manual,Non Self-Inflating
Retainer, Matrix
Retainer, Screw Expansion, Orthodontic
Retainer, Surgical
Retention Device, Suture
Retinol-Binding Protein, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Retinoscope, Ac-Powered
Retinoscope, Battery-Powered
Retractor, All Types
Retractor, Ent
Retractor, Fiberoptic
Retractor, Non-Self-Retaining
Retractor, Ophthalmic
Retractor, Self-Retaining
Retractor, Self-Retaining, For Neurosurgery
Retractor, Vaginal
Rf Identification
Rf-Excited Lighting
Rf/Microwave Hyperthermia System, Cancer Treatment
Rhinoanemometer (Measurement Of Nasal Decongestion)
Right Ventricular Bypass (Assist) Device
Ring (Wound Protector), Drape Retention, Internal
Ring Cutter
Ring, Annuloplasty
Ring, Crimp
Ring, Endocapsular
Ring, Joint
Ring, Laparotomy
Ring, Ophthalmic (Flieringa)
Ring, Teething, Fluid-Filled
Ring, Teething, Non-Fluid Filled
Rinse, Oral, Antibacterial (By Physical Means)
Rod, Colostomy
Rod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Accessories
Rod, Fixation, Intramedullary And Accessories, Metallic And Non-Collapsible
Rod, Measuring Ear
Romanowsky Stains
Rongeur, Cystoscopic
Rongeur, Cystoscopic, Hot
Rongeur, Lachrymal Sac
Rongeur, Manual
Rongeur, Mastoid
Rongeur, Nasal
Rongeur, Powered
Rose Bengal
Rotating Disc, Plasma Viscometry
Rotator, Prosthetic Heart Valve
Rotator, Transverse
Rt-Pcr Multigene Expression Test, Sentinel Lymph Node, Cancer Metastasis Detection
Rubella, Other Assays
Ruler, Nearpoint (Punctometer)
Saccharogenic, Amylase
Sacroiliac Joint Fixation
Saline, Vascular Access Flush
Saliva, Artificial
Sampler, Amniotic Fluid (Amniocentesis Tray)
Sampler, Blood, Fetal
Sampler, Endocervical
Saw, Bone, Ac-Powered
Saw, Electrically Powered
Saw, Laryngeal
Saw, Manual And Accessories
Saw, Nasal
Saw, Pneumatically Powered
Saw, Powered, And Accessories
Saw, Surgical, Ent (Electric Or Pneumatic)
Scaffold, Partial Medial Meniscal Defects Extending Into The Red/White Zone, Resorbable Bovine Collagen
Scale, Patient
Scale, Platform, Wheelchair
Scale, Sponge, Surgical, Electrically-Powered
Scale, Stand-On, Patient
Scale, Surgical Sponge
Scaler, Periodontic
Scaler, Rotary
Scaler, Ultrasonic
Scalpel, One-Piece
Scalpel, Ultrasonic, Reprocessed
Scanner, Color
Scanner, Fluorescent
Scanner, Rectilinear, Nuclear
Scanner, Whole Body, Nuclear
Scientific Crystallography
Scientific Use Ultrasound Products
Scissors For Cystoscope
Scissors, Collar And Crown
Scissors, Ear
Scissors, Episiotomy
Scissors, General, Surgical
Scissors, Medical, Disposable
Scissors, Nasal
Scissors, Ophthalmic
Scissors, Orthopedic, Surgical
Scissors, Surgical Tissue, Dental
Scissors, Umbilical
Scissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Non-Sterile
Scissors, Wire Cutting, Ent, Sterile
Scraper, Tongue
Scrapper, Skin Specimen
Screen, Intensifying, Radiographic
Screen, Leaded, Operator Radiation Protector
Screen, Tangent, Ac-Powered (Campimeter)
Screen, Tangent, Felt (Campimeter)
Screen, Tangent, Projection, Ac-Powered
Screen, Tangent, Projection, Battery-Powered
Screen, Tangent, Target
Screen, Tangent, Target, Battery-Powered
Screw, Fibroid, Gynecological
Screw, Fixation, Bone
Screw, Fixation, Bone, Non-Spinal, Metallic
Screw, Fixation, Intraosseous
Screw, Oral
Screw, Tonsil
Screwdriver, Skullplate
Screwdriver, Surgical
Sealant, Dural
Sealant, Microbial
Sealant, Pit And Fissure, And Conditioner
Searcher, Mastoid
Second Antibody (Species Specific Anti-Animal Gamma Globulin)
Security Accelerator
Security System
Security X-Ray System, Open Beam, Small
Seed, Isotope, Gold, Titanium, Platinum
Selector, Color, Spectacle, Lens, Tint
Selector, Size, Ostomy
Self-Contained Blood Grouping
Semi-Constrained Metal/Polymer Finger Joint Prosthesis
Seminal Fluid Collection Kit
Seminal Fluid, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Sensor, Blood-Gas, In-Line, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Sensor, Glucose, Invasive
Sensor, Pressure, Aneurysm, Implantable
Sensor,Electro-Optical(For Cervical Cancer)
Separator For Therapeutic Purposes, Membrane Automated Blood Cell/Plasma
Separator, Automated, Blood Cell And Plasma, Therapeutic
Separator, Automated, Blood Cell, Diagnostic
Separator,Semi-Automated,Blood Component
Septal Stapler/Absorbable Staples
Sera, Animal And Human
Sera, Reactive And Non-Specific Control, Fta-Abs Test
Set, Administration, For Peritoneal Dialysis, Disposable
Set, Administration, Intravascular
Set, Anesthesia, Obstetric
Set, Anesthesia, Paracervical
Set, Anesthesia, Pudendal
Set, Audiometer Calibration
Set, Blood Transfusion
Set, Dialysis, Single Needle (Co-Axial Flow)
Set, Dialysis, Single Needle With Uni-Directional Pump
Set, Dialysis, Single Needle With Uni-Directional Pump, Reprocessed
Set, Dialyzer Holder
Set, Filliform, Eustachian
Set, Gavage, Infant, Sterile
Set, Hollow Mill
Set, I.V. Fluid Transfer
Set, Laryngeal Injection
Set, Lens, Trial, Ophthalmic
Set, Oral Administration
Set, Perfusion, Kidney, Disposable
Set, Transfer (Blood/Plasma)
Set, Tubing And Support, Ventilator (W Harness)
Set, Tubing, Blood, With And Without Anti-Regurgitation Valve
Setter, Band, Orthodontic
Sewing Machine
Sex Crimes/Sexual Assault/Suspect Evidence Collection Kit (Excludes Hive Testing)
Shave Prep Kit
Sheath, Corrugated Rubber, For Non-Indwelling Catheter, Non-Sterile
Sheath, Corrugated Rubber, For Nonindwelling Catheter, Sterile
Sheet, Burn
Sheet, Recording, Breast Examination
Shell, Scleral
Shield, Circumcision
Shield, Eye, Ophthalmic (Including Sunlamp Protective Eyewear And Post-Mydriatic Eyewear)
Shield, Eye, Radiological
Shield, Gonadal
Shield, Nipple
Shield, Protective, Personnel
Shield, Vial
Shoe And Shoe Cover, Conductive
Shoe, Cast
Shoes, Operating-Room
Shunt, Central Nervous System And Components
Shunt, Peritoneal
Shunt, Portosystemic, Endoprosthesis
Sieves, Tissue
Sigmoidoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Sigmoidoscope, Rigid, Electrical
Sigmoidoscope, Rigid, Non-Electrical
Silicone, Liquid, Injectable
Silver Nitrate
Simulatan (Including Crossed Cylinder)
Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
Single Lead Over-The-Counter Electrocardiograph
Single Use Instrument Tray Kit
Sirius Red
Sirolimus Test System
Sizer, Heart-Valve, Prosthesis
Sizer, Mammary, Breast Implant Volume
Skid, Bone
Skin Prep Tray (Kit)
Skin Resurfacing Rf Applicator
Sleeve, Limb, Compressible
Slide Stainer, Automated
Slide Stainer, Contact Type
Slide Stainer, Immersion Type
Slides, Microscope
Sling, Arm
Sling, Arm, Overhead Supported
Sling, Overhead Suspension, Wheelchair
Snare, Ear
Snare, Enucleating
Snare, Flexible
Snare, Flexible, Reprocessed
Snare, Nasal
Snare, Non-Electrical
Snare, Rigid Self-Opening
Snare, Surgical
Snare, Tonsil
Sodium Hydroxide And Phenol Red (Titrimetric), Gastric Acidity
Sodium Periodate
Sodium Vapor Lamp
Software For Diagnosis/Treatment
Software, Blood Bank, Stand Alone Products
Software, Management, Microplate Assay
Software, Similarity Score Algorithm, Tissue Of Origin For Malignant Tumor Types
Software, Transmission And Storage, Patient Data
Solid State X-Ray Imager (Flat Panel/Digital Imager)
Solubility, Hemoglobin, Abnormal
Solution, Antimicrobial
Solution, Carnoy'S
Solution, Cement Disolving
Solution, Clarke'S
Solution, Cleaning/Lubricating, Artifical Eye
Solution, Cold Sterilizing
Solution, Copper Sulfate For Specific Gravity Determinations
Solution, Decalcifier, Acid Containing
Solution, Decalcifier, Electrolytic
Solution, Fontanna Silver
Solution, Formalin Ammonium Bromide
Solution, Formalin-Alcohol-Acetic Acid
Solution, Formalin-Sodium Acetate
Solution, Formol Calcium
Solution, Gugol Blue
Solution, Helly
Solution, Isotonic
Solution, Lugol'S
Solution, M-Nitrophenol, Specific Reagent For Cholinesterase
Solution, Newcomer'S
Solution, Orth'S
Solution, Removal, Carries
Solution, Silver Carbonate
Solution, Sodium Hyaluronate
Solution, Stabilized Enzyme
Solution, Zenker'S
Solution-Test Standard-Conductivity, Dialysis
Solvent, Adhesive Tape
Somatic Gene Mutation Detection System
Sorter, Cell
Sound Amplification Product
Sound, Metal, Interconnected
Sound, Urethral, Metal Or Plastic
Sound, Uterine
Source Localization Software For Electroencephalograph Or Magnetoencephalograph
Source, Abortion Unit, Vacuum
Source, Brachytherapy, Radionuclide
Source, Calibration, Sealed, Nuclear
Source, Carrier, Fiberoptic Light
Source, Chemiluminescent Light
Source, Isotope, Sealed, Gold, Titanium, Platinum
Source, Teletherapy, Radionuclide
Source, Wire, Iridium, Radioactive
Spacer, Cement
Spacer, Direct Patient Interface
Spatula, Cervical, Cytological
Spatula, Ophthalmic
Spatula, Orthopedic
Spatula, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Specimen/Tissue, Identification Orientation
Spectacle Microscope, Low-Vision
Spectacle, Magnifying
Spectacle, Operating (Loupe), Ophthalmic
Spectral Absorb. Curve, Oxyhemoglobin, Carboxyhemoglobin, Carbon-Monoxide
Spectrophotometric Method, Pregnanediol
Spectrophotometric Method, Pregnanetriol
Spectrophotometric, Uroporphyrin
Spectroscopy Instrument
Spectroscopy, Ultraviolet Fluorescence
Specula Accessories
Specula, Ophthalmic
Speculum, Ent
Speculum, Illuminated
Speculum, Non-Illuminated
Speculum, Rectal
Speculum, Vaginal, Metal
Speculum, Vaginal, Metal, Fiberoptic
Speculum, Vaginal, Nonmetal
Speculum, Vaginal, Nonmetal, Fiberoptic
Sperm, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Sperm, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Spermatocele, Alloplastic
Spinal Anesthesia Kit
Spinal Channeling Instrument, Vertebroplasty
Spinal Epidural Anesthesia Kit
Spinal Pedicle Screw, Fixation, Appliance System
Spinal Vertebral Body Replacement Device
Spinner System, Cell Culture
Spinner, Flask
Spinner, Slide, Automated
Spirometer, Diagnostic
Spirometer, Monitoring (W/Wo Alarm)
Spirometer, Therapeutic (Incentive)
Splint, Abduction, Congenital Hip Dislocation
Splint, Clavicle
Splint, Denis Brown
Splint, Endodontic Stabilizing
Splint, Extremity, Inflatable, External
Splint, Extremity, Non-Inflatable, External, Non-Sterile
Splint, Extremity, Noninflatable, External, Sterile
Splint, Hand, And Components
Splint, Intranasal Septal
Splint, Nasal
Splint, Temporary Training
Splint, Traction
Sponge, Ophthalmic
Spoon, Ear
Spoon, Ophthalmic
Sprays, Synthetic, Smear
Spreader, Bladder Neck
Spreader, Cuff
Spreader, Pulp Canal Filling Material, Endodontic
Spring, Orthodontic
Spud, Ophthalmic
St2 Assay
Stabilizer, Heart, Non-Compression, Reprocessed
Stabilizer, Shunt
Stages, Microscope
Stain, Fetal Hemoglobin
Stain, Papanicolau
Stain, Ponceau
Stain, Reticulocyte
Stain, Trichrome, Mallory'S
Stainer, Tissue, Automated
Stains, Chemical Solution
Stains, Dye Powder
Stains, Dye Solution
Stains, Heinz Body
Stains, Hematology
Stains, Microbiologic
Stand, Infusion
Stand, Instrument, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
Stand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Battery Powered
Stand, Instrument, Ophthalmic, Non-Powered
Standard Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Standards And Controls, Hemoglobin, Normal And Abnormal
Stannous Chloride - Hydrazine, Phospholipids
Staphylococcus Aureus Protein A Insoluble
Staphylococcus Aureus Somatic Antigens
Staple Driver
Staple, Absorbable
Staple, Fixation, Bone
Staple, Fixation, Bone, Metallic
Staple, Implantable
Staple, Implantable, Reprocessed
Staple, Removable (Skin)
Stapler, Surgical
Starch-Dye Bound Polymer, Amylase
Starter, Bone Screw
Static Electricity-Emitting Device, Cosmetic Use
Station, Dialysis Control, Negative Pressure Type
Station, Pipetting And Diluting, For Clinical Use
Stent, Carotid
Stent, Colonic, Metalic, Expandable
Stent, Coronary
Stent, Iliac
Stent, Renal
Stent, Superficial Femoral Artery
Stent, Ureteral
Stent, Urethral, Bulbous, Permanent Or Semi-Permanent
Stent, Urethral, Prostatic, Permanent Or Semi-Permanent
Stent, Urethral, Prostatic, Semi-Permanent
Stent, Vaginal
Stent,Urethral,External Sphincter,Permanent
Stereoscope, Ac-Powered
Stereoscope, Battery-Powered
Sterilant, Medical Devices
Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories
Sterilizer, Boiling Water
Sterilizer, Chemical
Sterilizer, Dry Heat
Sterilizer, Endodontic Dry Heat
Sterilizer, Ethylene-Oxide Gas
Sterilizer, Glass Bead
Sterilizer, Soft-Lens, Thermal, Ac-Powered
Sterilizer, Soft-Lens, Thermal, Battery-Powered
Sterilizer, Steam
Sterilizer, Tonometer
Sterilizers, Non-Medical
Stethoscope Head
Stethoscope, Electronic
Stethoscope, Esophageal
Stethoscope, Esophageal, With Electrical Conductors
Stethoscope, Fetal
Stethoscope, Manual
Stimulator, Auditory, Evoked Response
Stimulator, Autonomic Nerve, Implanted (Depression)
Stimulator, Autonomic Nerve, Implanted For Epilepsy
Stimulator, Bone Growth, Non-Invasive
Stimulator, Brain, Implanted, For Behavior Modification
Stimulator, Caloric-Air
Stimulator, Caloric-Water
Stimulator, Carotid Sinus Nerve
Stimulator, Cranial Electrotherapy
Stimulator, Electrical For Sperm Collection
Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response
Stimulator, Electrical, Implantable, For Incontinence
Stimulator, Electrical, Implanted, For Parkinsonian Symptoms
Stimulator, Electrical, Implanted, For Parkinsonian Tremor
Stimulator, Electrical, Non-Implantable, For Incontinence
Stimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneous, For Arthritis
Stimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneous, For Diabetic Retinopathy
Stimulator, Electrical, Transcutaneous, With Limted Output, For Aesthetic Purposes
Stimulator, Electro-Acupuncture
Stimulator, Fetal, Acoustic
Stimulator, Functional Neuromuscular, Scoliosis
Stimulator, Functional Walking Neuromuscular, Non-Invasive
Stimulator, Intracerebral/Subcortical, Implanted
Stimulator, Intramuscular, Automatic
Stimulator, Invasive Bone Growth
Stimulator, Low Electric Field, Tumor Treatment
Stimulator, Mechanical, Evoked Response
Stimulator, Muscle, Diagnostic
Stimulator, Muscle, Powered
Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, Dental
Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, For Muscle Conditioning
Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, With Limited Output, For Muscle Conditioning
Stimulator, Muscle, Powered, With Limited Output, For Rehabilitation
Stimulator, Nerve
Stimulator, Nerve, Ac-Powered
Stimulator, Nerve, Battery-Powered
Stimulator, Nerve, Electrial, Percutaneous (Pens), For Pain Relief
Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transcutaneous, For Migraine
Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transcutaneous, Limited Output, Arthritis Pain Relief
Stimulator, Nerve, Electrical, Transcutaneous, With Limited Output, For Pain Relief
Stimulator, Nerve, Peripheral, Electric
Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, For Pain Relief
Stimulator, Nerve, Transcutaneous, Over-The-Counter
Stimulator, Neuromuscular, External Functional
Stimulator, Neuromuscular, Implanted
Stimulator, Osteogenesis, Electric, Battery-Operated, Invasive
Stimulator, Peripheral Nerve, Implanted (Pain Relief)
Stimulator, Photic, Evoked Response
Stimulator, Salivary System
Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted (Pain Relief)
Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted For Peripheral Vascular Disease
Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Implanted, For Bladder Evacuation
Stimulator, Spinal-Cord, Totally Implanted For Pain Relief
Stimulator, Subcortical, Implanted For Epilepsy
Stimulator, Transcutaneous Electrical, Aesthetic Purposes
Stimulator, Transdermal
Stimulator, Ultrasound And Muscle, For Use In Applying Therapeutic Deep Heat
Stimulator, Ultrasound And Muscle, For Use Other Than Applying Therapeutic Deep
Stimulator, Vaginal, Muscle, Powered, For Therapeutic Use
Stimulator, Vestibular Acceleration, Therapeutic
Stimulator,Peripheral Nerve,Non-Implanted,For Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Stirrup, External Brace Component
Stocking, Elastic
Stocking, Medical Support (For General Medical Purposes)
Stocking, Medical Support (To Prevent Pooling Of Blood In Legs)
Stool, Anesthesia
Stool, Operating-Room
Stopcock, I.V. Set
Strap, Head, Gas Mask
Streptolysin O
Stretcher, Hand-Carried
Stretcher, Patient Restraint
Stretcher, Wheeled
Stretcher, Wheeled, Powered
String And Tubes, Gastrointestinal, To Locate Internal Bleeding
Strip, Adhesive, Closure, Skin
Strip, Craniosynostosis, Preformed
Strip, Dialysate Ph Indicator
Strip, Dialysate, Ph, Bicarbonate, Glucose, Acid, Indicator
Strip, Hama Igg, Elisa, In Vitro Test System
Strip, Paper, Salicylate
Strip, Polishing Agent
Strip, Schirmer
Strip, Temperature, Forehead, Liquid Crystal
Strip, Test Isoniazid
Strip, Test, Reagent, Residuals For Dialysate
Strip, Test, Reagent, Residuals For Dialysate, Disinfectant
Strip, Virulence, Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
Stripper, Artery, Intraluminal
Stripper, Surgical
Stripper, Vein, Disposable
Stripper, Vein, External
Stripper, Vein, External, Reprocessed
Stripper, Vein, Reusable
Stroller, Adaptive
Study, Platelet Adhesive
Stun Gun
Stylet For Catheter, Gastro-Urology
Stylet, Catheter
Stylet, Surgical, General & Plastic Surgery
Stylet, Tracheal Tube
Stylet, Ureteral
Substance, Blood Grouping Of Non-Human Origin For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Subsystem, Proportioning
Subsystem, Water Purification
Sucker, Cardiotomy Return, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Suction Control, Intracardiac, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Sudan Black B
Sudan Iii
Sudan Iv
Suit, Surgical
Sulfophosphovanillin, Colorimetry, Total Lipids
Sunglasses (Non-Prescription Including Photosensitive)
Sunlamp Products (Pre-Standard)
Suntan Bed
Suntan Lamp
Supplement, Culture Media
Supplies, Blood-Bank
Support Gels
Support, Arm
Support, Breathing Tube
Support, Head And Trunk, Wheelchair
Support, Head, Surgical, Ent
Support, Hernia
Support, Patient Position
Support, Scrotal, Therapeutic
Surgeon'S Gloves
Surgical Cardiac Ablation Device, For Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation
Surgical Device, For Ablation Of Cardiac Tissue
Surgical Film
Surgical Instruments, G-U, Manual (And Accessories)
Surgical Kithud
Surgical Mask With Antimicrobial/Antiviral Agent
Surgical Table Cushion
Surveying Laser Product
Susceptibility Test Cards, Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Test Plate, Antifungal
Susceptibility Test Powders, Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Test Powders, Antimycobacterial
Suture Kit
Suture Removal Kit
Suture, Absorbable
Suture, Absorbable, Natural
Suture, Absorbable, Ophthalmic
Suture, Absorbable, Synthetic
Suture, Absorbable, Synthetic, Polyglycolic Acid
Suture, Cardiovascular
Suture, Dental
Suture, Knot, Mechanical
Suture, Nonabsorable, Ophthalmic
Suture, Nonabsorbable
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Nitinol
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Silk
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Steel, Monofilament And Multifilament, Sterile
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polyamide
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polyester
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polyethylene
Suture, Nonabsorbable, Synthetic, Polypropylene
Suture, Recombinant Technology
Suture, Surgical, Absorbable, Polydioxanone
Suture, Surgical, Nonabsorbable, Expanded, Polytetraflouroethylene
Suture, Surgical, Nonabsorbable, Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride)
Synchronizer, Ecg/Respirator, Radiographic
Synchronizer, Electrocardiograph, Nuclear
Synchrotron, Medical
Synchrotron, Non-Medical
Syringe, Antistick
Syringe, Balloon Inflation
Syringe, Cartridge
Syringe, Ent
Syringe, Irrigating (Dental)
Syringe, Irrigating (Non Dental)
Syringe, Periodontic, Endodontic, Irrigating
Syringe, Piston
Syringe, Piston, Reprocessed
Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material
Syrup, Gum, Apathy'S
System Accessories, Extracorporeal
System And Accessories, Isolated Heart, Transport And Preservation
System, Ablation, Microwave And Accessories
System, Ablation, Ultrasound And Accessories
System, Abortion, Metreurynter-Balloon
System, Abortion, Vacuum
System, Alarm, Electrosurgical
System, Analysis, Electrophoretic Hemoglobin
System, Appendage Closure, Left Atrial
System, Applicator, Radionuclide, Manual
System, Applicator, Radionuclide, Remote-Controlled
System, Assisted Reproduction Laser
System, Automated Platelet Aggregation
System, Automated Scanning Microscope And Image Analysis For Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (Fish) Assays
System, Balloon, Intra-Aortic And Control
System, Balloon, Intra-Aortic And Control, Reprocessed
System, Blood Collection, Rna Stabilization, Rna Purification, Rt-Pcr Molecular Diagnostic Test
System, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assisted, Automated
System, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assisted, Manual
System, Blood Culturing
System, Blood, Extracorporeal And Accessories
System, Breath Measurement
System, Catheter Control, Reprocessed
System, Catheter Control, Steerable
System, Catheter Or Guidewire, Steerable (Magnetic)
System, Cement Removal Extraction
System, Communication, Non-Powered
System, Communication, Powered
System, Cryosurgical, Liquid Nitrogen, For Gastroenterology
System, Cryosurgical, Liquid Nitrogen, For Urology
System, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator, Gene Mutation Detection
System, Delivery, Allergen And Vaccine
System, Dialysate Delivery, Central Multiple Patient
System, Dialysate Delivery, Recirculating
System, Dialysate Delivery, Recirculating, Single Pass
System, Dialysate Delivery, Sealed
System, Dialysate Delivery, Semi-Automatic, Peritoneal
System, Dialysate Delivery, Single Pass
System, Dialysate Delivery, Single Patient
System, Dialysate Delivery, Sorbent Regenerated
System, Digital Image Communications, Radiological
System, Documentation, Breast Lesion
System, Ecg Analysis
System, Endovascular Graft, Aortic Aneurysm Treatment
System, Environmental Control, Powered
System, Esophageal Pacing
System, Evacuator, Fluid
System, External Fixator (With Metallic Invasive Components)
System, Facet Screw Spinal Device
System, Fibrinogen Determination
System, Gastrointestinal Motility (Electrical)
System, Hemodialysis, Access Recirculation Monitoring
System, Hemodialysis, Remote Accessories
System, Hemoglobin, Automated
System, Hyperthermia, Rf/Microwave (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia),Thermotherapy
System, Hypothermia, Intravenous, Cooling
System, Identification, Contact Lens
System, Image Management, Ophthalmic
System, Image Processing, Radiological
System, Imaging, Esophageal, Wireless, Capsule
System, Imaging, Fluorescence
System, Imaging, Gastrointestinal, Wireless, Capsule
System, Imaging, Holography, Acoustic
System, Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (Oct)
System, Imaging, Pulsed Doppler, Ultrasonic
System, Imaging, Pulsed Echo, Ultrasonic
System, Imaging, X-Ray, Electrostatic
System, Immunomagnetic, Circulating Cancer Cell, Enumeration
System, Intrafallopian Cannula
System, Irrigation, Urological
System, Isokinetic Testing And Evaluation
System, Laser, Fiber Optic, Photodynamic Therapy
System, Laser, Photodynamic Therapy
System, Laser, Transmyocardial Revascularization
System, Measurement, Blood-Pressure, Non-Invasive
System, Monitoring, For Progress Of Labor
System, Monitoring, Perinatal
System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies
System, Mycolic Acid Analysis, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging
System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic
System, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, Dna, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, Direct Specimen
System, Nucleic Acid Amplification, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex
System, Optical Impression, Computer Assisted Design And Manufacturing (Cad/Cam) Of Dental Restorations
System, Optical Position/Movement Recording
System, Perfusion, Kidney
System, Peritoneal, Automatic Delivery
System, Phonocatheter, Intracavitary
System, Photopheresis, Extracorporeal
System, Pressure Measurement, Intermittent
System, Processing For Frozen Blood
System, Radiation Therapy, Charged-Particle, Medical
System, Radiation Therapy, Neutron, Medical
System, Radiation Therapy, Radionuclide
System, Radionuclide Infusion
System, Reading, Television, Closed-Circuit
System, Rebreathing, Radionuclide
System, Rf/Microwave Hyperthermia, Cancer Treatment
System, Signal Isolation
System, Simulation, Radiation Therapy
System, Skin Closure
System, Suction, Lipoplasty
System, Suspension, Cell Culture
System, Telethermographic (Adjunctive Use)
System, Telethermographic (Sole Diagnostic Screen)
System, Telethermographic, Infrared
System, Test, Alpha-Fetoprotein, Ria
System, Test, Amino Acids, Free Carnitines And Acylcarnitines Tandem Mass Spectrometry
System, Test, Anticardiolipin Immunological
System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody
System, Test, Automated, Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Short Incubation
System, Test, Beta-2-Microglobulin Immunological
System, Test, Blood Glucose, Over The Counter
System, Test, C-Reactive Protein
System, Test, C-Reactive Protein, Rhodamine
System, Test, Carbohydrate Antigen (Ca19-9), For Monitoring And Management Of Pancreatic Cancer
System, Test, Carcinoembryonic Antigen
System, Test, Combs, Automated
System, Test, Fibrin/Fibrinogen Degradation Products For Monitoring Of Colorectal Cancer
System, Test, Genotypic Detection, Resistant Markers, Enterococcus Species
System, Test, Her-2/Neu, Ihc
System, Test, Her-2/Neu, Monitoring
System, Test, Her-2/Neu, Nucleic Acid Or Serum
System, Test, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
System, Test, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
System, Test, Immunological, Antigen, Tumor
System, Test, Infectious Mononucleosis
System, Test, Lipoprotein(A)
System, Test, Low Density, Lipoprotein
System, Test, Osteocalcin
System, Test, Oxalate
System, Test, Radioallergosorbent (Rast) Immunological
System, Test, Rheumatoid Factor
System, Test, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
System, Test, Thyroid Autoantibody
System, Test, Topiramatee
System, Test, Tumor Marker, Monitoring, Bladder
System, Test, Urinary Methylmalonic Acid
System, Test, Vitamin D
System, Therapeutic, X-Ray
System, Thermal Regulating
System, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal
System, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal (Sole Diagonistic Screen)
System, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal, Nonpowered (Adjunctive Use)
System, Thermographic, Liquid Crystal, Powered (Adjunctive Use)
System, Tomographic, Nuclear
System, Tomography, Computed, Emission
System, Transport, Aerobic
System, Urine Drainage, Closed, For Non-Indwelling Catheter, Non-Sterile
System, Urine Drainage, Closed, For Nonindwelling Catheter, Sterile
System, Vocal Cord Medialization
System, Water Jet Catheter, Renal
System, Water Purification, General Medical Use
System, X-Ray, Angiographic
System, X-Ray, Film Marking, Radiographic
System, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Image-Intensified
System, X-Ray, Fluoroscopic, Non-Image-Intensified
System, X-Ray, Mammographic
System, X-Ray, Mobile
System, X-Ray, Photofluorographic
System, X-Ray, Stationary
System, X-Ray, Tomographic
System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed
System,Concentration,Hematopoietic Stem Cell
System,Dental,Hydrokinetic,Carries Removal & Cavity Preparation
System,Detection,Bacterial, For Platelet Transfusion Products
System,Identification,Hepatitis B Antigen
System,In-Office Tinting,Contact Lenses
System,Microwave,Hair Removal
System,Network And Communication,Physiological Monitors
System,Non-Coherent Light,Photodynamic Therapy
System,Pacing,Temporary,Acute,Internal Atrial Defibrillation
System,Planning,Radiation Therapy Treatment
System,Separation,Hematopoietic Stem Cell
System,Surgical,Computer Controlled Instrument
System,Test,(Ihc),Tumor Marker,Monitoring,Bladder Cancer
System,Test,Antibodies,B2 - Glycoprotein I (B2 - Gpi)
System,Test,Breath Nitric Oxide
System,Test,Genotypic Detection,Resistant Markers,Staphylococcus Colonies
System,Test,Sodium,Enzymatic Method
System,Test,Total Antioxidant Status
System,Test,Tumor Marker,For Detection Of Bladder Cancer
System,Water,Reproduction,Assisted,And Purification
System,X-Ray,Extraoral Source,Digital
System/Device, Pharmacy Compounding
T-Cell Xtend Reagent
Table And Attachments, Operating-Room
Table, Cysto, Non-Electrical
Table, Cystometric, Electric
Table, Cystometric, Non-Electric And Accessories
Table, Examination, Medical, Powered
Table, Instrument, Manual, Ophthalmic
Table, Instrument, Powered, Ophthalmic
Table, Mechanical
Table, Obstetric (And Accessories)
Table, Obstetrical, Ac-Powered (And Accessories)
Table, Obstetrical, Manual (And Accessories)
Table, Operating-Room, Ac-Powered
Table, Operating-Room, Electrical
Table, Operating-Room, Manual
Table, Operating-Room, Mechanical
Table, Operating-Room, Non-Electrical
Table, Operating-Room, Pneumatic
Table, Physical Therapy, Multi Function
Table, Powered
Table, Radiographic, Non-Tilting, Powered
Table, Radiographic, Stationary Top
Table, Radiographic, Tilting
Table, Radiologic
Table, Slide Warming
Table, Surgical With Orthopedic Accessories, Ac-Powered
Table, Surgical With Orthopedic Accessories, Manual
Tablet, Resazurin
Tabletop Sunlamp System
Tack, Sacculotomy (Cody Tack)
Tampon, Menstrual, Scented, Deodorized
Tampon, Menstrual, Unscented
Tank, Holding, Dialysis
Tanks, Developing, Tlc
Tap, Bone
Tape And Bandage, Adhesive
Tape And Bandage,Adhesive(With Disinfectant)
Tape, Camera, Surgical
Tape, Measuring, Rulers And Calipers
Tape, Nystagmus
Tape, Orthopedic
Tape, Surgical, Internal
Target, Fusion And Stereoscopic
Teeth, Artificial, Backing And Facing
Teeth, Artificial, Posterior With Metal Insert
Teeth, Porcelain
Teeth, Preformed Gold Denture
Telephone Ringer
Telescope, Hand-Held, Low-Vision
Telescope, Implantable, Miniature
Telescope, Laryngeal-Bronchial
Telescope, Rigid, Endoscopic
Telescope, Spectacle, Low-Vision
Television Receiver, General Purpose, Color
Television Receiver, General Purpose, Monochrome
Television Receiver, Medical Imaging, Color
Television Receiver, Medical Imaging, Monochrome
Television, Less Than 25kv And Less Than 0.1 Mr/Hr
Temporary Cardiac Support Blood Pump
Temporary Carotid Catheter For Embolic Capture
Temporary Coronary Saphenous Vein Bypass Graft For Embolic Protection
Temporary Tissue Marker
Tenaculum, Uterine
Tent, Oxygen
Tent, Oxygen, Electrically Powered
Tent, Pediatric Aerosol
Test 5, 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Mutations, Genomic Dna Pcr
Test Reagents For Chloral Hydrate
Test Reagents For Ethyl Alcohol
Test Reagents For Methyl Alcohol
Test Reagents For Phenothiazine
Test Reagents For Sulphanimide Derivatives
Test Reagents, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Biochemical
Test Reagents, Zinc
Test System, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (Anca)
Test System, For Drugs Of Abuse
Test System, Nicotine, Cotinine, Metabolites
Test, Albumin Cobalt Binding
Test, Alpha Fetoprotein L3 Subfraction (Afp-L3%), For Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk Assessment
Test, Amphetamine, Over The Counter
Test, Anti-Tumor Cell Susceptibility
Test, Antigen, Nuclear, Epstein-Barr Virus
Test, Benzodiazepine, Over The Counter
Test, Breath Analysis, Volatile Organic Compounds
Test, Cannabinoid, Over The Counter
Test, Cervical Mucus Penetration
Test, Cholesterol, Total, Over The Counter
Test, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites, Over The Counter
Test, Creatinine, Over The Counter
Test, Cystatin C
Test, Ecarin Clotting Time (Ect)
Test, Epithelial Ovarian Tumor Associated Antigen (He4)
Test, Epithelial Ovarian Tumor-Associated Antigen (Ca125)
Test, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Test, Euglobulin Lysis
Test, Factor Ii G20210a Mutations, Genomic Dna Pcr
Test, Factor V Leiden Mutations, Genomic Dna Pcr
Test, Fibrinogen
Test, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (Fish), For Bladder Cancer Detection And Monitoring For Recurrence
Test, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Fsh), Over The Counter
Test, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Over The Counter
Test, Heparin Neutralization
Test, Hepatitis B (B Core, Be Antigen, Be Antibody, B Core Igm)
Test, Hiv Detection
Test, Immunity, Cell Mediated, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Test, Lactic Acid, Over The Counter
Test, Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase
Test, Leukocyte Peroxidase
Test, Leukocyte Typing
Test, Luteinizing Hormone (Lh), Over The Counter
Test, Malaria
Test, Methamphetamine, Over The Counter
Test, Morphine, Over The Counter
Test, Nitrite, Urinary, Non-Quantitative, Over The Counter
Test, Nr2 Antibody
Test, Occult Blood, Over The Counter
Test, Opiates, Over The Counter
Test, Prothrombin Consumption
Test, Qualitative And Quantitative Factor Deficiency
Test, Qualitative, Detection Of Dengue Igm And Igg Antibodies
Test, Screening, For D Positive Fetal Rbc'S
Test, Sickle Cell
Test, Sorbent, Fta-Abs
Test, Spectacle Dissociation, Ac-Powered (Lancaster)
Test, Spectacle Dissociation, Battery-Powered (Lancaster)
Test, Syphilis, Treponemal
Test, System, Immunoassay, Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2
Test, Temperature Discrimination
Test, Thrombin Time
Test, Thromboplastin Generation
Test, Time, Partial Thromboplastin
Test, Time, Prothrombin
Test, Triglycerides, Over The Counter
Test, Urea (Breath Or Blood)
Test, Urea Adult And Pediatric (Breath),
Test, Urine Leukocyte
Test, Volatile Organic Compounds Breath Analysis
Test,Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
Test,Equipment,Automated Bloodborne Pathogen
Test,Natriuretic Peptide
Test,Platelet Antibody
Test,Prostate Specific Antigen,Free,(Noncomplexed) To Distinguish Prostate Cancer From Benign Conditions
Test,Qualitative,For Hla,Non-Diagnostic
Test,Quantitative,For Hla,Non-Diagnostic
Test,Residual,Wbc In Leukoreduced Blood
Test,System,Potassium,Enzymatic Method
Test,Vaginal,Bacterial Sialidase
Test-Pattern, Radiographic
Tester, Auditory Impedance
Tester, Color Vision
Tester, Defibrillator
Tester, Electrode, Surface, Electrocardiographic
Tester, Electrode/Lead, Electroencephalograph
Tester, Pacemaker Electrode Function
Tester, Pulp
Tester, Stiffness, Cartilage, Arthroscopic
Tester,Acoustic,Bone Quality
Tetrabromo-M-Cresolsulfonphthalein, Albumin
Tetrabromophenolphthalein, Albumin
Tetrahydrofolate, Enzymatic (U.V.), Formiminoglutamic Acid
Tetraphenyl Borate, Colorimetry, Potassium
Tetrazolium Int Dye-Diaphorase, Lactate Dehydrogenase
Theophylline Control Materials
Thermocycler, Generic
Thermometer, Clinical Color Change
Thermometer, Clinical Mercury
Thermometer, Electronic, Clinical
Thermometer, Exhaled Breath
Thin Layer Chromatography, Amphetamine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Barbiturate
Thin Layer Chromatography, Benzodiazipine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Benzoylecgnonine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Cocaine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Codeine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Diphenylhydantoin
Thin Layer Chromatography, Ethosuximide
Thin Layer Chromatography, Metamphetamine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Methadone
Thin Layer Chromatography, Morphine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Opiates
Thin Layer Chromatography, Phencyclidine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Phenobarbital
Thin Layer Chromatography, Primidone
Thin Layer Chromatography, Propoxyphene
Thin Layer Chromatography, Quinine
Thin Layer Chromatography, Salicylate
Thin Layer Chromatography, Theophylline
Thin Layer Chroomatography, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
Thymol Blue Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Thymolphthalein Monophosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase Or Isoenzymes
Thyroglobulin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Thyroglobulin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Thyroglobulin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Tie, Dialysis
Timed Flow In Capillary, Plasma Viscometry
Timer, Apgar
Timer, Clot, Automated
Timer, Coagulation
Timer, General Laboratory
Tip, Rubber, Oral Hygiene
Tip, Vessel
Tips And Pads, Cane, Crutch And Walker
Tissue Adhesive For Ophthalmic Use
Tissue Adhesive For The Topical Approximation Of Skin
Tissue Adhesive For Use In Embolization Of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Tissue Adhesive, Aortic Aneurysmorrhaphy
Tissue Culture, Accessories, Dental
Tissue Graft Of 6mm And Greater
Tissue Graft Of Less Than 6mm
Tissue Rna Preservative For Collection, Storage, And Transportation
Titan Yellow
Titrimetric Permanganate And Bromophenol Blue, Calcium
Titrimetric Phenol Red, Carbon-Dioxide
Titrimetric With Edta And Indicator, Calcium
Titrimetric, Fatty Acids
Titrimetric, Magnesium
Tlc Chromatographic Separation Triglycerides
Toilet Seat Sanitizer
Toluidine Blue
Tomographic Imager Combining Emission Computed Tomography With Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Tomography, Optical Coherence
Tong, Skull For Traction
Tonometer (Calibration And Q.C. Of Blood-Gas Instruments), Clinical
Tonometer, Ac-Powered
Tonometer, Analyzer, Ocular Blood Flow
Tonometer, Manual
Tools, Pacemaker Service
Toothbrush, Ionic, Battery-Powered
Toothbrush, Manual
Toothbrush, Powered
Topical Approximation System
Topographer, Corneal, Ac-Powered
Topographer, Corneal, Battery Powered
Total Spinal-Fluid, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Total,Prostate Specific Antigen(Noncomplexed&Complexed) For Detection Of Prostate Cancer
Tourniquet Kit
Tourniquet, Automatic Rotating
Tourniquet, Gastro-Urology
Tourniquet, Nonpneumatic
Tourniquet, Pneumatic
Towel Cleaner
Tracheal Suction Set (Kit)
Tracheobronchial Suction Catheter Kit
Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray
Tracheostomy Kit
Tracking, Soft Tissue, Intraoperative
Transcatheter Septal Occluder
Transcatheter Septal Occluder (Atrial)
Transcatheter Septal Occluder (Ventricular)
Transducer, Apex Cardiographic
Transducer, Blood-Pressure, Extravascular
Transducer, Gas Flow
Transducer, Gas Pressure
Transducer, Gas Pressure, Differential
Transducer, Heart Sound
Transducer, Miniature Pressure
Transducer, Pressure, Catheter Tip
Transducer, Pressure, Intrauterine
Transducer, Tremor
Transducer, Ultrasonic
Transducer, Ultrasonic, Diagnostic
Transducer, Ultrasonic, Obstetric
Transducer, Vessel Occlusion
Transferrin, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Transferrin, Fitc, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Transferrin, Rhodamine, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Transformer, Endoscope
Transilluminator (Diaphanoscope)
Transilluminator, Ac-Powered
Transilluminator, Battery-Powered
Transilluminator, Fiber Optic
Transmitters And Receivers, Electrocardiograph, Telephone
Transmitters And Receivers, Physiological Signal, Radiofrequency
Transport Systems, Anaerobic
Transport, Patient, Powered
Transurethral Electrosurgical Unit, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Transurethral Occlusion Insert, Urinary Incontinence-Control, Female
Trap, Sterile Specimen
Tray, Biopsy, Without Biopsy Instruments
Tray, Blood Collection
Tray, Catheterization, Sterile Urethral, With Or Without Catheter (Kit)
Tray, Fluoride, Disposable
Tray, Impression, Preformed
Tray, Irrigation, Sterile
Tray, Leukocyte Typing
Tray, Start/Stop (Including Contents), Dialysis
Tray, Surgical
Tray, Surgical, Ent
Tray, Surgical, Instrument
Tray, Surgical, Needle
Treadmill, Mechanical
Treadmill, Powered
Trephine, Manual, Ophthalmic
Trephine, Sinus
Trichomonas Vaginalis Nucleic Acid Amplification Test System
Trinitrobenzene Sulfonate (Spectroscopic), Nitrogen (Amino-Nitrogen)
Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder Dna Test
Tripsor, Stone, Bladder
Trocar, Ent
Trocar, Gastro-Urology
Trocar, Laryngeal
Trocar, Reprocessed
Trocar, Sinus
Trocar, Tracheal
Trocar, Tracheal, Laryngeal, Sinus, Reprocessed
Trousers, Anti-Shock
Truss, Umbilical
Trypan Blue
Tryptase Assay System
Tryptophan Measurement (Colorimetric), Globulin
Tube Impression And Matrix
Tube Mount, X-Ray, Diagnostic
Tube Tracheostomy And Tube Cuff
Tube, Aspirating, Bronchoscope, Rigid
Tube, Aspirating, Flexible, Connecting
Tube, Bronchial (W/Wo Connector)
Tube, Cement Ventilation
Tube, Collection, Capillary Blood
Tube, Double Lumen For Intestinal Decompression And/Or Intubation
Tube, Drainage, Suprapubic
Tube, Ear Suction
Tube, Feeding
Tube, Gastro-Enterostomy
Tube, Laryngectomy
Tube, Levine
Tube, Nasogastric
Tube, Orthodontic
Tube, Sedimentation Rate
Tube, Shunt, Endolymphatic
Tube, Shunt, Endolymphatic With Valve
Tube, Single Lumen, W Mercury Wt Balloon For Intes. Intub. &/Or Decompression
Tube, Smoke Removal, Endoscopic
Tube, Thorpe, Uncompensated
Tube, Tissue Culture
Tube, Tonsil Suction
Tube, Toynbee Diagnostic
Tube, Tracheal (W/Wo Connector)
Tube, Tracheal, Reprocessed
Tube, Tracheal/Bronchial, Differential Ventilation (W/Wo Connector)
Tube, Tracheostomy (W/Wo Connector)
Tube, Tympanostomy
Tube, Tympanostomy With Semi-Permeable Membrane
Tube, Tympanostomy, Porous Polyethylene
Tubeless Analysis, Gastric Acidity
Tubes, Gastrointestinal (And Accessories)
Tubes, Vacuum Sample, With Anticoagulant
Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection
Tubing And Tubing/Filter Fits
Tubing, Dialysate
Tubing, Dialysate (And Connector)
Tubing, Fluid Delivery
Tubing, Instrumentation, Bronchoscope (Brush Sheath A/O Aspirating)
Tubing, Noninvasive
Tubing, Pressure And Accessories
Tubing, Pump, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Tubing, Replacement, Phacofragmentation Unit
Tubing/Tubing With Filter, Insufflation, Laparoscopic
Tungsten Halogen Lamp
Tunneled Catheter Remover
Turbidimetric Method, Globulin
Turbidimetric Method, Lipoproteins
Turbidimetric Method, Protein Or Albumin (Urinary, Non-Quant.)
Turbidimetric Method, Triglycerides
Turbidimetric, Total Protein
Tv View Finder (Exempted)
Twister, Brace Setting
Twister, Wire
Tyrosine Phosphatase (Ia-2) Autoantibody Assay
U.V. Light, Tlc
U.V. Method, Cpk Isoenzymes
U.V. Method, Galactose
U.V. Spectrometry, Carbamazepine
U.V. Spectrometry, Diphenylhydantoin
U.V. Spectrometry, Phenobarbital
U.V. Spectrometry, Primidone
U.V. Spectrometry, Theophylline
U.V. Spectrometry, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs
Ultrasonic Body Composition Analyzer
Ultrasonic Cutter
Ultrasound, Cyclodestructive
Ultrasound, Infusion, System
Ultrasound, Sinus
Ultrasound, Skin Permeation
Ultrasound,Hyperthermia, Cancer Treatment
Unit, Activation, Breath Control
Unit, Airflow, Laminar
Unit, Beta, Radiation, Ophthalmic
Unit, Cautery, Thermal, Ac-Powered
Unit, Cautery, Thermal, Battery-Powered
Unit, Chilling
Unit, Cryophthalmic
Unit, Cryophthalmic, Ac-Powered
Unit, Cryosurgical, Accessories
Unit, Cryotherapy, Ophthalmic
Unit, Drying
Unit, Electrolysis, Ac-Powered, Ophthalmic
Unit, Electrolysis, Battery-Powered, Ophthalmic
Unit, Electrosurgical
Unit, Electrosurgical Andcoagulation, With Accessories
Unit, Electrosurgical, And Accessories, Dental
Unit, Electrosurgical, Endoscopic (With Or Without Accessories)
Unit, Electrosurgical, Endoscopic (With Or Without Accessories), Reprocessed
Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent
Unit, Filter, Membrane
Unit, Fluidotherapy
Unit, Heating, Powered
Unit, Isolation, Surgical
Unit, Liquid-Oxygen, Portable
Unit, Neonatal Phototherapy
Unit, Operative Dental
Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories
Unit, Oral Irrigation
Unit, Phacofragmentation
Unit, Suction Operatory
Unit, Syringe, Air And/Or Water
Unit, Traction, Hip, Non-Powered, Non-Penetrating
Unit, Ultraviolet Sanitation/Sterilization (For Toothbrushes), Non-Sterile
Unit, Ultraviolet Sanitation/Sterilization (For Toothbrushes), Sterile
Unit, Wrist, External Limb Component, Mechanical
Unit, Wrist, External Limb Component, Powered
Unit, X-Ray, Extraoral With Timer
Unit, X-Ray, Intraoral
Upc Reader (Bar Code Reader)
Uranyl Acetate/Zinc Acetate, Sodium
Urease And Glutamic Dehydrogenase, Urea Nitrogen
Urease, Photometric, Urea Nitrogen
Ureteroscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Uridine-5-Diphosphoglucose, Nad (U.V.), Alpha-D Galactose-1-Phosphate
Urinalysis Controls (Assayed And Unassayed)
Urinary Carbohydrate Analysis Kit
Urinary Drainage Collection Kit, For Indwelling Catheter
Urinary Homocystine (Nonquantitative) Test System
Urine Collection Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Urine Transport Kit (Excludes Hiv Testing)
Urinometer, Electrical
Urinometer, Mechanical
Utensil, Eating
Utensil, Homemaking
Uterine Electromyographic Monitor
Uv Curing
Uv Lamp For Home Or Business Uses
Uv Lamp, Germicidal
Uv/Ir Research
Vacuum Powered Body Fluid Collection Kit
Vaginoscope And Accessories
Valve, Non-Rebreathing
Valve, Pressure Relief, Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Valve, Prosthesis
Valve, Switching (Ploss)
Valve, Tubal Occlusion
Valve, Ureterovesicle
Van Gieson'S Picro-Fuchsin
Van Gieson'S Stain
Vanillin Pyruvate, Alt/Sgpt
Vanillin Pyruvate, Ast/Sgot
Vapor Pressure, Osmolality Of Serum & Urine
Vaporizer, Anesthesia, Non-Heated
Varnish, Cavity
Vehicle And Cargo X-Ray System, Mobile
Vehicle And Cargo X-Ray System, Stationary
Vehicle, Motorized 3-Wheeled
Vending Machine
Ventilator, Continuous, Facility Use
Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support, Home Use
Ventilator, Continuous, Minimal Ventilatory Support,Facility Use
Ventilator, Continuous, Non-Life-Supporting
Ventilator, Emergency, Manual (Resuscitator)
Ventilator, Emergency, Powered (Resuscitator)
Ventilator, External Body, Negative Pressure, Adult (Cuirass)
Ventilator, High Frequency
Ventilator, Non-Continuous (Respirator)
Ventilatory Effort Recorder
Ventricular (Assisst) Bypass
Ventricular Bypass (Assist) Device
Vertebroplasty Compound, Calcium Based
Vessel Guard Or Cover
Vessel Guard Or Cover, To Facilitate Revision Surgeries
Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasonic Products
Veterinary Diagnostic X-Ray System
Veterinary Laser
Veterinary Optical Product
Veterinary Therapy Ultrasonic Products
Veterinary X-Ray Therapy System
Veterinary, Microwave Medical Products
Vibrator For Therapeutic Use, Genital
Vibrator, Therapeutic
Video Monitor, General Purpose, Color
Video Monitor, General Purpose, Monochrome
Video Monitor, Medical Imaging, Color
Video Monitor, Medical Imaging, Monochrome
Vinyl Patient Examination Glove
Viscometer, Mucus, Cervical
Vise, Bench, Surgical
Vise, Ossicular Finger, Non-Sterile
Vise, Ossicular Finger, Sterile
Visual, Pregnancy Hcg, Prescription Use
Visual, Semi-Quant. (Colorimetric), Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex Subunit One (Vkorc1) Genotyping System
Vitrectomy, Instrument Cutter
Voltage Gated Calcium Channel (Vgcc) Antibody Assay
Volumetric/Manometric, Carbon-Dioxide
Walker, Mechanical
Walker, Mechanical, Poly Vinyl Chloride (Pvc)
Warmer, Anesthetic Tube
Warmer, Blood, Electromagnetic Radiation
Warmer, Blood, Non-Electromagnetic Radiation
Warmer, Infant Radiant
Warmer, Irrigation Solution
Warmer, Microwave, Infusion Fluid
Warmer, Peritoneal Dialysate
Warmer, Thermal, Infusion Fluid
Washer Of Body Waste Receptacles
Washer, Bolt Nut
Washer, Bolt, Nut, Non-Spinal, Metallic
Washer, Cleaner, Automated, Endoscope
Washer, Endometrial
Water Immersion Labor Pool
Water Purifier
Water, Vascular Access Flush
Water-Induced Thermotherapy System, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Wax, Dental, Intraoral
Wearable Automated External Defibrillator
Weather Doppler
Weights, Eyelid, External
Wet Ash Method, Protein-Bound Iodine
Wheel, Polishing Agent
Wheelchair, Mechanical
Wheelchair, Powered
Wheelchair, Special Grade
Wheelchair, Stair Climbing
Wheelchair, Standup
Whole Blood Hemoglobin Determination
Whole Blood Plasma, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Whole Human Serum, Antigen, Antiserum, Control
Winged Intravenous Catheterization Kit
Wire, Fixation, Intraosseous
Wire, Guide, Catheter
Wire, Orthodontic
Wire, Surgical
Wireless (Cordless) Telephone
Withdrawal/Infusion Pump
Wound Cleaner, Ultrasound
Wound Drain Catheter System
Wound Dressing With Poly(Diallyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride)(Pdadmac)
Wrap, Implant, Orbital
Wrap, Sterilization
Wright'S Stain
Wristlet, Patient Return
X-Ray Controls - Fluoroscopic
X-Ray Controls - Radiographic
X-Ray Controls ? Combination
X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Field Indicator Light (Laser)
X-Ray Field Indicator Light Field (Non-Laser)
X-Ray Fluorescence
X-Ray Image Receptor
X-Ray Spectroscopy
X-Ray Thickness Gauge
X-Ray, Tomography, Computed, Dental
Yersinia Spp. Reagents
Yoke Assembly, Medical Gas
Zimmerman (Spectrophotometric), 17-Ketosteroids
Zimmerman/Norymberski, 17-Ketogenic Steroids
Zinc Oxide Eugenol